2 Worlds - I'm goin in...


Paws of Doom
Original Sin Donor
October 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Ive had this one on the back burner for a while. Installed the "Epic Edition" and played for about ten minutes, shut it down and havent looked at it for a year.

I'm goin in.

Anyone got any pointers for me? As far as speccing, so far I'm thinking that I'm going to go 2 in str, 2 in dex, and 1 in vit for each level. Going to focus on melee, lockpick, and I'm thinking getting my ranged weapon going as well. Not really sure of the relationship between str/dex and melee/ranged. Even tho I do like that fire attack i have so far, I may let the magic wither in lieu of physical power.

I've read a couple online guides, but I trust my rpg compadres here more when it comes to sound advice.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I'll be curious to hear from you how you like the game.
Oct 18, 2006
so far, the combat's a little off since there's no "strafe".. what's up w/ that? Instead of moving to the side, you turn and run to the side. I like the jump back thing, but the weird side-run thing is really awkward. I'm getting the hang of it tho, it's not that bad. Just started generally hunting all along the first road in the hills, tons of wolves and hogs. Was a little freaked by a camp of Groms, but once you get the timing down it's not too hard to mess them up. With the shrine nearby, I used a lot of the fire spell as well.
Pretty thrilling actually, I was down to very little life after all the animals and groms.

The stacking of weapons into greater weapons is a nice feature, helps w/ the inventory management. That said, probably doesnt help the pocketbook tho. All those combined 'swords of light' could have added up to a bit of gold.

I do like the environmental graphics, I cranked everything up as far as it'll go and there's some good scenery to be taken in, which is a big positive in this type of open-world game. Forsooth, the dialogue is awesome! it's so bad it's good

edit -
A couple hours in, and I'm almost at like 5,500 gold and using all found equipment. I can see this is one of those games where money's no object!
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Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Running left when you hit "A" is pretty common in third-person games. Not sure what you mean there.
Jan 28, 2011
maybe it's the fact that "strafe" or "move left/right" is generally somewhere in the options, and I instinctively key A and D to them without thinking about it.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
The spells are what made this game for me. Love them spells.

Crafting was a lot better as well. I like this new way as opposed to the old way.

Give it some time or at least till you hit the big island and get a horse to really have a looksee. BTW, you will lose your horse. It's guaranteed. The whistle command only works if the horse is close to you.

Don't explore the whole starter island just yet, come back when you are tougher and wipe the groms off the face of the world.

You can take out most of them, but then you'll come to an area where the groms are just too powerful. Come back later.

It took a little bit for me to get really interested in the game, but once I hit that point I enjoyed it immensely.

Oh wait....you're talking about 2 Worlds 1....nevermind. Uninstall now and save yourself the headache :p Better yet play 2w2.
Feb 3, 2007
I thought the crafting might have been better in 1 than it was in 2. In 2, crystals are pretty rare, though they do more things. I liked the gems in one and I thought the ugrading like w/like was better than how they did it in 2. In 2, you'll need 5000 swords broken down to fully upgrade 1 blade. I'm level 42 and I don't have a single fully-upgraded staff. Why?

Off-topic 2W2 rant ensues:
You need exponentially higher levels of crafting items to upgrade. Every time you find a staff, it breaks down into wood and 1 magic gem. However a level 10 staff will require over 300 magic gems, meaning you need to find and break down 300 staves. At level 42, I still haven't found 300 staves. You could buy all of the staves you come across but it's still tedious breaking that many down and they're 2500 gold or so each. That assumes you've done the merchant quests to get the discount.
Oct 18, 2006
maybe it's the fact that "strafe" or "move left/right" is generally somewhere in the options, and I instinctively key A and D to them without thinking about it.

Well I mean some games use the FPS style strafe model even in third person like Gothic or GTA3, but in my experience it's much more common for them to have directional movement in third person. I don't even think most of them have strafe options in the menus.
Jan 28, 2011
I'll point out that there's barely any need to swim and definitely no need to spend more than 1 point on it.

