DA:O Awakenings character import question.

Dragon Age: Origins


Math and girls is hard.
April 4, 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
So I was reading about character importing in the Bioware forum and I'm really confused. I'm late to the discussion and I don't want to look like an idiot. But I've read you can still import your character even if you died at the end of Origins. So are you just sort of importing your character's decisions, but will in fact be playing a new character? Or will you literally be playing your old character? But if that's the case how do they explain why you're not dead? Will you somehow be brought back to life like in Mass Effect 2? I could live with that.

Or when they say you're importing your character will you just be importing your face, and skills and such but you will actually be a whole new person? Or will I literally be Elissa Cousland again?

My character died (and very satisfying that was too), and I'd love to carry on with her but I would rather it make sense if she carries on, so I may replay the ending so she survives. I was wondering if your inventory also is imported. And what's the best place to make a save? I would assume right after the corination. That would make the most sense wouldn't it? Luckily I made a hard save right before the Landsmeet.


Also, what do you think is the best outcome for the ending? I've played where I let Morrigan do her ritual so everyone lives, and I played where I died. I don't want to let Loghain kill the demon and get a hero's send off, but I certainly don't want Alistair to die. What did you do?
Apr 4, 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
I let Alistair instead of me get in bed with Morrigan and arranged it so he married Anora. Loghain was killed for treason. You can't get Anora to marry Alistair if you let Alistair kill Loghain. My human noble killed him instead.

There is a special save game that's made after you finish DA:O that's supposed to be used for future DLC like Return to Ostagar and Awakening. With that save you have max XP and all the decisions you made are stored in the save game. Just load DA:O and you will find this save game (called Post ending or something).

Items will be carried over from the player to Awakening, but NOT DLC items (Return to Ostagar and the 2 DLC mods you could buy in DA:O).

I'm not sure what happens to a dead PC when launching Awakening. You can try the Post ending save game and see if your dead character is still alive there. I believe so because you're supposed to play DLC. I would guess that if your PC died then you start Awakening in a situation where you did not die and Alistair is king. If you died and you want to preserve that image then you could always start with a new character (the Orlais noble).

Bioware has stated that you quickly get much better gear than in DA:O so it doesn't matter which items you carry over from DA:O. Those will be sold quickly anyway.

So I will just use my post ending save game and import it to Awakening and see what happens. I don't care much about the gear I had in DA:O since it will soon be replaced with better gear.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
What if you haven't/don't finish DA:O, can you still import one of your chars?
Aug 31, 2006
What if you haven't/don't finish DA:O, can you still import one of your chars?

Apparently so, though in that case some of the decisions will be made for you depending on how far you got.
Sep 30, 2009
My Awakenings should be coming this week. My question is will the player mods mess up that character transfer and should I delete them prior to the install. I played and finished the game without the mods, then added them for my grandson to use. Sure hope I didn't mess my own game experience up. Anyone tried it yet?
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
Installed the expansion last night, played a few minutes to see if everything was OK.

Character import work just like NWN, except that you select the save from which the character come from. I could select my post-final character and my level 3 character. I tried using my level 23 character.

Didn't remove my mods and they all seems to be in the expansion, didn't check to see if they work though, but I don't have that many mods (mostly more hair, more tones, etc).
Oct 13, 2007
That's an infernal rhythm of release. It's like if I finished DAO yesterday, during a replay played the first DLC not done at release and that's already the expansion. Woo they should take some vacation, I liked a lot DAO but I need a break to play something else!
Oct 14, 2007
Have not gotten too far into Awakenings but so far the only problem I have seen was my armor not appearing in the first opening area. Not sure if that is related to the mods I still had installed or just a glich in the expansion. A simple safe/exit/restart fixed it for me. Nicely done so far IMHO.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
You can choose any save to import, so you can use a save from before your character's death. Since only one party member returns and the story isn't really a direct continuation, your decisions in DA:O aren't all that relevant.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Be careful when importing into Awakening. I've read that the items your character wears .. it's hard to explain, but apparently the stats from the items get merged into your character's base stats. This can be really good or really bad depending on what you had on at the time.
Mar 5, 2009
From what I know, this happens if you import a character using DLC items (from the Keep, Return to Ostagar or the Stone Prisoner). The items themselves are removed, so you start naked, but the stats remain. When you put on new armor, the stats will stack.
Oct 18, 2006
1. Load your latest Origins save (the post-campaign save that is automatically made when you complete the game).
2. Equip something that does not come from the DLCs
3. Make a new savegame.
4. Use this savegame when importing to Awakening.
Oct 18, 2006
ok srry but ive got to rage ive finish awakening and omg !!!! there is nothing to it .... kind of to easy if you ask me !!!

seriously maybe cause my caracters was to powerfull but anyways ... ooo and i am realy mad that there is no quest to find morrigin back like seriously she was hot *joking btw* but it would of bee cool to see her arround with the child of my caracter if that what you did !!!

but is there any offical patches out yet ?
Feb 10, 2010
Not that I know of. Hopefully, one should be out soon to fix all the bugs and crashes. Even Origins is now crashing a lot more than it used to.

Hopefully, we'll see more of Morrigan in the future. Generally, I agree that we should've heard more about the things that happened in Origins - like what happened to Morrigan, Shale and so on.
Oct 18, 2006
The number of reported bugs and their seriousness have kept me from buying Awakening. I would think they'd have a patch out by now…

AGREED. Since the emphasis was on the very engaging and bonding with companions in Origins, they should continue with info on all of them. Strongest part of the original game, IMHO.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
The number of reported bugs and their seriousness have kept me from buying Awakening. I would think they'd have a patch out by now…

I didn't have major problems with Awakening beside Sigrun's quest not happening (a known bug) and the Advanced Tactic mods causing "bugs" (solved by disabling the mod).

AGREED. Since the emphasis was on the very engaging and bonding with companions in Origins, they should continue with info on all of them. Strongest part of the original game, IMHO.

This would be true if Awakening was a sequel to Origins, but it's not. It's a side story about how the Grey Warden were brought back to Ferelden. When you create a new character you can only select the origin Grey Warden (from Orlais) and your character have no "personal" link to Origins. It's like the NWN expansions.
Oct 13, 2007
Have you seen the VERY long bug list on the DA forums? Just because you may not be aware of them or have experienced them, doesn't mean they don't exist.

It IS a sequel to Origins. It happens after the events of Origins. That's the definition of a sequel. And you can import your original character that completed origins...
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Have you seen the VERY long bug list on the DA forums? Just because you may not be aware of them or have experienced them, doesn't mean they don't exist.

It IS a sequel to Origins. It happens after the events of Origins. That's the definition of a sequel. And you can import your original character that completed

Why so aggressive, I just said I didn't encounter many bugs and listed the ones I encountered?
Oct 13, 2007
soo anyone heard something to do with the bug probleme?? or anything that has to do with a patch fixing stuff ?

cause i really wish they put more quests in to ... omg it took me 5 hours to complete the game :( i am said !!

Feb 10, 2010
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