Star Citizen - New Trailers


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Star Citizen published two new videos about shipwrecks and new developments:

Star Citizen: Lost & Found

In Star Citizen, ships are filled with personality and potential danger whether in space or crashed into the ground. This video explores some stunning shipwrecks and the people drawn to them.

Star Citizen: Around the Verse - The Shape of Derelict Ships

Derelict ships are the star of this week’s episode. Learn all about how we’re designing a diverse set of shipwrecks. Sandi Gardiner and Chris Smith host the show, while Eric Kieron Davis provides an update from our LA studio.
Thanks Farflame!

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Ehm, that "trailer" isn't a CIG release - it's fan-made.

The other video isn't a trailer - it's just the latest weekly community update.
Here's the official video of "Lost and Found" - but it's not so much a trailer as it's just a little cutscene they made to integrate the derelict ships into the lore:


Are you saying you don't understand the point of establishing that this "official" trailer isn't official?

I'm pretty sure CIG would like to avoid being thought responsible for something they're not responsible for.
Are you saying you don't understand the point of establishing that this "official" trailer isn't official?

That has nothing to do with my comment though. Is the fact that it wasn't made by the devs supposed to make the music less shit?

I get that you feel the need to defend them though, and that's ok. It wasn't a personal attack on CIG.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
That has nothing to do with my comment though. Is the fact that it wasn't made by the devs supposed to make the music less shit?

I get that you feel the need to defend them though, and that's ok. It wasn't a personal attack on CIG.

What? My post has nothing to do with your comment.

It's in response to the original post claiming this is an official release.
Eh.. nevermind then. I thought you misinterpreted "they" as me referring to CIG. I was only referring to whoever chose that awful track.

Anyways, I'm glad that's not an offical trailer because it's pretty bad.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Will this ever release? Or will it be in development in perpetuity? More exciting if it stays in development lol!
I'm sure it will someday
as a last resort.

Being in development is the foundation of Star Citizen and has been very profitable so far. As long as it stays profitable there is no reason to say the game is finished.

Once the crowd has been milked for every last cent and it becomes impossible to keep development running they can release a game and hope that it does alright but the high system requirements could mean low sales for a while.

With no money coming in and the upcoming controversy surrounding the unannounced pay2win subscription model for the Persistent Universe it will go like any unpopular MMO where they slowly reduce and merge servers, go free2play then close up shop. There's definitely going to be significant downsizing and you can probably assume that the more ambitious unmet goals will remain this way.

Squadron42 main campaign is probably "so high quality" it could only be 10 hours long + sidequests, but you can't mod it because they want you to get your new content from the item mall.
Jul 10, 2007
Suggestion: read the Kotaku interview with the lead dev and various reports from anonymous sources from the team(s). Fascinating stuff. They made several big mistakes when their budget came in at 100x what they anticipated. Lead dev asks for ridiculous features and combinations which all his team leads tell him are impossible. He says do it anyway and… they actually were possible.

In the end, I don't think anyone or any studio could pull off what he's trying to do, but it may end up being something worthwhile after all.
Oct 18, 2006
From what I've seen of real gameplay, looked pretty dull, even with spriced up direction…hard to see something on this scale with enough quality content.

Suggestion: read the Kotaku interview with the lead dev and various reports from anonymous sources from the team(s). Fascinating stuff. They made several big mistakes when their budget came in at 100x what they anticipated. Lead dev asks for ridiculous features and combinations which all his team leads tell him are impossible. He says do it anyway and… they actually were possible.

This you mean:

Kotaku has it's share of bs, but this was a great ( and fair) piece.
Jun 5, 2015
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