General News - Seven or Eight D&D Games in the Works

You are right, but the market segments will have different rations of revenues and expenditures which can be used as prediction for future titles. So it's not only testing the market but also testing development.

Developpment in what, of what. The market studies are already done. How many of these 7 or 8 vid products are going to be based party, RTwP.
Mar 29, 2011
I doubt I'll be anywhere near as interested in any of these as the unofficial ones: Realms Beyond: Ashes of the Fallen (3.5e OGL) and Solasta: Crown of the Magister (5.1e OGL), but I'd love to be proven wrong
Apr 9, 2013
Is that right? Good to hear! I don't spend time on P&P these days sadly, but I was under the impression 5E was very much tied to Forgotten Realms. If that's not the case I'm delighted - I hope we get a Ravenloft game in the mix :). Or preferably something Dragonlance related - I'd so love to see that.

There are references to Dragonlance in the 5e players handbook, but there hasn't been anything new released there in a long time (at least that I'm aware of). Ebberon is a popular newer campaign setting that has been getting some love in 5e though.

My understanding is that D&D is currently the most popular/successful it's ever been. Most people attribute that to the popularity of D&D podcasts making it more accessible to people and the increased media presence on shows like Strangers Things. So it certainly seems like a good time for it to return to the computer game realm.
Apr 14, 2011
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