
Tired but happy
Here are some tools that will help any modders out there.

- A tool to unpack the game's 'group files' which contain most of the resources, readme included in the zip. Works for both White Gold and The Precurors, all versions.

NOTE: The unpacker won't work with the original main.fat's that come with White Gold, and includes altered main.fat files, but if you want to use your original main.fat with the unpacker for whatever reason (there is a beta version of the game out there) then you simply need to open main.fat in a hex editor, copy the entire contents, and then paste it onto the end of the file. Effectively just doubling the contents of the file.

- An 'improved' version of the resource editor (QRE) provided by the developers. This lets you edit the in game text (dialog, menu's, etc), and I've exposed the localisation functionality which allows you to export / import to / from Excel.

For both White Gold and the Precursors the developers had done some translation in several languages. English, Spanish, French, German, etc. This version of QRE gives you access to all of that text also - it's incomplete but not a bad start if you're interested in doing a version for another language.

A readme is included with instructions on how to use it.

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A quick warning. As far as we know at the moment it is not possible to merge resource files, thus any changes you make there, will be removed on installing the next Unofficial Patch or another mod.
Both links are GrpUnpacker. No QRE editor.

Thanks for pointing that out I've edited my post.

Regarding the QRE - this is probably old news but it's been pointed out to me that the version of the QRE that we have isn't completely compatible with the Precursors resource.qrc file. It works for White Gold (ver. 75) but not for the Precursors (ver. 77)

It can't read the 'weapons' and 'response objects' data, and in fact corrupts the weapons data if you try to view them.

I don't suppose anyone knows more about this or even has an idea about where we can get the newer version?

Hi, guys!
Just a little question:
I use this sdk, but the mapplanner doesn't work! Are there somebody who use it? And is it work on yours computers?
No, the mapplanner what we have for that beta, isn't working. I hope its a fixable bug, the most important bug is the Open function is broken. Maybe somebody will fix it, if can be.
I'm hungarian too, and some time ago I tried to change the fonts with more-less success. The game uses a custom .fnt files for fonts. I realized every .fnt has an included DDS image, what you can get if you cut out the other part of the file. I edited it, and tried to make it to .fnt again, I changed the indexes of the file of course to the new file size, but it isn't really worked. Maybe you can do it, but if not, there is still have a working way, with a texture changer program.
Hát, anno elkezdtem, de azt egy idő után abba kellett hagynom, mert nagyon kevés időm maradt rá és nem láttam úgy már értelmét… Utána amikor újra lett volna időm folytatni, akkor elveszítettem az előző fordítás töredéket, ami pedig eléggé elvette a kedvemet tőle. De pont mostanában agyaltam, hogy még ha kevés is az időm, attól még szép lassan csinálgathatnám, hisz senki se sűrget, hátránya meg úgyse lenne, úgyhogy szívesen segítek :) Persze most is van mellette egy-két projektem (az egyik például egy Xenus szerű játék), úgyhogy nem tudom minden szabadidőmet erre fordítani, de csinálom ahogy tudom!

Ékezetet pedig mindenképp lehet csinálni bele, már sikerült nekem is, amint mondtam legrosszabb esetben azzal a textúra buherálós progival, de rajta leszek az .fnt fájnlak a szerkesztésén is.