Just to answer the question: Yes, I stop looking as soon as I see a screenshot. Why? There are enough games out in the world that I don't need to play something that isn't up to snuff graphically. It can't be a great game, for me, with the shown level of graphics. I sometimes end up playing something that looks this poor if several folks from RPGWatch really, really recommend it.
Oct 18, 2006
Thank you for feedback, crpgnut. Curious if you feel the look of L2 is better or same category for you? Thanks!
Apr 21, 2017
Lurking takes it's strength from an open world and exploration where you create and build up characters while talking to the many game NPCs and uncover the plot and figure out what you might do next. The graphics are purposefully dated to look like games from the past that for me were much more fun to play because I had to use my mind and imagination and figure stuff out rather than being corralled along a decided course like watching a movie. If this appeals to you as a gamer I would love for you to give it a go.
Apr 21, 2017
Lurking I: Immortui has been updated on itch.io

The new release has been designated v2.0 and here are the major changes:
1. The monster movement mechanic outside of battle has been changed. It is now possible to (at least try) to avoid unwanted encounters with the denizens.
2. The overall beastie spawn rate has been reduced by 25%.
3. Any non-original music that had remained in the game is now replaced with original music. (Hairless Heart will ever make me think of Lurking I forever though)
4. Keyboard shortcuts have been added to spell and song books to speed the song playing and spell casting processes.
5. Remade the 'hills' tile.

If you have never played, hope you will check it out.

Apr 21, 2017
Thanks for your quick response. I have downloaded the game, but it will likely be a couple of weeks before I have sufficient free time to play. I wish you all the best with your endeavours as here at the Watch we love to assist Indie developers and give them both feedback and exposure. When your sequel is getting closer to completion, perhaps we could arrange to do an interview and give you some extra publicity. Please keep in touch with us here.

I've posted your original post as a newsbit on our front page. Sorry, but I couldn't figure out how to add the picture, I'm not very technical!! :)
Corwin, does that offer for interview still stand now that L2 is in ea and soon to be beta? :)
Apr 21, 2017

Lurking I has a larger display and updated tile set. v3.0 now available on itch:

Apr 21, 2017
I have completely re-coded Lurking I: Immortui with improved UI, combat, and balancing. MAC and LINUX build now available.

What language did you re-write it in? (I think previously it was in VB6 or something similar?)

Edit: Just downloaded the Linux version and read the readme. C and raylib. Cool, hadn't heard of raylib until now.
Oct 18, 2006
New Zealand
Raylib library was super helpful to me taking on a new language. Using it for my new projects in the works. Thank you for downloading L1.
Apr 21, 2017
Lurking takes it's strength from an open world and exploration where you create and build up characters while talking to the many game NPCs and uncover the plot and figure out what you might do next. The graphics are purposefully dated to look like games from the past that for me were much more fun to play because I had to use my mind and imagination and figure stuff out rather than being corralled along a decided course like watching a movie. If this appeals to you as a gamer I would love for you to give it a go.
Looks great… Mmm dev comment, ha well, there's words choices in commenting a game, and they hint something.

Thanks for having done a Mac version, it's right time now. Last decade (more or less) the flow of RPG released on Mac was too high for a non fanatic player. But it dry up since end of 2019, so no matter the graphic, if words on it aren't too wrong, it should be a major release on Mac, nothing less. :)
Oct 14, 2007
A Bug on Mac (downloaded today version):

Once the .app extracted and OS preference changed to allow open the application from unknown developer:
- Double click on Immortui.app (not in Application folder) launch and quit the game without any message.
- Open a console, go in folder where is Immortui.app then do the command line: ./Immortui.app/Contents/MacOS/Immortui shows the error: Segmentation fault: 11
- Open a console go in folder Immortui.app/Contents/MacOS/ then do the command line: ./Immortui launch the game fine.

So there's something to fix, in case it matter, OS 10.13.6. Positive point I'll try play it but I won't comment anything if I don't play it during hours, so don't wait for any feedback before some time.
Oct 14, 2007
Well a first feedback anyway, a streamline suggestion: Provide a pool of adventurers pre created, this should be easy to do, and players not wanting them could ignore them easily.
Oct 14, 2007
Sorry for much delayed response. I very much appreciate the feedback and the band-aid to get MAC running. The MAC/LINUX thing is new to me so trying to work through it. Providing a pre-made adventurer pool is a wise choice and I will do that in the next update. I added item drop per Shagnak's previous suggestion (this was in last version update). I have been working on two new games for some time now and also re-coding L2 so I can offer LINUX/MAC of that as well. Also able to scale screen to display size with the re-code which is nice since L2 is currently stuck at 1280x720 and ALT-Tab doesn't work. Plenty to keep me busy. Thanks for checking out the game. Really appreciate it.
Apr 21, 2017
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