ELEX - First Reviews

This for me is the biggest issue. Has been since the first video I've seen. From what I read the rest of the game is a standard PB game, so if you like their previous ones it should be ok.

I bought it out of principle, but I can't get my self to play it exactly because of what you write.

I find this genre mix very off-putting. It seems to me like someone said:

Post-apocalyptic GOOD
Fantasy GOOD

So let's mix them all and it will be triple -GOOD!

To me it's like being offered some delicious sausages dipped in delicious ice cream, the combo is unappealing…

This will probably be the first PB I will not play…

There is some weirdness due to the way they mixed those settings, but so far I'm finding it works ok despite how implausible some of it is.

It's sort of like the Fallout games. If you take those too seriously, you're going to find all sorts of stuff that doesn't make sense. Elex is the same way.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I've played 2 hours of it, and I think it's pretty damn good. Combat isn't as clunky as I was lead to believe; I've mainly been caught out when I forget to look at my stamina or forget that I've got double-tap evade. The only combat where I've felt completely outclassed is when I decided to kill a certain outlaw near the Berzerker town.

The background/lore doesn't really work well IMO, but hey, my favourite game is Wizardry 8 and that's as goofy as hell. Aside from the post-apoc/futuristic bits, the factions and encounters feel very Gothic/Risen 1 to me, which is a pro or a con depending on what side of the fence you fall on.

I'm not a PB fanatic either. I finished Risen 1 (80% awesome, but the last 20% ...ugh), but Gothic 1 is the only other one I've come close to finishing. Risen 2 and 3 are still on my "intend to finish" list. Maybe I'll actually finish this one for a change? Looks likely so far.
Oct 18, 2006
New Zealand
Played for 30 minutes and… masterpiece confirmed. :thumbsup:

Joking aside, I like what I see so far. Voice acting, dialogue and translation are a bit stilted and not great, but the gameplay is fun and the world seems like it's going to be great to explore. The game is already challenging on Ultra difficulty, there are more skills, stats and RPG mechanics than you can shake an iron bar at, and the game is pretty and sounds good.

I'd say so far it feels like Risen 1 in a much larger world.
Why would anyone do that? At least in my game, if there are several trashmobs on one spot they attack each other and ignore me. All I do is wait a bit till their HP is low, lasthit both and get XP.

I seriously believe you should drop whatever streamers you got addicted to.

Streamers noticed and voiced it ( a bad sign since by trade streamers strive to paint themselves as having fun)

For example, one streamer attacked a group of enemies, singled one out and found it surprising the others did not join the fight. Not pack mentality.

Does ChienAboyeur write complete games reviews from watching streams ? Does he actually play any games ?

Far from being a complete review. Simple points that can be noticed when watching streams.
Mar 29, 2011
Where is @Maylander; review? Surely hes finished it by now.
Finished it just now actually. Going to start a 2nd playthrough soon, and I'll be writing the review during it. It's likely to be massive though, as I have a lot to say about it, and a crazy amount of screenshots. Need to be really selective.
Oct 18, 2006
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