What I've Been Watching: The Catch-All Film Thread

I knew there would be a lot of division on this. Not all, but I think some, are trying to hold on to the old Star Wars and are looking for major fan service. When the point of the trilogy is out with the old, in with the new. I embrace our new Star Wars overlords.

When I leave a movie and think "that was fun", as I did in this case, then I know I got my money's worth.
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
My entire family enjoyed The Last Jedi. I appreciated Johnson doing his own thing and not following the stale, tired, and predictable Lucas formula.

Was the movie perfect? Not by a long shot. But it was a hell of a ride, and goes up there with Empire Strikes Back and Rogue One as my favorites in the Star Wars genre.
Dec 19, 2016
For the most part it was totally predictable or I predicted something and instead it goes cheesy X over 9000 instead (Leia part especially). Pacing was absolutely awful.

Rarely do i dislike anything Star Wars (I don't even get the intense hate for the prequels, apart from some rather corny acting and jar-jar).

If there's one word for it then it would probably be tasteless. Lucas did tasteless things before to SW but this really is in its own league. Just one of 100's of idiot things; "let's introduce PUPPET Yoda again!" yeah because that will look really great and natural together with the really bad CGI of other creatures seconds before and after. lol. I was about to burst out in laughter so many times, and not where you are supposed to laugh.

Well, each to his/her own :)
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
Let's face it. Nothing is going to beat the feel of the original trilogy. But i'd rather get lost in a new Star Wars story then most of the other movies out these days. As Mark Hamill puts it, these are meant to be fun escapism movies, entertainment to give us a couple hours break from the horrors of the real world.

I think once people stop expecting Kubrick masterpieces for every episode, then they can enjoy them.

Mark Hamill! No one is more disappointed in The Last Jedi than he!

It took them five or six movies before they brought Luke back then when they finnaly do they totally messed up his character making him act nothing like Luke Skywalker! He should be a Jedi with optimism from a small rebel force fighting against all odds!

Screw the Star Wars universe. They just copied Dune!

What was good about Star Wars was the two great characters Luke and Han and how different they were but how they pull together and save the world.

The fact they killed off Han Solo before he and Luke could get back to their classic interactions in a scene together shows they have no idea why that movie was so good. I mean, yeah, the special effects were part of it from the start but it was Luke and Han you couldn't get in any other sci-fi movie.

(maybe minor spoilers!)

ps. Sure could go another Kubrick masterpiece. He got too cocky with Eyes Wide Shut! Should have just stuck to faking moon landings! :p
Jul 10, 2007
I knew there would be a lot of division on this. Not all, but I think some, are trying to hold on to the old Star Wars and are looking for major fan service. When the point of the trilogy is out with the old, in with the new. I embrace our new Star Wars overlords.

When I leave a movie and think "that was fun", as I did in this case, then I know I got my money's worth.

My main issue with the movie isn't that its not following the old star wars but more along the lines of its just badly made movie. I really didn't care for any of the characters, they were all boring. Maybe Kylo Ren is sort of ok…

I am inclined to say that Lucas's prequels are better than the new Star Wars. Bad as they were, they expanded the lore and Darth Maul fight was fucking awesome! Show me anything in the new Star Wars which comes close to that!

Oct 8, 2009
Mark Hamill! No one is more disappointed in The Last Jedi than he!

No that's not the case. I see a lot of out-of-context clips made to seem that way, but this was what he said in clarification:

"I got into trouble because… I was quoted as saying to Rian that I fundamentally disagree with everything you decided about Luke, and it was inartfully phrased. What I was, was surprised at how he saw Luke. And it took me a while to get around to his way of thinking, but once I was there it was a thrilling experience. I hope it will be for the audience too. Rian Johnson is an amazing filmmaker. And if you look at Brick, or Brothers Bloom, or Looper, each film is different from the last one and they’re so inventive. And I think people will be really pleased and surprised, I know I was."
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
I am inclined to say that Lucas's prequels are better than the new Star Wars. Bad as they were, they expanded the lore and Darth Maul fight was fucking awesome! Show me anything in the new Star Wars which comes close to that!

It was a good fight. However I couldn't stand the first episode aside from that.

Which really shows a broad taste in what constitutes a great movie. A New Hope was an excellent movie, yet the fight between Vader and Obi-Wan (Guiness) was probably the worst saber fight in the entire Star Wars universe. I think they barely moved their feet.
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
It was a good fight. However I couldn't stand the first episode aside from that.

Which really shows a broad taste in what constitutes a great movie. A New Hope was an excellent movie, yet the fight between Vader and Obi-Wan (Guiness) was probably the worst saber fight in the entire Star Wars universe. I think they barely moved their feet.

