Oblivion The Let's Rant and Rave About Oblivion Thread

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
I can't understand how people could hate FO3 more than Oblivion ( I personally like both games, although I've only played a little of FO3 so far). Bethesda did away with the #1 complaint, which was the level scaling.

I would guess that the majority of those FO3 "haters" simply don't enjoy the post apocalyptic setting, or they're old time Fallout fans who are still crying over the loss of their isometric view and turn-based combat.

I really like FO3. My main problem with the game is that they didn't completely get rid of level scaling. At level 16 I constantly run into death claws and I have to waste a ton of ammo just to get where I want. That was the show stopper for me. I couldn't stand the hordes of death claws.
Oct 18, 2006
Pearl Harbor, HI
Weird, I've only fought 2 all game and I'm level 18.
Aug 31, 2006
my experience is that Deathclaws are concentrated on the north-east section of the map. are you by any chance exploring that area?
Jul 17, 2007
my experience is that Deathclaws are concentrated on the north-east section of the map. are you by any chance exploring that area?

Yup they are roaming that area because there is actually a nest full of them in the north east..:)
Oct 19, 2006
then i can't imagine what it'd be like when you reach the Deathclaw Sanctuary. :)
Jul 17, 2007
I didnt think Oblivion was very good. Its just a huge world with nothing to do.

-The quests are boring and irrelevent to the world unless you do the main ones.

-the character facial generation is impossible to use to create a character with an even remotely "Normal" looking face.

-the world is too big with too much pointless stuff filling it up.

-autotravel from one end to the other end of the world makes the worlds size pointless

-starsigns are imbalanced in strength.

-spells and abilities are too scattered all over the place in an inacceble manner.
Dec 11, 2008
That's why you download the Adventurer's mod.

Fixes a lot of those issues and makes the game a bit harder without adding too much (Obscuro's Overhaul).

Game still isn't great by any means, not even good as far as an RPG but makes it a less annoying, somewhat decent action/adventure RPG-lite.

So if you liked Oblivion, it will improve the game.
If you disliked it a bit, it may make you dislike it a lot less.
If you hated it, there's nothing that can be done, heh.
Feb 24, 2007
Just back to that bit of off-topic up there, regarding FO3. Deathclaws? Well, will ya believe I spent 70 hours in the game, and completed the main quest along with a good few others, and I never encountered a Death claw? :S I have been planning to go back sometime and explore all the other vaults. I've only been to the two needed for the MQ, and apparently the others are interesting.

Regarding Oblivion: rants about it are just so old. Yes it's too easy and it has a ridiculous leveling system, but I enjoyed the setting and the little stories around the quests. I'm a Morrowind fan though. Oblivion doesn't touch it. :biggrin:
Nov 23, 2007
Oblivion and Fallout 3 were both very disappointing for me. I even tried going back to Oblivion a year or two after release, assuming the Mod community would have had time to 'fix' it, and still couldn't even play it. All the game sites that give these 2 90's or higher don't earn my respect. Oblivion at launch, with all the scaling problems, is like.. a 70
Apr 23, 2009
Oblivion and Fallout 3 were both very disappointing for me. I even tried going back to Oblivion a year or two after release, assuming the Mod community would have had time to 'fix' it, and still couldn't even play it. All the game sites that give these 2 90's or higher don't earn my respect. Oblivion at launch, with all the scaling problems, is like.. a 70

It's funny, after attempting to play Fallout 3 for the 3rd time and then going back to Oblivion for the 10th or so I think Oblivion sucks a bit less.

Both games disappoint me but I had no problem running around doing the odd side quest or exploring in Oblivion. It was ok, not mind blowing but sort of the mindless not-too-absorbing kind of fun you have playing Diablo or action RPGs (only not even as much fun). Couldn't do this with Fallout 3.

I could see where some improvements were made in Fallout 3 as it relates to skill checks and levelling system, but I just can't get into Fallout 3 AT ALL. Maybe I loved Fallout 1/2 so much that I couldn't accept the way it turned out.

The reason I keep going back to Oblivion is that I'm an ES fan and really wanted to like it... I keep going back to see if maybe I didn't give it enough of a chance. So I try a different class type, focus on one faction's quests, stick to exploring.

Still, every time I end up putting about 6 or 7 hours into it and then getting bored. But I don't think Fallout will get another chance. I hate it.
Feb 24, 2007
It is same with me, Relayer. I'm coming back to TES4 but can't to FO3 even if both dissapointed me. It's also because of mods - Oblivion has a tons of great mods that makes it much better.

