What Game Should I Play Next?


August 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
This may be a bad sign - an indication of losing interest, or perhaps too many @#$%^&* games on the shelf, or … take you pick.

Age of Wonders II: The Wizard's Throne
Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic
Arx Fatalis
Avencast: Rise of the Mage
Blade of Darkness
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Disciples II: Gallean's Return
Disciples II: Rise of the Elves
Doom Collector's Edition
Elven Legacy
Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone
Full Spectrum Warrior
Gothic 1
Gothic 3
Heroes of Might and Magic V: Hammers of Fate
Heroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the East
Jagged Alliance
Jagged Alliance 2
Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games
Mass Effect
Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares
Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven
Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor
Might and Magic: World of Xeen
Neverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of Westgate
Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir
Overlord II
Overlord: Raising Hell
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
Sacred Underworld
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
Sins of a Solar Empire
Space Rangers 2: Rise of the Dominators
SpellForce 2: Dragon Storm
SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars
SpellForce: Shadow of the Phoenix
SpellForce: The Breath of Winter
SpellForce: The Order of Dawn
Star Wars TIE Fighter: Collector's CD-ROM
Starcraft Battlechest
Supreme Commander
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
The Elder Scrolls: Chapter II: Daggerfall
The Forgotten Realms Archive
The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth
Two Worlds
Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth Of Worlds
Ultima Underworld: The Stygian Abyss
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
X-COM: UFO Defense
X3: Terran Conflict

Any opinions regarding anything appreciated!
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Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
What about writing a BASIC pogram that makes the choice for you by using RANDOMIZE ? ;) :D
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Ooops, almost forgot:

Add Starcraft Battlechest to that list!
Also, Titan Quest won't stay off the list.

I must be losing it: Doom Collector's Edition also should be on the list...
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Demon Stone is, well, highly forgettable. If you're not used to beat 'em up games you'll likely find it little more than a pain in the arse. It's very little like other D&D games, and I'd tentatively call it an action RPG.

Dark Messiah Might & Magic is quite a good game if you can forgive its flaws. It's not the most balanced game and it has a number of flaws (Such as its controls) which can take away from the experience. If you've played the previous M&M games, then let me say this is nothing like them. It's in Ubisoft's own M&M setting (i.e. the one they use for HoMMV) and it's really only good for one or two runs.

Been playing Overlord recently (Steam sale FTW), and it's absolutely hilarious. I find it best to play in short bursts, but if you've got a sense of humour then you'll be laughing quite often and really enjoy it. Wouldn't say it's supremely balanced but it'll keep you on your toes. Despite it's polish, I think the animations for NPCs are terrible. It doesn't take itself seriously at all, so don't blame it for being cliché, childish or anything.

Torchlight is, in my opinion, vastly overrated. However, if you like Titan Quest or Diablo, I think you'd like it.

Portal'll keep you busy for an afternoon or an evening, but it's not a long game at all. Very good game, however.

I don't like V:TM-B from what I've played. Yes, I understand it wasn't in a great situation financially nor from a development point of view, but I find the animations poor, the graphic quality is all over the place, it's buggy and it's just... I think even Two Worlds was more polished. For a game from a major publisher, it's horrific.

They're the only ones I can really comment on, to be honest.
Jul 17, 2010
England, UK
As Dwagginz pointed out Portal is pretty short and enjoyable, if you're looking for something "light" it's a great choice.
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
Both are First Person and Dark Messiah is also relatively short, that said it's at least twice as long as Portal and there's not much story to keep you going, the combat was refreshing and the visuals were impressive back then.
I remember reading that Dark Messiah was very similar to Arx Fatalis.

Bloodlines is a masterpiece and is well worth your 30 hours.
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
I remember reading that Dark Messiah was very similar to Arx Fatalis.

Those 2 games are nothing alike at all. Dark Messiah is a first-person action RPG, although I use the term "RPG" lightly in this case. Arx Fatalis is more of an old fashioned dungeon romp, and offers a lot more in terms of actual role-playing.

Bloodlines is a masterpiece and is well worth your 30 hours.

Absolutely, one of the best games on that list, and a must-play for any crpg fan imo.

The other games on that list that stand out to me are Gothic 1 and Risen.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Those 2 games are nothing alike at all. Dark Messiah is a first-person action RPG, although I use the term "RPG" lightly in this case. Arx Fatalis is more of an old fashioned dungeon romp, and offers a lot more in terms of actual role-playing.
If that's the case then I guess any similarities might have been overblown due to them having the same developer.

Gothic 1 is extremely similar to Risen and I'd suggest trying the latter first as G1's controls were never inviting to new players.
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
The controls in Gothic are nothing terribly complicated or inconvenient. Some people have had a tendency to exaggerate in regards to that game.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I have a similar dilemma oftentimes, too many choices. I then end up stuck, it gets late, and I'm playing nothing when that happens. I end up on 4chan or soemthing, and that just totally compounds the retardedness, er retardidity??? on my part. Pick 6, roll a 6 sided die and go w/ your choice. Or be a total geek about it and pick a few from different genres and roll a D20

If youve never played BLoodlines, youre missing out. Avencast is a fun game to beat over the weekend. Overlord was a cool game, liked that one a lot…

If i had to cast my vote, I'd say Bloodlines.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I sometimes just go after my feeling, it's like listening to my "inner child".
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I've played G2 and liked it's controls. I understand that G1 controls are different, but manageable?
As long as you keep in mind that pressing 'enter' will change you back (from being a meatbug I mean) you should be safe :).
Aug 31, 2006
If you're in the mood for strategy go with Jagged Alliance 2.

If you want an excellent RPG experience go with Bloodlines with Wesp's patch.

If you want a bit of RPG, strategy and comedy go with Overlord.

Feeling like building a civilization go with Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri.

I can't believe you haven't played any games from The Forgotten Realms Archive If you want to go old-school then play any of the goldbox games on that one.

You don't have any good FPS on that list. Stalker: Clear Sky is not that good and Full Spectrum Warrior sucked big time. I played that twice and that was it. If you want a good FPS then play Stalker: Call of Pripyat.
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Feb 3, 2007
As long as you're willing to go old skool, you've got some bonafide "Best Evah" classics tucked into your list.

MM5 (World of Xeen), MM6 and MM7, X-Com
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
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