Grimoire - How to Get Cleve Working


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
In his latest update Cleve explains that the money pledged on IndieGoGo wasn't needed to finish the game, but was an incentive to get him to finish it....
He now has raised almost 4% of the asked 250K, which will be used to pay for the pledges. As there is only 21 hours left in this campaign it is a safe bet that this is about it, but with the launch of the demo we will see a launch of a new campaign as well. I suppose this is needed as Cleve is running out of incentive to finish the game.
In any case there is a promise of a demo being released in the coming week. Maybe he will surprise us and delivers on this promise.
A few days left in this campaign, ironic the demo will be out shortly, along with the launch of the all new campaign inclusive of the pledges that have been made so far.
There will be a new pitch video, new footage of the game and much improved overview of what the finished product plays and feels like.
Please remember, anybody that pledged to this campaign, that the release of this game was never contingent upon making any goals to raise money. The game was in a 98% completed state when the campaign started. This campaign was all about giving me the incentive to get off my ass and finish it and it has succeeded admirably. Any money that came in through this campaign was intended first to fulfill all pledges to it and then if we made more it was to be used to enhance the graphics, sound and music wherever possible.
I think I would have never discovered there was a glitch in the Fastgraph library or other problems with the code if I had not had that pressure to investigate and eliminate them.
I have a couple more mandatory things to include in the demo (like a shortcuts/help screen) and I expect it will be packaged up very shortly and released in the coming week.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Clevester said:
I expect it will be packaged up very shortly and released in the coming week.

And I expect not. I expect instead:

The icon used to launch the game was very poor quality and requires a couple of weeks of polishing. I expect the demo should perhaps be released shortly after, or possibly later. C'mon guys, be patient, its only late by a decade or so.
Aug 12, 2007
I find his bouts of madness inspiring and I think I'll buy the digital version.
Knowing the history of this effort I could not put money up for it. Based on history, it is more likely it will not get done and putting up money for this is the same as putting in good money after bad.

And this is coming from someone who is pretty much agnostic about the whole thing. I don't care one way or another if he makes the game, or doesn't make the game. He doesn't owe me a thing in this life and I have no expectations for him to make a game or do just about anything else you can do in life.

But put money up for a game that has been in development for what, 10 years now? No thanks...
Oct 18, 2006
I think Grimoire and Realms of Arkania remake are two of the most interesting games on the horizon. Really hope that Grimoire demo gets released soon and then we can know for certain that it isn't a mirage. Certainly the demo videos on Indiegogo are extremely impressive, they just get the idea of what those party games are all about in a way we haven't seen for many years.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
What a cruel joke of Life that the only real Wizardry clone game in development will never be released :(
Apr 16, 2008
How does this look for the betting pool then?

I will simplify it to start

Grimoir will be released
Only a demo will be released
Nothing will be released

Maybe we can have prop bets on it and people can offer suggestions.

Suggestions can be previous beta gets leaked.
Will be rewritten for Windows 8 tablet compatibility.

What should we use as currency? Watchpoints? Something from the NHL Playoffs pool we do every year?
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
How to get him working?
How about fulfillment of promises made, that should be enough!

You'll be an RPG legend if you pull this off, and it's a glorious game that makes us all weep tears of joy. Just do it!
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I think it will get done and released, but I'm an optimist. I really knew nothing about this game until recently, but it's been pretty humorous following this story and learning about the story behind Grimoire. I will definitely give it a look if and when it comes out. It seems to have a ridiculous amount of content, that's for sure.
I think Grimoire and Realms of Arkania remake are two of the most interesting games on the horizon. Really hope that Grimoire demo gets released soon and then we can know for certain that it isn't a mirage. Certainly the demo videos on Indiegogo are extremely impressive, they just get the idea of what those party games are all about in a way we haven't seen for many years.

Yep. I'd even say Grimoire looks like the most promising RPG in development right now.

We do know the game exists from the videos, or at least there is enough assets to put together a game, if not a 600-hour game. We also know from the videos it's got promise to be a good game --very good even. Any reasonable person would publish the damned thing and reap money from the people who buy the game after the campaign. It wouldn't make any sense if this was a hoax.

The only question is: is Cleve that reasonable person who makes sensible decisions? I think he's not quite that far gone yet. But I wouldn't be very comfortable betting money on it.
Oct 5, 2010
Yep. I'd even say Grimoire looks like the most promising RPG in development right now.

What the hell are you smoking??!! A 1990's blobber RPG with random battles is the best game in development??!! I think not. Quite frankly, I just don't understand the excitement over this game (assuming it even comes out). I've seen the videos, and all I see is an enhanced Wizardry 7 clone. Wasteland 2, on the other hand, I am excited about that one...
Jul 9, 2010
To be honest he can release or not release it, he can do whatever he wants really. You all act like he owes you something, when he doesn't. It's his game, he doesn't live off its profits.

I would like him to release it but I'm not going to tar and feather him because he hasn't. Whatever, if it comes it comes.
Apr 17, 2007
What the hell are you smoking??!! A 1990's blobber RPG with random battles is the best game in development??!! I think not. Quite frankly, I just don't understand the excitement over this game (assuming it even comes out). I've seen the videos, and all I see is an enhanced Wizardry 7 clone. Wasteland 2, on the other hand, I am excited about that one…

Depends what you think about Bane & Crusaders - two of my #1 games of all time and I don't think I'm unique in that.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
You could have made that argument at one time, but now that he has taken people's money with the promise of a finished project, he does in fact owe them something.

I've never personally been convinced that the game exists beyond the bare bones demo released more then 10 years ago. But until he started taking people's money, it wouldn't have mattered that much if I was right, just a harmless hoax or delusion. Now it would be a bit more serious if it wasn't real or was never released.

To be honest he can release or not release it, he can do whatever he wants really. You all act like he owes you something, when he doesn't. It's his game, he doesn't live off its profits.
Apr 14, 2011
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