Dragon Commander - Video Previews


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
A short video preview for Dragon Commander of less than 3 minutes, but still trying to cover the entire game is available on Game Trailers.

Total Biscuit takes more time and brings us 32 minutes of video covering both RPG and RTS elements.

Finally, not a real preview or a video, but WarCry aks the question if Dragon Commander is the best next thing in eSports.

MMORPGs can get rather samey. You've got your shooters, your lane-based MOBAs, and of course your fifty million fantasy RPGs with the gold old elf 'n' orc combo. What can be done to spice up online play a little? How about... I don't know... some gameplay that revolves around jetpack-wielding dragons breathing fire on everything? That's what Divinity: Dragon Commander is offering here, and I can definitely imagine this as an epic shake-up to the current roster of eSports games, if this multiplayer video is anything to go by.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
This TotalBiscuit review actually got some criticism from Larian on Facebook. He apparently said something to the effect that the game's tactical side is somewhat blob-centric; ie., winning simply by sending all your units against the enemy base en masse.

I mention this because today, a day after the TotalBiscuit review, there was another update on Facebook to address this:
Michael from PCGMedia weighs in on the macro/micro debate surrounding Dragon Commander in this new article. His motivation seems to be Total Biscuit saying that he'd like Dragon Commander to be more micro (which tbh is but a matter of changing values in an excel file for us)

On this subject, Octaaf, our lead QA, managed to summarise the general Larian view in but a few phrases so we'll quote him here:

- he(TB) only played press (chapter 1 levels have low amount of paths to enemy base)
-Chapter 1 serves as a "tutorial" experience and should not be that hard
- he only had 5 types of units and no skills researched
- we're already changing skills to be more powerful and easier to use
- we're already giving the option to build stuff in dragon mode

I think his remarks are valid, but he didn't play it enough nor did he play the right version (ed: referring to the fact that those changes are being tried out first in the beta and TB had a different press-only version) <<

If you're wondering why we're so sensitive to the matter btw, it's because we're trying to make a new experience. The balancing of previous games doesn't necessarily apply to Dragon Commander, and it's a very delicate balance between finding something new that is easy to learn hard to master and something that is too easy to learn or too hard to master - read, it's not something you can figure out in just a few hours of play.

The only way to get this right is by observing large groups of players play, and adjust to their playing style.

So please continue to let us know your thoughts as you play the beta, as conflicting as they sometimes are ;) That way we can converge to the right mix which pleases the majority of you, and makes this a really kick ass game. In the end we're making it so you have fun, and any feedback you give us, improves the quality of that fun.

For the record though, blob play will get you killed if you play against harder AI's or other humans :) But it will work if you play against easier AI's or low level players. Pretty much the same goes for most RTS' we think.

Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
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