The skill to dismount other riders is completely pointless. NPCs never ride a horse.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Don't listen to the rat, persist with Two Worlds. ;) You'll have some fun providing you can maintain a good sense of humour and be tolerant to the game's obvious flaws (which will leap out at you)
The combat is bizarrely naff in a third person Diablo kind of way and awkward looking, but somehow it works to keep you hacking away.

Depending on the character you're trying to build, just go with what skills seem more natural to support that build. Early picklocking is very handy, as is mounted combat if you're going to spend alot of time tally-hoing and riding headlong into frays of Groms.

I'll also echo the sentiment of liking the unique spell card system and item stacking mechanic for increasing the potency of your gear. They were different ideas to experience at least.

Anyway, it's no classic by any means, but an amusing diversion with some solid hours of exploration and character building. Enjoy its chivalric charms if you can. :)
Jul 12, 2009
I like the fact that I can just right click and stack up gems on the weapns, nice and easy. Game makes me a little dizzy at times tho, takes some getting used to.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I thought the combat became rather decent, after about 1h. Mounted combat was also fun, once you got the hang of how a horse actually works (real life experience with horseback riding actually helps a little here, as you will have a better feel for a horse's turn radius and the "strange" lag between input and action, at least in my experience). It is not all that efficient though, and you will, in the long run, be better off just focusing your points on things that are not horse related (a horse speeds up travel time though, so don't ignore them). There are some interesting looking horses in the game as well, so the game does reward you for exploring the countryside.
Jun 2, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden
Don't listen to the rat, persist with Two Worlds. ;)

Hey now, the rat is a survival expert and needed that expertise to survive the boredom that was TW1.

Just joking, actually I did get really far into the game. I think I almost passed it, but after playing 2w2 I'll never go back to that one again. I did enjoy the dialogue though. Thought it was funny as hell :)
Feb 3, 2007
Hmm! Forsooth! Finally, someone else who appreciates the silly irrepressible gusto of Two World's dialogue! Tis a rare boon, methinks! :) I thought it was hilarious as well.

So Sammy, how far have you progressed? What kind of character build are you going for etc? Be sure to run around when you're nearly dead for a bit just to listen to the death-knell music. It's quite surreal, especially if you survive for a long time without healing.
Jul 12, 2009
im liking it quite a bit so far, level 9 and havent started the main quest yet. Just roaming around, exploring, hunting stuff and doing odd quests. Making money hand over fist. One of those rare games where it's cash in and spend spend spend asap for the good stuff right away, instead of waiting for stuff to drop in the first ten levels that will be better than/ equal to the shops. I'm not clunking around w/ Grom equipment playing scavenger hoping for a good quest reward. Screw taking 10 hits to kill a wolf when I can do it in 2 w/ the right gear, right now. It's life and death out there!

Going to start main quest at lv 10.

Right now, going 1h melee and shield, archery, dabbling in lockpicking. Dumped a few points in the ol' fire magic, think I may sink some in there occasionally just to have it around, there's some fun fire spells to tinker with. Have had some fun w/ the complimentary firebolt thing they give you from the beginning. Every level pretty much doing 2 in str, 2 in dex, 1 in vit. I did buck that system once and sank like 4 in str jsut to get some better armor on my back right then and there.

I like the graphics in the game, the environments are cool and the weapons look good. Using the "Toothed Terror" right now, Ive put like 58 points of fire dmg of gems into it. The enemies are kinda retarded at times, and some like the bears are laughably easy. That said, I've died horribly a few times, going on a good run killing all kinds of shit and then suddenly "ARGGH, WHEN WAS MY LAST SAAAAVE…."

Case in point - my first encounter w/ the Reapers. Lost about a half hour of play on that one. Some of the big packs of things will start getting some lucky hits, or I'll get turned around and accidentally "jump back" right into them and get clocked by about 5 things at once, or be on a hill going upward. Then, I accidentally threw a fire bolt instead of initiating dialogue w/ a merchant. That didnt go over very well, and again, I had saved a while ago. After bolting town, I could either pay 1K gold or go to a save game about 15 mins earlier. Awful choice, especially when it was a productive 15 mins. Sooo, I'll be keeping my healing spell up when in town from now on…

I like it. The combat's kinda clunky, the enemies are retarded, the dialogue is hilarious, but it's totally open and looks great and has a good feel to it. Stuff left and right to gather, lots of loot, lots of good exploration, and I can climb all over stuff. I like the game models too, was happy when i armed the Toothed Terror and it wasnt just another sword, the thing's badass looking. Even has the marking along the beveled edges from sharpening. The armor is cool looking. Means alot to a vain player like me.