And yes, I also hate FO3 because I love FO 1/2 ^,^
Jun 16, 2008
Oblivion was a little disappointing for me. But I got to like it in the end. It is not one of my favorites however. It is just OK.
But F3 is a whole different story.
I don't hate F3 because I am a F1/2 fan. I hate F3 because it is a poor game in its own right. The worst RPG gameplay? Check (Do you really call it a RPG?). The worst ending ever? Check. The worst character design possible in a game? Check. The worst story ever? Check. The most illogical story elements in the history of gaming? Check.

And before somebody starts arguing about how great F3 was, and how biased and negative my statements are, let me just give you an example.
When I first got to Megaton, I found a nuclear bomb which supposedly was dropped there by the Chinese. Imagine my utter surprise when I got to Fort Constantine and found a silo full of the same bomb, made by the Americans!
In Bethsoft's f..... game, the Americans NUKED THEMSELVES, only because Bethsoft's graphics design game didn't bother to make two different bombs, one for the Americans and another for the Chinese.
There are many other cases just like that. If you want examples, just call the shot.
May 17, 2009
I don't hate F3 because I am a F1/2 fan. I hate F3 because it is a poor game in its own right. The worst RPG gameplay? Check (Do you really call it a RPG?). The worst ending ever? Check. The worst character design possible in a game? Check. The worst story ever? Check. The most illogical story elements in the history of gaming? Check.

You forgot stupid dialogues that are retarded more than in any game/movie/book I've ever played/seen/read.





I wouldn't believe someone might write something so stupid if I didn't see this myself.
Jun 16, 2008
I haven't bothered with Fallout 3 yet. The setting really has never interested me, so it's not a must purchase.

Oblivion, I picked up off a clearance rack for my PS3. And I wish I'd gotten something else. Like burned at the stake.

After a bland-if-tolerable FPS romp through the starter dungeon (of sorts), I made it to the outside world. About once every 30 mins or so, I might have even seen some combat. But only if I could catch the wolves before they ran away.

Oblivion has the most empty, boring world of anything I have ever experienced. It's barely RPG, I wasn't able to find a discernible plot. The only thing it has in that regard is a decent character generation system. A first person shooter actually has enemies, unlike this.

I gave it two hours. During which time, I could count on one hand the number of enemies outside of the starting dungeon I found. Not killed, they usually run from my mighty level 1 hero.

The most pointless thing is the looting. You can loot everything. However, WHY? I do not play a game like this to loot cups and glasses and plates. I didn't think much of that feature in Ultima 6, I think less of it now.

I reviewed it in another forum I go to, and it became one of 4 games to take a 0/5 score. Whats bad is I wanted a PS3 RPG, yet haven't found any beyond that.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
First off, why would you buy a game like Oblivion for the PS3? You should have known better. I would never buy that style of RPG for a game console, simply because the modability is one of the best things about the PC version.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
First off, why would you buy a game like Oblivion for the PS3? You should have known better. I would never buy that style of RPG for a game console, simply because the modability is one of the best things about the PC version.

Because I wanted a PS3 RPG, and more importantly this laptop I'm on isn't really able to run Oblivion. Might do better now that I got rid of the vista Virus that sucked up 45%+ of my processor and 75% of my ram, but still. The Intel chip for graphics isn't much either.

My PC gaming is limited to those developers and publishers who are intelligent enough to shoot for a more commonly available, lower-end PC and laptops instead of the expensive gaming rigs.

Secondly, I bought Morrowind for PC, and felt I paid too much at $5. I should have pirated it, and then I'd still have paid too much. Oblivion was worse.

Finally, I very rarely buy games for PC due to proliferation of viruses being prepackaged with them from the major publishers. I'll generally buy from competent publishers, which means independents. I'm tired of having to replace hardware and reinstall OS's just because of idiots and crooks in an office.

I had Daggerfall, and liked it save for the general bugginess. If I could get it to install, I might have in on my computer now. Morrowind was only slightly more populated than Oblivion. Slightly. It's like the difference between a ghost town and a town where even the ghosts left for better pastures. I never played Arena, again it didn't seem to want to install. Then again, I downloaded it while I was still suffering Vista, so it may work now I have a decent OS.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Secondly, I bought Morrowind for PC, and felt I paid too much at $5. I should have pirated it, and then I'd still have paid too much. Oblivion was worse.

Really?! A lot of people consider Morrowind a classic, and I'd have to say I agree. It was MUCH better than Oblivion imo, and it's an explorer's dream if you like sandbox style RPGs.

I'll never forget the first time I stepped off the boat in Seyda Need and looked around..... I almost fell out of my chair.

Daggerfall was slightly overrated imo, and I think the only reason it got so much attention was because of it's size and scope. I don't like randomized dungeons in crpgs, and seeing the same cookie cutter areas in DF grew old fast for me.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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