Who wants to make an indie rpg ?


July 29, 2013
Im searching memembers into my team!
All i want to do is make an RPG, my only conditions is:
I want to make the graphics, 2D hand drawn no pixel art or 3D rendered.
What i need: someone who is skilled in programming and wants to make a JRPG.
The ideal person would be who's skilled in c++.
I already started some projects but the results are:
RPG maker is out of the question, i want to use my drawings.
Game maker is good but its just too much for it, the size is too big and the loading time is too long you cant make an RPG in that and thats why the c++ knowledge would be the best.
About me : i do not have any knowledge about programming.
Im open to many ideas although i have tons of RPG game ideas and i have to tell you they are definitely worth a shot.BUT i want to make a hand drawn JRPG so much, if there is someone who has the skill to programming a 2D JRPG but he only work in team if i have to make his story, then okay im in.
The music can be made by me since i can made it fine, more or less but thats an another story, programming is the most important question here.

About my skills you can check my videos about 2 JRPG idea of mine here:
( keep in mind they are just "prototypes" they are far from the final )
first game idea, hand drawn:
second game idea, not hand drawn:

okay they are just 2 of my ideas i already started but as i said i have more ideas and im open to any new.
Anyway, if someone wants to make those 2 , i will be happy to continue them but as i said not in game maker it cant make such a game.

Just in case you can contact me here also:
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Jul 29, 2013
Are you saying Gamemaker can't make the games you want? Or you just don't want to use Gamemaker? Gamemaker Studio is definitely setup to create something like you want, it just all depends on who's doing the scripting.

I would highly recommend looking in to Unity to create something like this, especially the second example. The free version would have everything you would want, it's extremely well documented, and has been out for a while, so there's a LOT of support for it. It will also pretty much compile to any platform of your choice. Unity is becoming more accessible to artists that don't have any programming experience, because they offer some incredible assets that take care of most of the heavy lifting. For instance:

ORK Okashi RPG Kit

Which would eliminate a lot of scripting required.

However if you're dead set on not even dipping your toe in, you could always try the community at:


And see if there's someone there who's looking to pair up with you in the Collaborations section. Good luck to you! Your art talent is definitely there, so I can't see it being too hard for you to create what you want if you put your mind to it.
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
well, game maker made a brilliant job what rpg maker couldnt done but its just too much, im using 1440 x 900 pictures and even if i reduce them to lower ( above 640x 480 ofcourse ) the game size still would be enormous.
I almost done nothing and its loading forever so my 12 hours gameplay plan is just not for this programm. I need millions of gifs-sprites-backgrounds and musics so if game maker has a problem at the start, i dont think later it will be better…
Anyway the one who helped me ( Kaptajne david ) made an awsome work its very good during the play and he could make most of my ideas but the engine is not strong enough. I need an engine which can run my whole game without any problem and can be edit "easly" ( not by me, for me even game maker is impossible).
I know about unity engine and yes seems like it would be the best but i have nothing common with scripting/ programming i would never be understand that unfortunately.Im not saying i dont want to understand it, but even to use the resource kit you mentioned i will have problems and even if i can learn it from tutorials, my hair would turn into gray untill i can use the lessons.Im an artist all i want to do is to draw and then check the outcome at a test.But if you say so there is a community related to indie teams in unity then i definitely give it a shot. thanks!
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Jul 29, 2013
I understand exactly what you mean, I can do the C++ coding for you if you want, I have already built several 2d engines. Perhaps we can discuss in PM's... I'll only work on it if you are serious and seriously good :)
Oct 25, 2006

GG will work on this game?

Apr 12, 2009
Nah, she should put that one on KS and use the cash to recruit some pros.
Apr 12, 2009
Well, this is a very small project compared to mine :) I know the feeling of wanting to make a game but lacking necessary resources all to well, so I don't mind helping out.

