Two Worlds: The Temptation - Mini Q&A #2


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
The second part of the mini-Q&A at the Two Worlds: Temptation site is now up. Here is the full thing:
Are you still working on graphic innovations or have you moved on to gameplay, quests, etc?
Even if our current stage of development is currently focused on game content like quests, magic systems and such, some of the team is always working on the graphics framework. We just finished the implementation of "Atmospheric Scattering" for example. This makes things like fog and tendrils of smoke look much more realistic.

Have you already integrated the physics system?

Yep, although it's not quite complete... but we're almost there - the hero can try to keep his balance on bridges and walkways spanning dizzy heights - and he can lift barrels and other objects and throw them at opponents. The game world itself also benefits from the physics system - flotsam, jetsam and even rafts can be found floating on rivers, which are influenced by realistic wave movements - and the hero can naturally interact with all of this!

What's happening with Yarmalin?
Ahh, the city of Dwarves - yeah, we'll have to ask the fans to be patient on that one, even though they're naturally curious about it, since it appeared in the first version... but our story from the "Temptation " takes us more into the Land of the Elves, rather than to Yarmalin. In this game, Yarmalin will not play any role. BUT - we haven't forgotten the Dwarves and their capital city - they, and it, live on as part of the Antaloor saga!
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Finally broke down and bought the Two Worlds : Epic Edition after ignoring the game for a few years. I'm in the middle of playing Gothic 3 and after playing the Two Worlds demo for a few hours I can finally appreciate this simpler game. Its fun, easy to play in short bursts (unlike Gothic) and doesnt totally descend into a pure mindless action RPG ala Sacred or Diablo. Its sort of "Gothic Lite" with lots of color.

Fun game I must say. I really wish it had a true chase cam but that's my only complaint. I Look forward to this expansion!
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
Finally broke down and bought the Two Worlds : Epic Edition after ignoring the game for a few years. I'm in the middle of playing Gothic 3 and after playing the Two Worlds demo for a few hours I can finally appreciate this simpler game. Its fun, easy to play in short bursts (unlike Gothic) and doesnt totally descend into a pure mindless action RPG ala Sacred or Diablo. Its sort of "Gothic Lite" with lots of color.

I bought the epic edition for pretty much the same reasons after playing the demo.
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
Yeah its amazing you are on a quest and killing 2 minutes after starting lol. Not to take away from Gothic (my favorite series, and I love G3 too) but I can't play that game in less than 45 minutes spurts and accomplish anything. Plus dying means a 60+ second load! In Two Worlds you have the quest markers and a pretty detailed log, 10 minutes and you've done something interesting.
Oct 18, 2006
Boston MA
It completely failed as an 'Oblivion killer' (whatever THAT is), but I enjoyed it, as evidenced in my '2nd opinion in the RPGWatch review here. I'm looking forward to this, not as some great game, but as something pretty cool in the fantasy realm.
Oct 18, 2006
Yeah I was pleasently surprised by this when I initially ignored it.
Apr 17, 2007
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