Cyberpunk 2077 - System Specs

Regarding downgrading the graphics: why do people get insulted by it? (referring mostly to the historical uproars regarding Witcher 3 and Watch Dogs 2). Is it because consoles are prioritized over highend PCs owned by few people who can effort them?

As it was written here, the graphics are optimized for the current console generation because that represents what the majority can currently run (includes also PCs). With the shift of generation, they will also be optimized for the next and upgraded during the progress. I am pretty sure that the ultra-settings which only few can effort will look great.

As an example, the Witcher 3 will get upgraded to the next gen consoles & PCs. Rich bitchs (not envious to your space-mahicnes at all :p), stay patient. Your time will come! We with toasters just have to hope that we'll get the modern games to run somehow…
Jun 19, 2020
Regarding downgrading the graphics: why do people get insulted by it? (referring mostly to the historical uproars regarding Witcher 3 and Watch Dogs 2).

I can only speak for myself, but I don't think I've ever felt insulted by game changes, and I'm always rather mystified by how agitated people get about anything to do with criticism of games. But I do note when a game has been downgraded.

For me that's because I'm interested in graphics tech, and how far we can take it. A number of times I've seen early trailers for a game, and thought that it's quite exciting, because it's pushing the envelope in ways I haven't seen before. Then, come release... not so much. It's not something that's going to cause me distress, but I might feel like mentioning it.
Nov 8, 2014
This is probably for 1080p resolution.
What about 4k resolution?
I seriously doubt those values are for 4K, that would be insane given how the game looks.

Or what most modern monitors have today 1440p ?
Ehhhr, no. Not by a large margin:
1080p still totally dominates at 66%, 1440p is at about 7%, 4K doesn't even reach 4%. And more than 10% being even below 1080p, if you can believe it.

Except if you're talking about if someone would buy a new monitor today, they might have 1440p by default.
Dec 13, 2010
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