
You know, I consume an enormous amount of web content daily so you'd think I'd be all over RSS. I'd like to but I can't find an aggregator I like. Web based services seem too slow, Sage doesn't seem to be actively developed anymore, I find Wizz in Firefox rather ugly and why have a separate aggregator plus a browser?

In addition, lots of the blogs I read use rather meaningless headings, so I have to click (or read) every entry to know what its about...and then I might as well just read the original site/page.

Anyone have a nice, slick, attractive and practical RSS reader preference?
You know what? I hate RSS readers. I've tried every one under the sun and haven't found anything more elegant that simply saving the RSS feed to my Firefox bookmarks toolbar folder.

In this way the feed displays only the headlines in a drop down from the toolbar. It's precise, not overly wordy, and means i can select single stories from the drop down without having to load an entire page.

In fact, it is just this feature of Firefox that has kept me from using Safari or Camino.

Just my $0.02.
I use Google Reader ... it gives everything in lists, and when you click on them you can see the intro paragraph to decide if it is worth reading, you can categorize and so on ... and it is fast. I have dozens of feeds and I can go through them in a few minutes.
I've actually found it slow - maybe that's got something to do with my geography. Also, having to click on the entries means I find it faster just going to the site in question. Or maybe I don't have configured/optioned properly?