List of games buggered up by Windows 10 and associated updates for Windows 7 and 8

It is funny you mention that … when I did the installs for Wizards & Warriors and Soldier of Fortune 2 a couple of weeks ago - 2 CD's each - it was annoying but made me laugh at myself as I still have memories of installing Microsoft Office off of 25 floppies…

Well, I'm the kind of terrible person who'd just "acquire" a digital version if I already had the original media.

That's because I'm so evil that I don't see the reason to punish myself needlessly :)
And, of course, every single thread you post to just requires your intensely insult-wrapped opinions. Jeez, otherwise how could you spend your day writing "It's just my opinion bro" 5,000 times...
Nov 1, 2014
And, of course, every single thread you post to just requires your intensely insult-wrapped opinions. Jeez, otherwise how could you spend your day writing "It's just my opinion bro" 5,000 times…

I'm sorry if you being called out as that which you are is "intensely insulting", but I can strongly recommend putting me back on ignore.

I think it's clear that I'll never cater to your particular needs around here :)
It is funny you mention that … when I did the installs for Wizards & Warriors and Soldier of Fortune 2 a couple of weeks ago - 2 CD's each - it was annoying but made me laugh at myself as I still have memories of installing Microsoft Office off of 25 floppies…

And why would anyone bother watching a crappy old silent movie on VHS, just because they have the movie on VHS and happen to have a working VHS. I mean, crap, they could be downloading Transformers 9, watching 20 minutes, then moving onto Pixels 3... I mean, what with such a big backlog of must-see movies it's hard enough keeping up with whats currently being released! Let alone bother with all that hilarious hardship of shoving a cassette into a cassette player!
Nov 1, 2014
I'm sorry if you being called out as that which you are is "intensely insulting", but I can strongly recommend putting me back on ignore.

I think it's clear that I'll never cater to your particular needs around here :)

You're still on my ignore list. Since your having your usual 'fun' deliberately insulting me for the desired reaction on a purely factual opinionless thread, I thought I'd play along for a bit, see just how insane you actually are…

What do you mean 'calling me out'? What fantasy is this? It's a thread that just tells people factual information about why their game won't work after a certain date, there's nothing to call out. You don't use CD/DVDs anymore, good for you, why do you feel the need to preach? (yes, I know, for the reaction, hence why you're on my ignore list).

I think it's clear you enjoy posting the same crap day-in-day-out without ever wanting to know why you have to do it, which is weird considering you're such a 'self-confessed' 'genius'. I thought the whole point of intelligence was that you learn from your mistakes? So we're back to the insane angle:

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

But the main problem with having to put up with you in my threads and why you're on ignore is because:

the best way to go insane is to talk with the insane

As always, it's been a pleasure. I look forward to ignoring you're repetitious nonsense for the next few months until I can be bothered to find out if you've 'healed' yet or not…
Nov 1, 2014
Ok, tantrum half-hour then ;)

I don't know if it's wrong to crack a smile at being called an intensely insulting self-confessed genius who's also outright insane.

I guess, given that label, I'm entitled.
Oh, dear Lord - Lackblogger and Dartagnan.

Goodbye sweet thread, we hardly knew you.
Nov 8, 2014
Oh, dear Lord - Lackblogger and Dartagnan.

Goodbye sweet thread, we hardly knew you.

That helps...

Oh, right, it's a 'forum drama' now... Well, that's you hooked into the 'genius plan'...
Nov 1, 2014
Ripper likes to (attempt to) rally the audience against evil troublemakers like us ;)

I think he forgets how used to me most of the others are. He'll learn, eventually.
Me, I'm far too conservative for "digital" games - I need something I can touch, feel, put my hands on … like CDs & DVDs. No, burned ones don't count. Because burned ones won't last as long as sold ones.

"Digital" means to me more or less a "wind of data setteled down on an magnetic harddisk layer", so to say … On CDs & DvDs they are kind of "frozen in carbonite", so to say …

To me, it's like Papyrus compared to stone.

What's even worse is that these games mopst likely won't get an update : If so, then it clearly shows how much "valuable" we are as customers to the game publishers ...
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
This is the main 'thing' I have with CD/DVDs. You get a solid state of a game. The game will never change.

I recently reviewed Serpents in the Staglands, a game which can only be purchased digitally, and while I enjoyed my time with the game, everything I said about it and every detail in how I experienced the game is likely vastly different to the experience the version 0.1 people played and will likely be vastly different to the game the version 0.25 people will play.

With digital games the urge to tinker is so strong. Initially it's quite positive, in that it's mainly bugs that get sorted, but there's always the endless 'balance' changes that get thrown in the mix. So when you load it up again, you get the patches for the bug-fixes but also find out you have to completely relearn all the 'tricks' you employed (and enjoyed) the first time. Like the guy who performed a speed-run in 30 minutes or whatever, only for his 'exploit' to be removed in a later patch.

With the on-line only games like Path of Exile etc, the player has no control whatsoever on whether their charatcer is OP one minute or unplayably weak the next. With my old disc of Icewind Dale, I know which version I have. I know everything about the game and can tailor my experience to exactly what it is I want to play, from obscenely overpowered to mind-numbingly frustratingly difficult. I can play with or without the game-changing expansion and I know when and where all the bugs are, and with predictability comes avoidability/exploitability.

With digital games the experience is as throwaway as the wrapping the old discs were packaged in. You can never be entirely adept with the game to the point where it's you who decides what should or shouldn't be OP, it's always going to be some forum junkie a world away who persuades the devs of said game that the Bow of Disintegration needs halving in attack strength and that the Elf Candlestick Maker needs their baking bonus halved.

As Alrik says, there's something appealing about the sense of a concrete imprint.
Nov 1, 2014
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