What games are you playing now?

I don't know. I found D:OS-2 pretty easy on tactical. Mind you there are a few rough fights - in the first part of the game the witch - and later in the third part of the game there are 3 to 5 really hard fights on tactical but nothing impossible. Also since playing I've heard of some massive 'cheats' using tea to make things easier. Not sure I see the need to make things easier with tea but if you find it too hard there are ways to make it a bit less difficult. Or of course you could play on a less difficult setting. Saying the game is too hard but you dont' want to lower the difficulty level - well that is just mental.

My problem with D:OS2 wasn't just that its "difficult". I hated the fact you can only learn new abilities when you find skillbooks. I often found I don't have enough skills to come up with tactics. Enemies always started on top, giving them advantage. They teleport, jump around everywhere but I don't have similar skills on most characters so I have to go chase them on the foot, running into various of elemental crap on the ground everytime that changes every turn. Simply lowering difficulty doesn't address that issue.

At the end, I decided not to waste my precious time going through each combat for lile 30mins.
But skill books are everywhere. Mind you in the first part of the game you can't buy them all - but part of the strategy is picking the ones you need for that part of the game. And if you can't find them and you can't afford them - you can always write a few of them yourself.
Anyway that's what tactis is all about. On easy or the level above easy you don't even have to spend much time thinking about skill books - just whack - a - whack. Now the actual story could use some improvements and the some (many?) of the quests could be made more interesting. But there are some really nice part - like bring a certain character in your party and they know certain people who give you free stuff - or have another character in your party and they know other people who do other things - or well don't forget that if you have that person in your party - those people can't stand you and... really it isn't a horrible game.

My problem with D:OS2 wasn't just that its "difficult". I hated the fact you can only learn new abilities when you find skillbooks. I often found I don't have enough skills to come up with tactics. Enemies always started on top, giving them advantage. They teleport, jump around everywhere but I don't have similar skills on most characters so I have to go chase them on the foot, running into various of elemental crap on the ground everytime that changes every turn. Simply lowering difficulty doesn't address that issue.

At the end, I decided not to waste my precious time going through each combat for lile 30mins.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
But skill books are everywhere.

Wasn't the case for me. Not the money issue. I literally didn't find many vendors that sells book I can learn (due to class restrictions or what not). You found it "tactical", I found it plain dumb that my characters are so retarded they can't learn skills on their own without these books.

Why would I want to play a RPG where you simply lower the difficulty to brute force stuff? That's not fun.
Wasn't the case for me. Not the money issue. I literally didn't find many vendors that sells book I can learn (due to class restrictions or what not). You found it "tactical", I found it plain dumb that my characters are so retarded they can't learn skills on their own without these books.

Isn't that true for almost all games? Starting from Bards Tale where you have to get to a council to even level up. ^^
But yeah...also never had issues to find any books. And if I remember correctly you also had at least two types of teleports. One "good" one, and one where you fell to the ground. And I think there was a third for rangers to jump around. But my memory might fail me here.
Jun 2, 2012
I found Divinity Original Sin the second to be such an obtuse game that I seriously doubt I'll ever replay the bloody thing. The first game I might, but that second one, no. Not ever, I'm just not that desperate.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Obtuse?? It seemed pretty straightforward to me. (Also, Lohse was acutee ;))
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Changing difficulty only affects enemy stats, while my main gripe is them having inasane initative, action points (Aeterna casting 8 spells per turn), and uber cheat spells: Vorrh's multi-target never-expiring chains, Aeterna's insta-death Hailstorm, etc. Although speaking of stats, like everything else about NPCs in this game, on Classic thier Health and Armor are about double that of my party. Shouldn't Classic difficulty imply that it's on par with the previous games, not Dark Souls?
Jul 7, 2010
I don't understand this - in the first area (fort joy) there are (I believe) 6+ vendors that sell books for all classes (caster, thieves, warriors, necro, ...) so i'm having a hard time understanding what class you were playing for which no books were available ?

Wasn't the case for me. Not the money issue. I literally didn't find many vendors that sells book I can learn (due to class restrictions or what not). You found it "tactical", I found it plain dumb that my characters are so retarded they can't learn skills on their own without these books.

Why would I want to play a RPG where you simply lower the difficulty to brute force stuff? That's not fun.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
I don't understand this - in the first area (fort joy) there are (I believe) 6+ vendors that sell books for all classes (caster, thieves, warriors, necro, …) so i'm having a hard time understanding what class you were playing for which no books were available ?

Hydro mage. Each vendor only seem to sell skill books specific to each class or element. I may have not found all vendors available since the map was always covered with interactable craps, which mostly ends up as an unintended stealing.
That would be the lizard-guy near Griff's place. I could never afford skill books in Fort Joy though - no thieves in my party.
Jul 7, 2010
Yep lizard guys sells your hydro books. Mind you you might only be able to afford one or possibly two but he sells them ! And if you can't steal em and you can't buy them there are alternative ways to obtain them.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
That's true but only if you do things a certain way... I didn't want to give up a powerful ring for example.
Jul 7, 2010
Playing Brigand: Oaxaca. Having a blast, it's a janky, low-budget FPS CRPG with a focus on the RPG elements. Inspirations include Gothic and Deus Ex, and you can certainly tell. I posted an interview with the dev, Brian, in the General RPG section.
Sep 5, 2018
Playing Brigand: Oaxaca. Having a blast, it's a janky, low-budget FPS CRPG with a focus on the RPG elements. Inspirations include Gothic and Deus Ex, and you can certainly tell. I posted an interview with the dev, Brian, in the General RPG section.

I took a look at the Steam page and... yeah, you're not kidding about the jankiness. The character design is atrocious.
Dec 7, 2019
I took a look at the Steam page and… yeah, you're not kidding about the jankiness. The character design is atrocious.

Nah, it's charming to me. The gameplay is also very satisfying. It's a good game, don't judge a book by its cover! :)
Sep 5, 2018
Playing Two Worlds: Epic edition.
Lots of fun jankiness in the game. Forgot how silly the voice acting was but it kinda grows on me. I downloaded some reshaders and graphics so its not crazy bad as it was when it released. I have to say, I'm still amazed that team pulled this off that long ago. They made a valiant effort.
Aug 13, 2013
Dragon's dogma dark arisen. It took me a while to see through the arcade-ness of it all, but if you follow the story missions it is kind of fun. You just have to make sure to enter combat only when necessary (for a quest) to avoid a burnout. The respawning is hell.

I was surprised by the consequences. You can easily get locked out of important quests, which is annoying at first but actually nice. The only problem is you have no idea which actions will lead to which consequences. Having only one save (two actually: manual/autosave and the inn/rift save) makes it impossible to reload.
Jun 5, 2009
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