What annoys you?



(besides me)

Since I'm in a bad mood, I felt like coming up with a few "online" things that annoy me.

I'll start with just one:

1. When people think praising an old game = nostalgia

What annoys you?
It annoys me when some guy post some stupid comment on a forum and click "submit reply" before they even finished up the
Oct 26, 2006
when otherwise "constructive" threads turn into a multiplayer deathmatch, which usually doesn't take long. snipers, flamers, brutes, etc. it would shock me and make me quite happy to see more threads that had at least some "team" mentality to them or at least the illusion of one.
Oct 26, 2006
That's hard to achieve with anonymity :)

An easy way to go about it, would be to just accept that DArtagnan is probably right - as usual!
1. When people create threads about what annoys them because they are in a bad mood.
2. When people don't let you get off the bus because they are in a hurry to get on, fortunately that is unusual here.
Oct 25, 2006
It annoys me when some guy post some stupid comment on a forum and click "submit reply" before they even finished up the

I don't always finish my posts, but when I do
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Two things that really annoy me:

1) When people post statistics without links or some other justification. Usually they either made them up or are just parroting some talking head (who usually either got it wrong or the viewer misunderstood).

2) People who are disrespectful of other people's religious beliefs. I enjoy discussing differences in beliefs, but I really hate it when someone puts out their belief (or lack their of) as the absolute truth. I almost always put "I believe" before making any statement about my faith. I may tell someone I disagree, but I never tell them they are wrong (unless they are quoting something incorrectly or something like that).

Great example was a discussion I had on another board a few years ago about baptism. Someone was asking about getting their newborn baptized. It went well for a while until two 'Holier than thou Christians' stepped in. The first was a Southern Baptist who started railing on about how infant baptism was wrong and that none of us were really baptized because we were done so as infants. That brought out the Pentecostal (I believe that's what he was) who went on that none of us were baptized because we were not fully immersed in water. Never did they just state their beliefs, just went on about how the rest of our beliefs were WRONG.

Along those lines, I really despise the atheists that feel the need to belittle other's beliefs by using insulting terms like 'Invisible Sky Father' or 'Fairy Tales' in a religious discussion. It's really disgusting and I pity them.
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
I enjoy discussing differences in beliefs, but I really hate it when someone puts out their belief (or lack their of) as the absolute truth.

You are wrong.
Oct 26, 2006
Oct 26, 2006
What was that Austin Powers line that Myrthos used to have in his signature? "I hate intolerance. And the Dutch."

As a more serious answer, I have little patience for hypocrisy.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
troll topics that pop up as the most current thread on the RPGWatch - usually from the Religion and Politics forum
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
On the net I am annoyed by websites that check my browser and post in huge leters that I should change it as they can't be bothered to support different software
Sep 2, 2010
Melbourne, Australia
Actually very little annoys me. Now. Or rather, the things that annoy me don't mean as much to me as they used to. They're not that important anymore. There are for instance things the wife does that I find irritating and I sometimes they made me angry at her. But all in all they're mostly insignificant and I'm a bit amused by my reactions now. Similarly with my daughters and father-in-law.

It may have somtehing to do with my age. I noticed that both my father and my grandfather who were rather strict in their views in their younger days became significantly more flexible and mellow approaching level 60. And level 60 is only 2 1/2 years away for me.

Another thing is that after years in therapy I've become quite good at paying attention to my reactions and analyzing them, to determine whether they're important or not, and what to do about them.

Oh, there is one thing: people smoking in my proximity. I hate that! But I probably shouldn't.

pibbur who maybe should be annoyed by people who is annoyed
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