Gujian 3


I smell a... wumpus!?
August 3, 2008
Kansas City

Anyone heard of this one? Reviews are fairly good and the screenshots are gorgeous. The trailer made the animations look a bit robotic and it's very much an action game.

Also, how are we supposed to classify this!? From what I've seen it's very heavy on story but not on choices, which is classic JRPG in my book - but it's made in China. Mixing up China and Japan is not going to go over well! So CRPG… but we're still using that for, well… it's still being used. <ahem> So what are we supposed to do? Spell it out?? Perish the thought!! Maybe 中文RPG?

Looks like China had a national day of mourning for the virus victims and part of that was shutting down the DRM server. Not a bad thought, IMHO, but it wasn't communicated well at all so players just saw "network issue" errors for a day.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
My small steam review, played it for about 15h

It was interesting at first but after some time it loses focus, especially the main story, which was the selling point of the game in my opinion. At some point you have to fish, farm, gather stuff and so on, lots of sims stuff. English translation is not that good, lots of weird words in it; add the always online drm crap, the fact that you cant change resolution while in fullscreen and the bad optimization in certain areas and the negative things pile up. Overall, its a mixed game, but since steam rating options are still from the stone age, it goes to a negative.
I saw some reviews complaining about the grinding in the game - good to have confirmation.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
That title was already mentioned before somewhere and I posted no buy because you never know when the DRM server will be shut down.
I have no idea why this singleplayer game has such DRM, but I don't care either. Plenty of other singleplayer games to play without risking some granny pulling the plug just because.

For those who don't care about the always online thing, it's currently discounted (-34%).
Apr 12, 2009
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