Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - Medusa Fight


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
@GameRant A new video showing off a fight with Medusa from Assassin's Creed: Odyssey.

The existence of Medusa was an obvious addition for Odyssey, as the Gorgon warrior has deep roots in Greek mythology. While there are many other Greek-based myths that have the potential to show up in the game, she’s the one most gamers would think of first. Ubisoft’s rendition of the character certainly does her justice, with Kassandra forced to dodge a devastating leering gaze attack that turns her stone, fight against multiple stone warriors, and utilize both melee and ranged attacks to take down the mighty Gorgon.

Gamers can take a look at the Medusa fight from Assassin’s Creed Odyssey below:

More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
What kind of Ubi's bullshit is that. Gorgon Medusa wasn't killed by anyone named Kassandra. Also, the same Medusa did not have warp/blink/teleport/invisibility, why would she have any of it with her petrification sight power? And what stone warriors?!

Medusa was nailed through wits and items and not by brute force. This more than 10 minutes long fight video that turned Medusa into stupid and forgettable Dark Souls boss is disgusting.
Read the bloody greek mythology Ubisoft!
Apr 12, 2009
Warrior heroine
- Wait! My undies are pinching when I hide this THIS DISK in my BTT-Crack!

Mar 21, 2013
To be fair, there isn't really a consistent canon in Classical mythology. We only have fragments, and major characters are represented in different ways at different times, by many writers. Taking liberties with established characters was what they did, even back then.

Having said that, this fight looks very mediocre. If they'd taken the time, they could have designed a really interesting and original piece of gameplay, where the player must use various mirrors, and never look directly at her. Could have been something really memorable. But, no - just give her teleport and laser-face, and that'll do. "Chop chop, drones! Next year's Assassin's Creed won't make itself!"
Nov 8, 2014
This relly looks tedious...

And doing 176976 damage? Since when do we need these numbers.

With less linearity and choices & consequences I really hoped for a good game. Videos like this let me doubt.
May 6, 2013
I don't worry much - AC Origins had difficulty option available to change anytime so if they keep this darksouls decadence I can always set the game on easy and instakill the stupid darksouls dodge2win boss.
But still. I hoped for another goty candidate and instead I'm getting nothing as such. No wonder DOS 2 final edition got awarded on Gamescom instead of Odyssey.
Apr 12, 2009
Aye lost some interest in the game after seeing this video. Still on my radar though I will need to see more content and information before I buy.
Jun 4, 2008
Wtf! Really uninspiring, unimaginative and long boring fight! Where's Ancient Greek epicness, where's famous trick with the shield?! Even not close to Dark Souls, if that was a goal! What a disappointment!
Mar 21, 2015
Agree, the fight looks tedious but I've seen other gameplay elements that look more intriguing, so still on my radar.

As to staying true the the mythology and history of the time, I'm just spit-balling here and going out on a limb, but I'm guessing the ancient Greeks weren't manufacturing metal disks to be used in opening giant, hydraulic-based stones doors.
Sep 3, 2016
A Misty Island
The rumor is that this scene is a part of Animus glitch - that's why Medusa is presented as last action hero, erm, villain. Hopefully that's true.
Apr 12, 2009
She couldnt even reach trash mob status in dark souls but for AC it’s not too bad.

It’s looking more and more like a day 1 purchase depending on dlc plans.
Read the bloody greek mythology Ubisoft!

This line sums up why I bothered to study programming and start producing games.


Even if people want to be creative, the source material contains internal disagreements and omissions that allow developers to create branching plots and introduce new items or powers. Yet, rather than respect the source material and honour our ancestors and their stories, modern entertainment products go completely off the rails.
Jul 30, 2018
The boss fights in Origins were pretty boring too. But if you're going to pick apart this game based on the mythology, I'm not sure why you'd start or stop there. I'd start with the fact that assassin's can't easily scale 99% of what you can scale in these games. Sheer cliff, yep I can scale that in 5 seconds. And that's just a starting "realism" criticism. There's hundreds. Origins was fun, but these games should be 5 to 10 hours games max. If you want to complete all the points of interests and quests, you'll spend far more hours with the game than 5-10, but it's not very fun, way too repetitive. Gear and stats become boring way too soon as well. But I don't consider Assassin's Creed games RPGs, so I give them slack in these areas.
Oct 18, 2006
She couldnt even reach trash mob status in dark souls but for AC it’s not too bad.

