I've noticed that my 9800m GTS slows down a bit in the dense foliage, not enough that I'm going revert back to stock graphics however. I have not run FRAPs but I suspect I'm somewhere in the high teens.
Thanks for this thread. :)

Anyone figured out how to turn off Bloom, iirc G3 had this problem too?

Thanks for any tips.
Found it.

Anyone know how make the Camera Distance stop resetting, after every interaction, possibly by changing the Default Distance to your preference?
Thanks for your reply. It gets rid of the overwriting problem, but I have no idea why, your settings have no effect in my game, it looks just like with the original ConfigUser.xml (except the vegetation view distance)
Has ANYONE gotten the NPC draw distance to be farther yet? I've tried all the tweaks and nothing seems to work. Please don't reply telling me you have it working, please post a picture for proof and explain how you did it. This is getting very frustrating having to restart the game after every change.
Try increasing EntityROI from "4000.000000" to "6000.000000" to see the NPCs from farther…

EDIT: Okay, I played around with the config files but it seems that NPC draw distance is hard-coded. :(
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