Not sure what befell me, but I got Diablo 4 on Steam. It's bound to be a game I bounce in and out every now and then. I guess I got it also out of curiosity. And I had some leftover money in my steam wallet.
And I must say the integration with is practically unnoticeable. The linking to my account was done via their webserver. No touching the client at all.
And I assume they're probably running some lightweight library to integrate with it, because you don't touch the client at all. I'm not even logged into the local client.

And as expected, there's already review bombing of it. Man some people have a lot of time on their hands.
Well, I said this before, but I think it's bullshit that they're charging full price to people who already purchased it on Battlenet.

Why not just let them migrate over? They're already getting a ton of new sales just by being on Steam now.
Well, I said this before, but I think it's bullshit that they're charging full price to people who already purchased it on Battlenet.

Why not just let them migrate over? They're already getting a ton of new sales just by being on Steam now.
Yeah, that would've been nice. Or at least offer some discount if you already have it. Currently it's got a global 25% off. But they're doing 25% off of 69.99 :D
It's on my wishlist but I'm not buying from GOG ever again, except maybe older games. I'm pretty sure it'll have the same discount on Steam in the next few days.
Here's a site I like to use to find the cheapest Steam keys - Cheapshark.
It only links to legit stores. No grey-market sites.
I was thinking about buying Strange brigade, because it is on a very deep sale, but then I saw review
and I dropped it, maybe the next time. It never makes me wonder how many games I miss on steam and never heard of them, but some of them can be really good. But seeing the assets got me thinking about Todd's Howards Indiana Jones project. I couldn't imagine how it could be created without Tomb riders engine and heavy climbing, or how it would be indiana jones if it would be first person (as the german studio is known for first person shooters), but this game with it's Egyptian content is quite interesting - I was expecting the usual zombie hordes.
Well, I said this before, but I think it's bullshit that they're charging full price to people who already purchased it on Battlenet.
Most people who already bought the game don't particularly care - they aren't playing it anymore. Case in point: myself.