Lol. Enemies in DS: Hit lock on, move in opposite direction from their attack, hit, hit, retreat, repeat.
Aside from a few bosses, there is very little dynamic and quality there.

Seriously though, this is not all that bad. Bit too drawn out and nothing comparable to Gaiden/DMC quality, but definitely a lot better than you'll find from Bethesda/PB games.
Jun 5, 2015
Lol. Enemies in DS: Hit lock on, move in opposite direction from their attack, hit, hit, retreat, repeat.
Aside from a few bosses, there is very little dynamic and quality there.

Seriously though, this is not all that bad. Bit too drawn out and nothing comparable to Gaiden/DMC quality, but definitely a lot better than you'll find from Bethesda/PB games.

If that’s how you play I understand your opinion. Theres a lot of depth if you want to explore it. Also try your method in pvp and tell me how it works for ya. Mastering all the different move sets of weapons in pvp is also a blast.

Dmc/gaiden are ok, too over the top imo though. I don’t like flying through the air and what not.

I agree though AC combat (new games) is way ahead of Bethesda/Pb games.
If that’s how you play I understand your opinion. Theres a lot of depth if you want to explore it. Also try your method in pvp and tell me how it works for ya. Mastering all the different move sets of weapons in pvp is also a blast.
This! DS are games you can grind and cheese if you want to have an unenjoyable experience (and wasting your money and time).
Or you can do the opposite and have a blast, as you said.
Jul 27, 2018
DS games you must grind. Whoever says they bought it and finished immediately by "outwitting" bosses with silly dodging without any grind at all is a plain liar.

Last AC game, Origins, you did not need to grind anywhere at all. I didn't. Unlike previous AC games where excessive grinding was mandatory to complete them.
I've written it already a few times. The second best weapon in the game is given to you through the main story. The best weapon can drop only from lootboxes but you don't need it to complete the game. Enough mats to craft everything you get by solving main and sidequests.
Silly PC Gamer grinded in AC Origins and then said it contains too much of filler. Pathetic site with even more pathetic critics.

I'd be honestly surprised if Odyssey ignored the best part of Origins, that's no grind needed, and returned to outdated design.
Apr 12, 2009
DS games you must grind. Whoever says they bought it and finished immediately by "outwitting" bosses with silly dodging without any grind at all is a plain liar.
Nope, you don't have to grind the solo parts.
If you carefull enough and manage to recover your XP everytime after your inevitable deaths, you can progress fluidly in the game without any grinding.
It's not about being good, it's just about being patient, attentive and carefull. And lucky...

You'll be forced to grind for the PvP however, but I personally don't participate in that crap.
I only like the solitary dungeoneering experience.
Jul 27, 2018
It depends on what you consider grinding.

If dying and having to re-fight some monsters constitutes grinding to you then yes, you have to grind in DS and pretty much any other game ever made. That’s not grinding to me. That’s playing the game.

To me, grinding is when you intentionally kill the same monsters over and over again to gain souls (XP) to level up or craft weapons, etc. you absolutely don’t have to do this in DS. Mainly because the game is mostly reliant on player skill and the boost you get from stats for a few levels isn’t going to make much difference. Since loot in DS is hand placed there’s also no grinding for drops.

So no , you don’t have to grind in DS.

Now, I suppose you can call me a liar. I have only platinumed bloodborne and multiple DS games and spent 1000’s of hours combined playing souls and soul like games so I probably have no idea what I’m talking about.

You on the other hand have 0 combined hours but I’m sure you’ve watched a video, read a couple posts or talked to a guy on the internet so I’m sure you’re much more knowledgeable about the subject than me.

I get you don’t like the souls games but there’s no need to spread misinformation about them or try to diminish the enjoyment others get from them.
platinumed bloodborne
Not even Oxford dictionary helped me to understand this. No such words in there.

I get you don’t like the souls games but there’s no need to spread misinformation about them or try to diminish the enjoyment others get from them.
Didn't I post the enjoyment yesterday? Maybe I didn't.

At least she gets paid for it.

Anyway, the plague of dodger aka QTE2.0 is spreading to other games. It got so widely accepted as a mandatory "strategy" Dart played TW3 by darksouls dodging schemes not realizing it's (I bet) more fun not to.
So I yell wolf. Dunno what's diminishing in calling out copycat developers and criticizing grind.
Apr 12, 2009
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