Bad as though phantom menace was, I still remember that fight and hence movie what 10 years later? I would not remember a single thing from the new ones in a years time.

The new movies are made to be "safe" and to appeal to the 99%. You will definitely have good time watching it but then what? As i said before, these are good a a good Michael bay movies.
Oct 8, 2009
We can't really accurately guage the quality of movies we watched as kids - because of the nostalgia effect.

Seriously, we have no way of approaching objectivity like that. We can look at the leap forward in terms of technology and "the spectacle" - but, at least to me, that's not really the same as being a great movie.

I tend to focus on characters and the emotional core of a movie a lot more than the visual effects. However, it's a complicated interplay - and I've often been able to enjoy middling movies if they made me feel something because of the spectacle. A good example would be Tron Legacy - which is really not a good movie overall, but it was an "experience" to be sure.

I tend to think of A New Hope and Return of the Jedi similarly - in that I imagine they were so special back in the day because of the magic of movie making a lot more than the scripts themselves.

Now, I'm not the kind of person who would claim Emperor Strikes Back is any kind of masterpiece - because I really don't think so. I do think, however, that - unlike the other SW movies - the script was better and especially the characters were handled with more care.

Still, I wouldn't consider any of the Star Wars movies a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination.

The prequels were absolutely terrible in terms of script. As in, HORRIBLE. So, that takes them out of the race for "good movie" by default - for my part. Also, I wasn't as impressed by the CGI spectacle as I was back in the day by old-style effects. They also tend to age in a really awkward way.

For these new films, I think what's most important to me is whether they can take me back and give me that nostalgic warmth. I absolutely DO NOT expect a profound new experience in any way.

I would be literally shocked if TLJ gave me anything like that feeling.
No that's not the case. I see a lot of out-of-context clips made to seem that way, but this was what he said in clarification:

"I got into trouble because… I was quoted as saying to Rian that I fundamentally disagree with everything you decided about Luke, and it was inartfully phrased. What I was, was surprised at how he saw Luke. And it took me a while to get around to his way of thinking, but once I was there it was a thrilling experience. I hope it will be for the audience too. Rian Johnson is an amazing filmmaker. And if you look at Brick, or Brothers Bloom, or Looper, each film is different from the last one and they’re so inventive. And I think people will be really pleased and surprised, I know I was."

lol yeaaah, I'm not buying it. Why would he be surprised if he wasn't at odds by default? This just sounds like he's been told off and changed his tune to me.

I mean, you know Marks been sitting there since Return of the Jedi wanting to make a new Star Wars movie. His celebrity status is MASSIVE considering how few roles he's had. He is Luke Skywalker! Now after they make 5 or 6 Star Wars movies without him he finally gets to make his return and, well, he's quite surprised at how they see his character, lets just put it that way! :p
Jul 10, 2007
We can't really accurately guage the quality of movies we watched as kids - because of the nostalgia effect.

I think the problem is they're all kids movies. There have been little attempts at exploring a darker smuggler side of the Star Wars universe, but the main event is family junk and not hardcore sci-fi or even adult sci-fi or even intelligent child sci-fi for the 11 year old with a microscope and chemistry set as toys. The force? Really?! Matrix did it better. Hack the fabric of reality. There is no spoon!

It really would have been nice to let Mark Hamill write a movie for people who watched the originals as kids and have grown up now. Something for the adults for once. The kids will still like it. Make it R rated and I bet they can't wait to see it! They're all watching Game of Thrones, anyway, you know.

So, no bites on Dune? How about how Obi uses the Bene Geserit "voice" on the storm troopers on the desert planet?
Jul 10, 2007
I think the problem is they're all kids movies. There have been little attempts at exploring a darker smuggler side of the Star Wars universe, but the main event is family junk and not hardcore sci-fi or even adult sci-fi or even intelligent child sci-fi for the 11 year old with a microscope and chemistry set as toys. The force? Really?! Matrix did it better. Hack the fabric of reality. There is no spoon!

I categorize them as romantic fantasy movies. I'd say they're more family movies than kids movies.

But they have plenty of "geeky" elements that appeal to me a lot. It's just that they're not treated with enough depth or complexity to fully satisfy.

Which is why I don't expect much at all from them.

I don't think going into the experience predisposed to hate them for not being what they could never be as the obvious AAA money-makers they are - is a great approach, though.

I mean, if that's your intent - then just don't go see them and stop talking would be my suggestion ;)

I mean, does it really take 8 movies for people to "get" that they never were - and never will be "serious" sci-fi movies.

