My Time at Portia - Simulation RPG Game


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
My Time at Portia is a Simulation RPG game in the vein of Stardew Valley. Download the demo here.

This is the trailer for My Time At Portia's first alpha build release. The build can be downloaded on our website at My Time At Portia is a simulation RPG game that takes place in a world far into the future where humans are few and relics are everywhere. The player receives a broken down workshop and goes from there. Enjoy!
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand

I don't mean to sound like a prude…

But while I loved most everything about the demo-the art style and music are fantastic and have a cute 'storybook' charm to them the one thing I don't get is the nun with her boobs pupping out
zede05 [developer]

Haha, I knew a backlash would happen. Take this up with our project lead, whose female. She thought all of our designs were too conservative so she wanted to have a character who's more expressive and sexy. We actually had a meeting talking about how we don't have characters with large chests or men wearing very little, and so on. So in the end, you get Nora. Depending on player feedback, we'll see what happens. Remember, this is a game, it's suppose to be slapstick and fun.

I'm buyin'.


Did some more reading and watching.
The game will go Early Access next month which means more different builds over time and it's planned release on PC is April, 2018. On PS4 it's planned release is later - June, 2018.

Will definetly try that demo later, dunno if I'll post feedback only Steam or add some details here too. Developer is a chinese company, but it seems chinese voiceover (or any voiceover) is not planned which is IMO a shame.

Posted some feedback on Steam:
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Apr 12, 2009
i love games like this but i reall hate the "gifts=friendship" design
imo its just cheap handled.
there should be a game like this where you can and have to find out something about the characters you want to befriend.
and have to spend time together while farmwork, adventuring and leisure.
not just shoving them diamonds down the throat for big romance and babies.
May 10, 2009
I will agree with you 100%, but Portia is being made by an indie dev so it's hard to expect something complex.
Apr 12, 2009
A new public alpha build is coming. Developer is still thinking on possible Kickstarter project, but I believe if they do it with existing demo included, it'll be an instant success.

This new demo with some more features and stuff changed will appear in a week. It's a day after ToCS release, which means I won't be testing it.
Apr 12, 2009
New alpha build (version alpha 2.0) with more features inside is now available so if you didn't try it already, perhaps it's a good time to do it now.

Additionally, the game will get it's Kickstarter campaign:
Another thing is that we’ve decided to proceed with the Kickstarter. We have around 20 people working on the game right now, we want to increase that number to about 25, mostly to have more artists since we want to make the art in this world more detailed. We could wait a bit until the money from Early Access comes in, but that would be a few months from now and we want to increase our production right now. It’s also a great tool to increase the spotlight on the game, especially now that we don’t have Greenlight anymore. We’re still discussing the details, so more information will be forthcoming later this week.

See? They want more artists.
Feels good to see an indie project that doesn't preach retro is coo! while developer refuses to admit they don't want to pay an artist.
Apr 12, 2009
Interesting what they say about farming, how they don't want it to be a main source of using up stamina/time. They are going to revisit this with a different take.

Plus this will be on kickstarter soon.
Apr 17, 2007
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