I guess I'm going to be getting into the story soon, we'll see how that all pans out..


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Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Getting the hang of horseback combat, it can be pretty fun! Getting better at horseback riding all the way around, I actually think it's implemented fairly well here.

I just found a black horse that seems faster than my last one, and just found out from a forum post somewhere else that horses even have inventory. Didnt know that, I gotta check that tonight, could really help
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
The combat system is weird with all of these stiff animations, but you get use to it for a while. But what was the fun breaking for me is the game's difficulty. The game is hard at the beginning, which is good enough for me (I like hard RPGs) but then all of a sudden you find powerful armor and weapons and all the fun goes with it. What is a challenge at the beginning suddenly turns to a breeze.

Other than that, game is fun. It can be described as Oblivion meets with Diablo.
Oct 30, 2006
I glanced at the title thinking it was Two Worlds 2. I was interested to hear your input once you got the hang of it. Is there a demo for it?

Now that I see it's the first Two Worlds, I'll provide a few hints (as much as I can recall about the game). As you mentioned, the combat is clunky, dialogue is just plain odd, and the enemies can be unforgiving (hard mode). And, despite graphical hitches, texture pop-ins and framerate issues, if you can look past all that it isn't too bad.

I chose two handed as my weapon proficiency.

—Patch the game as soon as you possibly can, if you haven't already. This fixes a world of bugs and improves framerate a bit, as well as making the game look a little prettier.

—If you enchant your weapons, add spirit or lightning stones to them. Anything else like poison and fire won't do much in the long run (fire is nice early on, but you'll be upgrading a lot). Similarly, purchase duplicates of gear you like to use for the simple fact that you can combine them to improve your protection rating. You can only combine duplicates, however (not gear that appear to be similar).

—Pick any plant you come across. Alchemy becomes very useful, and occasionally you'll encounter flowers or weeds that have a permanent base to them (meaning they'll permanently increase your attributes, such as strength, by 1).

That's about all I can remember. I still have it installed, so I'll launch the game and look at my character to see what else there may be.

Edit: Here are a few more tips after looking at my character:

—Spend your money on spell boosters and spell cards that you may use often (such as healing). Spell cards don't have a stacking limit from what I understand, and that means they'll grow in power and duration the more that you acquire. However, I only recommend this for hard mode, otherwise the game becomes too simple too fast. That, or limit yourself to find a good medium, and purchase more as your statistics raise over time.

—Loot every house you come across. For some reason, the NPC's don't care if you just barge into their home and take everything of value (you can make great profit from it, of course).

—As Fnord mentioned, explore every possible location. You'll find a lot of hidden chests and rewarding areas with interesting enemies.

I found that using armor didn't really help once you had access to the earth spells such as Reflection Shield, and another one that gives you slashing and bludgeon protection. In fact, most of the earth spells are useful later on, such as Chains, which freezes your enemies in place for a short time.

I don't know if I ever found a safe storage location, and if I did, I've forgotten it by now. I used to store some goods at Ho's House, seeing as the items in his cabinets and chests don't respawn. There's a teleport next to it as well, which makes it that much simpler.

Enemies don't respawn, and I raised my character to 74 and discovered every possible location. By that point, I think I had killed everything in the game.
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Jul 6, 2011
California, USA
I seem to remember that if you mix the right ingredients, you can make the stat potions do more than a +1 per ingredient. If Propheet is lurking, he can decloak and tell you most of the secrets of the game.
Oct 18, 2006
I've read a few of Propheet's guides, I'm planning on using some of the permanent stat boosts here and there since I've gotten some werewolf spine and what not lately. But I'm not much into making totally OP chars that roll over everything, so probably not going to get too deep into it. That's just no fun after a while
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
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