I am doing some mobile app games to fund the development of tactica: MOF, so work on that is rather slow at the moment. To do a kickstarter would require something VERY impressive to get funded I suppose, at least if your name is not Brian Fargo :D
Oct 25, 2006
How much would you need, GG? I guess for unknowns more than $50000 seems to be hard, and only visually highly impressive projects have a chance of breaking $100.000.
Oct 18, 2006
Much more than that to make it the game I want it to be, and I wouldn't settle for less. So yes, I definitely have better chance with the mobile app games to fund it compared to kick-starter right now…
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Oct 25, 2006
I think for GothicGothicness we could start one hell of a fundraiser here at the Watch, that would put the D:OS fundraiser to shame ;)

My requirements: turn based combat, old school, hard as nails, party of characters...
Oct 18, 2006
If you can make > $100.000 with a mobile game, I congratulate you! Personally I don't care how, it's just good to know the project hasn't been abandoned (inspite of knowing next to nothing about it :p ).

(Sorry to the OP for the off-topic)
Oct 18, 2006
If you can make > $100.000 with a mobile game, I congratulate you! Personally I don't care how, it's just good to know the project hasn't been abandoned (inspite of knowing next to nothing about it :p ).

(Sorry to the OP for the off-topic)

oh i dont mind ( or does OP means operator? )
bytheway, i dont know how much you can earn with a mobile game but the 3 big companies are started to open their doors before indie devs
i dont know the details but nintendo made the wii u dev kit free ( ?? )
and im sure there is more cash in the home console market

anyway lookslike im gonna work together with GothicGothicness and hopefuly we will make something awsome.
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Jul 29, 2013
This is a good place to remark, methinks, that I have in mind developing a CRPG system that anyone can use.

I've been frustrated about the lack of a free RPG system for CRPG development. Both d20 (PnP license now rescinded) and Pathfinder reserved the right for the license for use on computers.

My idea would be to develop an RPG and port it to computer for use free of charge granting the user the right to change anything they would like and allow use commercially. I'm not sure of the GNU license would work here in terms of code - I don't want to limit the developer.

Such a system would be modular in design and this would help it scale.

I've already purchased the URL opencrpg.com for this purpose.

A couple of old NWN folks I stay in contact with like the idea but we got bogged down in the wrong argument as per usual with these kind of projects: what language to use. One was concerned with being able to port it to Unity and a couple of others only knew Java. I think we settled on language agnostic but I think C++ makes more sense.

Regardless, that's just quibbling for now. My free time right now is focused on my Android App. I would really start on it sometime after that which could be a couple of months away.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
So it would be a ruleset and a set of libraries and data resources etc. to implement it in any CRPG project? Would there also be a P&P version? That's a cool idea, Lucky Day.
Oct 18, 2006
So it would be a ruleset and a set of libraries and data resources etc. to implement it in any CRPG project? Would there also be a P&P version? That's a cool idea, Lucky Day.

yes, exactly. A PnP set I think is necessary - IMO a CRPG is an attempt to replcate the experience and feel of an RPG. Of course, I want it flexible enough that if someone wanted to implement it into an action game they could - ie. NWN.

The thing will be a set of scripts that will have a rudimentary front end. I wanted the front end to be command line based. Who ever built an engine on top of it could use the front end or access the procedures directly.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
This is a good place to remark, methinks, that I have in mind developing a CRPG system that anyone can use.

I've been frustrated about the lack of a free RPG system for CRPG development. Both d20 (PnP license now rescinded) and Pathfinder reserved the right for the license for use on computers.
As far as I know it is still possible to freely use the OGL license to use the D&D 3.5 ruleset for computer games. The OGL and d20 licenses are two different licenses (d20 is defunct but OGL is usable forever). More info here on the WotC site:

A key quote there:
Q: So I could make a game?

A: Sure. Remember though, you cannot use any Product Identity with the OGL or claim compatibility with anything. So you can't say your game is a d20 System game or uses D&D rules or call it ñElminster's Undermountain Crawl.î
Knights of the Chalice does this (uses the 3.5 rules, modified, under the OGL license).

That said, I still applaud the idea of creating another system people can freely use!
Aug 19, 2011
I definitely have better chance with the mobile app games to fund it compared to kick-starter right now…
But there is no KS project that mentions phones and phone OSes I've backed. And that won't change - unless my PC becomes a phone.

I only wish ppl would call phonegames as phonegames and not RPG, RTS, FPS etc.
Apr 12, 2009
I can assure you the mobile games I am doing has nothing to do with RPG's :) I don't think a mobile RPG would make a lot of money, people playing mobile games mostly wants to crush candy or open cubes....
Oct 25, 2006
Crush candy? You sure they're human species?
Apr 12, 2009
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