Some people are a bit slow on the uptake, I would have to say.
Hmmm, let me run this thru the SJ AI for analysis and creative entertainment…

I categorize them as romantic fantasy movies. I'd say they're more family movies than kids movies.
Semantics detected, comment not required.
But they have plenty of "geeky" elements that appeal to me a lot.
Positivity detected, good ++
It's just that they're not treated with enough depth or complexity to fully satisfy.
Negativity in vicinity, bad ++
Which is why I don't expect much at all from them.
Pessimism on the starboard bow, bad++
I don't think going into the experience predisposed to hate them for not being what they could never be as the obvious AAA money-makers they are - is a great approach, though.
Recommendation of optimism received, good++
I mean, if that's your intent - then just don't go see them and stop talking would be my suggestion ;)
Aggression incoming, analysing…. Defense of StarWars ip. good ++
I mean, does it really take 8 movies for people to "get" that they never were - and never will be "serious" sci-fi movies.
Analysing… Options: 1. Personality mirroring as a friendly gesture 2. Mocking commonly used wording. Move information required. Consult the D20.
Rolling… 18 v 5
Personality mirroring wins. flattery ++
Some people are a bit slow on the uptake, I would have to say.
Calculating… flattery --

DArtsouls opinion on Star Wars is 60% positive indicating that he is 40% lost to the Dark Side and probably has a robot hand by now. There will be many Ewoks in his future and he's probably going to kiss his sister, but its cool cos he didn't know they were related…

PS. I recently watched IT and give it 4/10
Jul 10, 2007
Mark Hamill! No one is more disappointed in The Last Jedi than he!

well, you know it has turned to absolute garbage when the director makes Luke use the term "laser sword" for his light saber. is it more important to troll fans than to stick to the lore?

It has zero to do with nostalgia. While things like acting has actually become better in comparison to the old movies (Mark Hamill is great!) the rest is a total mess, it's someone with a few good ideas but the direction and pacing is awful. Doesn't take nostalgia for you to be very bothered with it. Crazy Puppet Yoda mixed with awful Disney'ish CGI animals and aliens is in very poor taste, and it's just for starters.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
I recently had the pleasure of my first viewing of Andrei Tarkovskys 1966 masterpiece, "Andrei Ruvlev", which ultimately left quite an impression on me.

It is the most visually moving film I've seen. Until Rublev, I didn't truly understand how stunning and engaging a film could be. The vignettes of Russian life are very thought-provoking, the cinematography the best I've seen, and the result is a film that moves me every time I watch it.There's this one bit where the pagans are all naked and you get to see, like, maybe 20 naked women, but they're sort of in the distance so you don't really get a proper look, but if you rewind and pause there's some frames that are pretty good and none of them are all that old or anything so it's pretty awesome. Then there's this bit where some guy is tied up and the leader of the women comes in and she strips off and you can totally see her boobs and they're really nice and then she wants to make love to the man but he's not into it so she unties him and lets him go.

Approach it with an open mind, and be prepared for a slowly unfolding story. Do this, and you'll be deeply rewarded and satisfied in a way that few films will ever match. There are no cliches here, no stereotypes and no sucking up to the audience. A brutally honest and yet very moving, touching and optimistic film. And it is not about the nature of a genius. Rather, it is about a man's ability and duty to preserve and be true to his humanity, his freedom, his soul, his heart and his gift, no matter what century it is or what the circumstances are. Watch it to remind yourself of what it really means to be human.

5 Stars
Jul 10, 2007
We can't really accurately guage the quality of movies we watched as kids - because of the nostalgia effect.

I absolutely adored Star Wars and 'Empire' when they came out, seeing the first one more than a dozen times during its year+ theater run and Empire several times as well.

I never assumed they were anything other than transformative Sci-Fi that created a universe and mythology that was incredibly compelling ... but certainly never looked at any of it as 'high art'. So I was surprised that people have ever assumed as much.

As for 'Last Jedi' - best movie since Empire.
Oct 18, 2006
Bright -- on Netflix. Got hilariously bad reviews. But. IMDB many reviews were good.

So… Damn good film IMO. Big surprise.

Check it. If you're looking for something.

I thought the first was a fun movie even if the story was silly but the second (last jedi) i did not enjoy that much. Some other movies I've seen recently:
Wind River: really good
Lady Bird: much better than wind river (very very good)
Shape of water: ok - should have liked it but didn't.
Three Billboards: ok - should have liked it but didn't.
Jumanji: very enjoyable - should have hated it but it was a really fun movie.
Oct 20, 2006
usa - no longer boston
Bright - 7/10

Much better than expected. Really fun movie with some great scenes and interesting characters.

Humor was so-so but not too much cringe. I'm usually not a fan of comedy in this type of film, but here it worked alright.

Also, it's not like we're swimming in Shadowrun inspired movies - so there's that.

Not enough noir for my tastes - but we can't have everything, can we :)
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