Gothic 2 Gothic 2 newbie questions

I'm a few hours in after lowering the difficulty with the mod. So far I sort of like the game, but it's kind of hard to really embrace. I understand there's factions, choices with consequences, etc. But at least the English writing or translations are pretty bad, and the voice acting is terrible. I've been playing some with the sound off completely, but that takes me out of the game quite a bit. And I don't need top-notch graphics, but some of the stuff in this game is downright ugly, and the whole damn thing is gray-green-brown.

I do like the exploration and sense of danger. Even on "easy" mode I'm getting killed once in a while.

Only cost $4 though.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
Bad voice acting? Well I guess it's subjective, but I strongly disagree.

Also, the graphics are excellent for game that's nearly 10 years old. Were you aware that Gothic II was released in 2002?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
There are a couple of texture packs to pump things up a bit.
Aug 30, 2006
I know it's an old game. I don't think the graphics are BAD, but the art direction is not so great. Old doesn't have to mean drab. The plants you find all look like black squiggles. The faces are really, really ugly, uglier than Morrowind's IMO. At least MW had a unique style. This just looks like generic medieval hit with the ugly stick.

And come on, you're going to defend the voice acting in this game? Not the worst I've ever heard, but it's pretty lame. Hilarious when the main character yells "HEY!" to everyone he meets for the first time.

I'm enjoying it enough though. It's worth $4, that's for sure.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
G2 & NotR came out in 2002 and 2003. Morrowind too. ;)

The graphics were still pretty good for such a game, but not as spectacular as Gothic's at its time.
Aug 30, 2006
OK, it's worth far more than $4. I didn't mean it as a criticism, but it came off that way.

I still contend that it's an art direction problem versus "bad graphics." I think the quality of the graphics is fine, and probably really good for 2002. But it's drab and uninspired looking. Nothing looks particularly interesting, regardless of how the textures are, or polygons or whatever.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
I still contend that it's an art direction problem versus "bad graphics." I think the quality of the graphics is fine, and probably really good for 2002. But it's drab and uninspired looking. Nothing looks particularly interesting, regardless of how the textures are, or polygons or whatever.
Matter of taste of course, but I´ve always considered the game to be providing an interesting and rather inspired visual experience.
Textures themselves may not be nothing to write home about now, but what really makes the game is the landscape design. Environments are diverse and rugged and there´s a chock-full of memorable, distinct places.
I´ve always liked the contrast between grim Valley of Mines, rather lush main area plus there´s the ,um, sorta Mediterranean feel of the addon world.
Coupled with music, solid assortment of ambient sounds, inhabitants´ daily routines or some lighting aspects there´s a strong sense of place and "atmosphere" to the game as well. Just take a stroll through the nightly Khorinis, for example.
Maybe it´s more about the overall feel rather than the visual experience per se, but Gothic2: NotR´s sports probably my favourite environment design to date so I had to chime in :).
Apr 4, 2008

No map, other than the one you can buy of the town, which takes a long time to even open up. I understand the "cool hardcore" aspect of this, but it makes it a chore to play, especially if you can't devote several hours to it at a time.

The combat is so wildly varying. Sometimes I will get one-hit killed by a bandit. Other times they barely scratch me... the same bandits in a reload. It just feels all over the place.

Vague quest journal entries. "XYZ wants you to do this" with not even a basic description of where or who XYZ is. I don't need map markers showing EVERYTHING, but some general info would help. "XYZ in the marketplace..." would be extremely helpful. Again, the whole thing is geared for someone to obsessively play for long stretches at a time, memorizing the names of the locals and where they are.

Some stuff is good. But I think this simply requires too much commitment. It's a shame, because even a little bit more info on things would have made it extremely compelling. I'm just getting frustrated, not by difficulty, but by the vagueness of it all.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
There is maps of the island to buy, too. I don't remember any problems with quest objectives, but I did play it at a time when I could afford much longer playing sessions than now.
Difficulty - yes, I remember you had to pay your dues, but it felt damn goid when you could finally put that damn bandit / Monster in its proper place as you got more powerful.
It's strange to read someone having such a hard time with a game that is high up in my top 10
Oct 18, 2006
Ovenall, seriously, grow some nads dude. I think you've been spending too much time with Bioware and Bethesda. ;)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I don't measure my masculinity based on my tolerance for playing old video games.

My point is not that the game is overall too difficult, but that it's needlessly opaque and vague in its execution.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
No quest markers = "Whaaaa!" :bigcry:

I'm going to dip you in a tub of Vagisil.

…jk :)

*Edit* Did you play Gothic 1?
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Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Yeah, the difficulty isn't too hard, but you're correct in thinking you'd need some time to get used to where the different characters are.

I was overwhelmed at first too, but after a while, you get used to it. I think that I actually still remember where some people are now, because they've been ingrained into my mind. o_O

Take your time, there is no time limit. You don't need to do quests as you receive them, just go and explore more. You would find the person to talk to at some point...
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
I still recommend people try out G1 and G2 without NotR when first playing the series, then add NotR later on. NotR is meant for the hardcore fans and, while it's brilliant, it's not even remotely close to the others in terms of difficulty.

Ah well, if you have the patience to play NotR, it certainly is rewarding.
Oct 18, 2006
I still recommend people try out G1 and G2 without NotR when first playing the series, then add NotR later on. NotR is meant for the hardcore fans and, while it's brilliant, it's not even remotely close to the others in terms of difficulty.

Ah well, if you have the patience to play NotR, it certainly is rewarding.

Play G2 only first is a waste of G2+NOTR. Myself the first I played is G2+NOTR but at some point I search some help in forums before picking a faction path. Read few advices about fights, and training skills and few key tricks, won't really spoil the game and can help not give up.

I would suggest play first G1 in part to learn the fight system. Then switch to G2+NOTR and stick to G1 type of controls. They match much better the sword fighting style of the game, observation of enemy, anticipation, and timing. Fight with the air help a lot learning the system which is more uncommon than more difficult. Also take care G1 system allows use 5 keys when you need use 8 with the new system.

Another point to take care with G2+NOTR is to not believe you'll get as much character skill points than in G1. So unlike in G1 you can't waste many points in expending all secondary skills and weapon skills. At first you could try a bit two weapons and develop a bit three or four secondary skills but then you'll need focus on one weapon plus about 3 secondary skills, knowing that potions skills is almost required to make your life easier and you need find another skill to earn more money.

And the third point is save often, because it's normal that you'll die often. This is normal, because of two points. Not knowing well enemies you'll need learn fight each type and even each type of group mix, the process involves some death. The second point is the game use too strong monsters to block player path and control better the flow of the game. So not knowing well each monster and when they are too strong or not, it's normal that you'll die more than once because of that.

EDIT: As soon as you can, switch to the NOTR quest and area, a good way to level up and get more stuff and more money before to come back and continue to G2 main flow.
Oct 14, 2007
Ah man!
You're going to miss out on one of the best open ended games ever game.

Give it many tries. The game will grow on you.
I am not a master hand eye coordonated individual myself but have still managed to complete the game (I have not played NOTR though).
Oct 31, 2006
Icewind Dale.
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