Baldur's Gate 3 - Yet More Rumours

After reading what the rumor says I'm not all that excited. It's ironic (if the rumor is true) that both Fallout 3 and Baldur's Gate 3 get canceled for console trash and then their IP's are bought by companies who pushes technology (didn't know you could actually push technology.) Quote " it's being made by a company that believes in pushing technology forward." That is never a good sign IMO. Oh well back to the classics for me or just strategy games. Mark of Chaos is still pretty good :)
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Feb 3, 2007
Bla, bla, bla, bla. It's great that this site is PC-oriented and all, but the elitist PC gamers are really tiresome. Do you feel special? RPG Codex is the same. So sad.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
You know I do feel special:) I'm an elitist PC Gamer. Why be sad, I'm proud as hell that I'm an elitist. I know what I like and what I don't like. Can most Politically Correct sheep say the same?
Feb 3, 2007
According to RPG Codex, the latest PC Gamer UK claims they know Baldur's Gater 3 is in production but, unfortunately, they can't reveal much else. There's absolutely no evidence presented, but hey - who knows?
More information.

I don't think it's going to happen. From what I've heard before, one of NWN2 team member is planning to make bg3 as nwn2 mod. Either way, I'd rather not see bg3 being released. Just let it die, ffs. I like the way bg series ended and hope it will stay that way.
J.E. Sawyer is making "(BG3):The Black Hound" as a mod for NWN2. But I don't see what this has to do with some unnamed studio doing BG3. It will probably have nothing in common with the canceled BG3...or the released BGs.

And until I see an official press release I won't believe this rumor.
Seems to me they have to get through 'sonic the hedgehog rpg' first. Sheesh.

Bioware isn't (supposedly) making it. It's an unnamed developer that (once again supposedly) "it's being made by a company that believes in pushing technology forward."

I think I'll go with Shannow's comment with "I'll believe it when I see it."

Edit: Thanks, Purpleblob, that's the first I heard about the mod. You just made this elitist very happy:)
Feb 3, 2007
Seems to me they have to get through 'sonic the hedgehog rpg' first. Sheesh.

That statement, my friend, is dangerous cultural pc elitism. This type of thing could lead to the onset of major hostilities and the deaths of innocents.

Note: As a whole, there are distinct differences between pc and console rpg gaming. And IMO its quite alright and justified to prefer one over the other, nor is the anything nefarious or immoral about doing so. It's perfectly alright for someone to express desire for the more in-depth types of rpg gaming historically available on the pc. If nobody was "elitist" in terms of their desire to pick games/books/films that suits them, then we would all have to go with the lowest common denominator (e.g., Chris Taylor "rpgs") and thats all the market would produce. Thats not the Idiocracy I want to be living in.
skavenhorde said:
"it's being made by a company that believes in pushing technology forward."
Elitist! How dare you want FM quality when you can get AM! Cd quality recorded music when you can get 33.3 LPs! Your, ruining the World and your snoot snooty snobbery is so unbecoming! :p
Oct 18, 2006
Elitist! How dare you want FM quality when you can get AM! Cd quality recorded music when you can get 33.3 LPs! Your, ruining the World and your snoot snooty snobbery is so unbecoming! :p

LMAO, thanks ACE funniest comment I've read today, that and JD's when did Chris Taylor start making RPG's:lol:

I say bring back 8 track!!! and this is the first time anyone ever accused me of starting a war or hinting that liking RPG's caused the deaths of millions :) Man I'm powerful. My whiskers are just crackling with electricity from my mighty elitist energy.:mwahaha:

Now back to topic: Anyone ever hear anything else on Purpleblob's comment on the mod.
Feb 3, 2007
What exactly does "pushing technology" mean? I'm all for pushing technology. It's not mutually exclusive with having a good game and in many cases, it complements the game pretty well (Crysis and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. are perfect examples of this). The Witcher and NWN2 would have benefitted greatly from better technology instead of using that shitty NWN engine (which has always sucked).

I would believe this rumor. It makes perfect sense. Between 4th Edition and the profitibility of the D&D license in video games, it would be really strange for this game not to be made. The only question is whether it will be a crappy generic action/RPG with "Baldurs Gate" stamped on it, or a genuine attempt to make a party-based D&D adventure. I'm not getting my hopes up.
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Oct 18, 2006
I just hope for good games ... but sometimes I think that *not* continuing sequels is a better course after a number of years.
Oct 18, 2006
Every clique is elitist and has to trash talk their rivals even if they really aren't rivals. Gamers have always been this way, even before computer games really took off.

One time I was at a games convention in Minneapolis and was sitting at a table playing an RPG. A guy walked up and watched us for a while and then launched into a rant about how we were all stupid for playing dumbed down games like RPGs instead of TRUE games like war games that actually took thought and intelligence. We were going to be the downfall of REAL gaming! He went on and on for a while then walked off still berating us under his breath. We sat around for a moment, shrugged our shoulders, and went on playing.

Oddly, many years later I was at GenCon and playing a game of MtG with a buddy (between RPG events BTW) and a guy walked up and watched us for a while. He then broke into a rant about how we were all stupid for playing a dumbed down game like MtG instead of TRUE games like D&D that actually took thinking and intelligence. We were going to be the downfall of REAL gaming! He went on and on for a while then walked off waving his arms and muttering. We shrugged our shoulders and went on playing our game.

PG cRPG gamers have been getting bad about this (though I've only been e-ranted) and you see it between rival consoles, too.
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Oct 24, 2006
Minnesota, USA
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