Dragon Age 2 - "Signature Edition" Preorder Upgrades

In my opinion DLC is more of a console thing the kids will buy anything in the from of exclusive items , when i see a whole lot of DLC for one game i wonder why they dont just make an expantion pack ??? EA and BIO treat their cutomers like little rich kids and it shows . I would like to play the extra content but i work to hard to just hand over my cash to a company that treats their customers like SUCKERS DLC is a joke they cant give an hour or two of game play to the good paying customers for free ONCE in awhile ?! and i luv when gamers say its DLC ur not required to purchase.... and i dont ,but it still doesnt make it OK for the Devs and Pubs to do this to the customers EA will push the envolope even further in the near future just to see how much they can get away with from u . im not buying DA2 for the ride they tried to take me on with its predesesor.Vote with ur wallets
Oct 8, 2010
I consider myself a total Dragon Age fanboy, I think it was one of the best games that ive played in years. I'm sorry, I just cannot seem to keep the slightest bit of interest in this game…

Dragon Age seemed unique, a game that wanted to ( and I think was successful) in being a bit retro party-based, kinda-turn-based-combat in it's approach, good story and companions. It had me there on release day, snapping up my collector's edition. It wasnt perfect, but after 100+ hours I think that on the whole it was damn good. I got my moneys worth, and I still dont feel like I can take it off my hard drive quite yet.

This however strikes me as just some other action game, like the name was bought by another company and they slapped a total conversion on their game. Now with some added crap in the Overpowered Bloat Edition. Buy now, Consumer. Maybe I'm just getting jaded. Perhaps the "release day DLC" conspiracy theorists are worming their way into my mind. It's just looking like a huge brand name sell out to me. It just looks smarmy.
THere's a word for ya! "smarmy"

Old School DA Fanboy signing off, this is the new shit i wont be getting….
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Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Or at Funcom. "Everyone knew it, everyone had played it, no-one had bought it. Dreamfall was copied to death". Quote of an employee at the Games Com (cited from my memory).
It's always so easy to blame the pirates when you made a bad game... from my experience (and I'm a TLJ fan and played Dreamfall to completion) it was rather "Everyone heard about it, many PC gamers read reviews which pointed out numerous bad points about the game, from boring and empty areas to the consolification and ludicrous UI, not many bought the game afterwards".

After TLJ, Dreamfall was a definite step back, but of course it's the pirates' fault.
Oct 18, 2006
DLC is around because this generation has showed they will pay more than they should for small content.

I even guess they are illing to pay for DLC because it's simply a new "fshion" in terms of gaming; and every "new fashion" is just outright "cool" !

"I'll do it because everyone else does it, and everyone believes this is just cool".

And it is partially because of online capabilities. How can people show they will pay for DLC if there's no way for them to get it?

Which makes me thing :

In earlier times, there were expansions and add-ons.

Now there's DLC instead ?

After TLJ, Dreamfall was a definite step back, but of course it's the pirates' fault.

I see. To my shame i must add that I've never played Dreamfall this far. I shold *definitively* buy it soon.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
In case of Dreamfall, you can see that the idea for the plot and for the construction of story arcs, how they meet and divide etc., has definite merit - but unfortunately it's brought down by very bad decisions regarding pacing and UI. (They also added arcade combat done so badly the game would be better without it for sure.)
Oct 18, 2006
In earlier times, there were expansions and add-ons.

Now there's DLC instead ?
And have expansions gone away? No, they haven't. Let's see:
Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening
Divinity 2: Flames of Vengeance
King's Bounty: Crossworlds
Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam
About a billion Sims 3 expansion packs.
That's just from the top of my head.

Expansions haven't gone away, and I don't think they will for some years in the future. Publishers are still putting out mid-priced expansion packs. They can't win, though. They might put one out, and people will complain about how it's more like DLC. They'll put DLC out, people'll complain it should be an expansion.

I won't deny that some companies have put out some pathetic DLC (Horse Armour being a common example), but others are putting out some of the best DLC - Bethesda are one of the best examples for how to do DLC, and also how not to do it. I would like to see the market change so that expansions are still released, but smaller DLC packs come between the game and the expansion (Similar to what happened with Dragon Age).
Jul 17, 2010
England, UK
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