Sacred 2 - Combat Trailer @ GamersHell


October 18, 2006
GamersHell has a two minute trailer up for Ascaron's forthcoming action rpg Sacred 2: Fallen Angel, featuring some hardcore zombie hacking and slashing from the Shadow Warrior player character. It's streamable here.
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm not overly impressed, especially not by the animations. And the music during this trailer was VEEERY reminiscent of that of Diablo.
Oct 18, 2006
Finally, a video without 10 logos at the beginning. But it didn't impress me at all. Nothing special.
mmm is there already a D3 clone on the market even before D3 is on the market?
not impressed at all, I was really doubting if I was watching a D3 video
Oct 18, 2006
I just picked sacred gold from the bargain bin today. I don't honestly know what to think of the game so far. At the first glance it feels quite dull, but first impressions are just first impressions and hopefully i'll get addicted to this once i've learned the basics. For example I have really hard time choosing the character..

I've been mostly trying out different chars.. Would it be dfficult to play the game as a battlemage? Should i create pure magic focused char or mix of combat and magic? Should i focus mostly on one magic school or try to be more versile? What about melee, do I need it at all? Swords or staves?

What about woodefl? Is she fun to play :)? I mean I could pick up the gladiator and not to worry about this stuff, but drinking tons of healing potions and going melee is probably as boring as it sounds.
Oct 19, 2006
mmm is there already a D3 clone on the market even before D3 is on the market?

That comment reminds me of one I heard shortly after LotR was unleashed on cinemas: "Dude, look, they already released books based on the movies."

You have it backwards. Sacred 2 was/is/will be before D3. So effectively, D3 is more like a clone of a clone of Diablo or something. ;)
Aug 30, 2006
I wonder if they will allow modding this time.
Some fan-made adventures would boost the sales after a few months.
Dec 26, 2006
Hopefully there's a bit more to the game than what's visible in the trailer--it's supposed to have a huge explorable world for instance-- because even I thought the combat video looked sleep-inducingly repetitive.
And I have to admit, the artwork in terms of dungeon architechture looks very much like what we've seen in the screens released so far for D3, though of course as Arhu notes, Sacred 2 should be out long before D3.
Oct 18, 2006
What about woodefl? Is she fun to play :)? I mean I could pick up the gladiator and not to worry about this stuff, but drinking tons of healing potions and going melee is probably as boring as it sounds.
The Woodelf is seriously overpowered imo. I basicly breezed through the game. Especially by combining multi-shot with piercing-shot and homing-shot(or whatever their names are). But other than than I had a good time.

I also played a Gladiator, but had a difficult time when I reached the desert and constantly got owned by zombies. The woodelf had no problems at all since most enemies never made it near her.

The Dark Elf also has an overpowered ability(smoke bomb or something) that disables any enemy(from the lowest of human bandit to dragons).

Regarding the video: The combat felt pretty boring now that I saw how visceral and cool the combat is going to be in D3, especially due to real-time physics simulation. Also, that leap attack the character did felt like a cheap version of the awesome leap attack the barbarian did in the D3 gameplay demo.
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Jul 31, 2007
Sacred 1 had its own artistic style, so it will be kind of different.
Plus the story is *much* more different. Imho.

I mean than Blizzard's thing.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Hmm. On first watching, I don't see what was so wrong about it. Looked pretty good to me, for what it is. My only complaint would be that there's probably too many effects, bars, halos, sparkles, trails, etc on the screen at once. It overpowers the action at times. But other than that, I guess I'll have to watch it again at home with the sound on and in the large size to see why you guys think it's boring as compared to the D3 vids...
Oct 18, 2006
This is just two minutes of mob-slaying. I don't imagine that looks too exciting in any game unless you're actually playing at the time. I thought the green 'fountain of evil healing' effect was pretty cool. The game's still on my short list-- til something worse than a little over-kill on the hacking and slashing comes along anyway.
Oct 18, 2006
OK. Now that I've watched it on the "big screen" with sound on, I really don't know what you guys are talking about. This looked great! The invisibility skill and the summon skill looked especially cool.

This is just two minutes of mob-slaying.

True... but that's the point! :p It's just 2 minutes of hack and slay action, that's all. But good hack and slay action, imho. Is it 20 full minutes of narrated game play? Of course not. But I think it matches up pretty well to any analogous two minutes of undead bashing in the D3 vids so far. I'd say the biggest advantage D3 appears to have at this point is the destructible/interactive environment.
Oct 18, 2006
The Woodelf is seriously overpowered imo. I basicly breezed through the game. Especially by combining multi-shot with piercing-shot and homing-shot(or whatever their names are). But other than than I had a good time.

I also played a Gladiator, but had a difficult time when I reached the desert and constantly got owned by zombies. The woodelf had no problems at all since most enemies never made it near her.

The Dark Elf also has an overpowered ability(smoke bomb or something) that disables any enemy(from the lowest of human bandit to dragons).

Regarding the video: The combat felt pretty boring now that I saw how visceral and cool the combat is going to be in D3, especially due to real-time physics simulation. Also, that leap attack the character did felt like a cheap version of the awesome leap attack the barbarian did in the D3 gameplay demo.

Hehe agreed, Diablo 3 is in it's class. Hopefully sacred 2 is going to become more than just a diablo clone.

I'm already enjoying the first sacred though. Its a fun game in it's own right, but has nothing extraordinary to offer. I like the gameworld though. Its nicely designed and even if many quests are a bit repeative, atleast there is usually some sort of small backround story for each of them.

Regarding character choise, I think i'm going with a battlemage..spells are pretty fun, and it would be a great diversion from my usual first time aproach which is melee/ranged first, magic second.
Oct 19, 2006
Use fire circles for close enemies and ice shards for distante ones! Both are very effective.
Dec 26, 2006
BM has lots of options. Very fun to play. And one of the more durable mage-types right out of the gate you'll fine in an aRPG...
Oct 18, 2006
I know that sacred 2 is going to be there sooner than D3.
But it is still a diablo clone.
I mean come on: a barbarian doing an leap attack? put it in a darker invironment and put it back in 2D and it is diablo 2, so that is way I said that it is a D3 clone before d3 is out even: same as D2 but just the improvement of graphics.

Besides I didn't played Sacred 1 but I am wondering: Is it a real d2 clone?
Oct 18, 2006
For some reason I finished Sacred, but I find it difficult to remember anything out of it.
Oct 26, 2006
I tried the demo myself but, well it wasn't realy convincinf for me then. Might like it now but I doubt it
Oct 18, 2006
I know that sacred 2 is going to be there sooner than D3.
But it is still a diablo clone.
So what? "Diablo clone" is a (sub-)genre name. Every hack&slash game which meets a couple of other criteria is per definition a Diablo clone. That´s a name, nothing more. Even D2 is a Diablo clone. The only difference is that Blizzard is allowed to use the original name.
I mean come on: a barbarian doing an leap attack? put it in a darker invironment and put it back in 2D and it is diablo 2, so that is way I said that it is a D3 clone before d3 is out even: same as D2 but just the improvement of graphics.
Nonsense. It´s a "Diablo clone", not a "Diablo 2 clone". By your logic all current cars would still be clones of the current or upcoming new generation of cars made by the original inventor, Carl Benz, whose company is now part of Daimler-Benz aka Mercedes. ;)
They decided to make a game in a certain genre, not copy a specific game. Sacred 2 will again be a Diablo clone, but at the same time it will be one of the games Blizzard analyses to find out if certain new or optimized features work good enough to include them in Diablo 3.
Aug 30, 2006
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