Kickstarter - Conclave


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Remember Conclave? The indie browser-based tabletop-inspired game from 10x10 Room? Quite a few people tried it when we last posted - now they have a Kickstarter that's $9k into a $75k goal with 28 days to run:
Ever wanted to play a tabletop roleplaying game or an MMO with friends but had trouble finding the time? We sure have. Work, school, family, even other hobbies: they all make it difficult to schedule hours-long regular gaming sessions.

Since the alternatives we've tried are either clunky or lack the depth we're looking for, we decided to create an online multiplayer game that captured the experience of a tabletop RPG but didn't force you to schedule your life around it. A game that would let you play for as long or short a time as you like, from any web-capable device, without sacrificing story or gameplay.

That's Conclave.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Very fun game to play during a work week. Doesn't take much time to do your own moves and then you can work some more. In this matter you are still able to make progress (also depending on your party members ofc).
Aug 25, 2010
The Netherlands
I looked at it before, but never tried it until now. This actually seems really fun an in-depth! More time is needed, but I think I'm gonna jump in...
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
Indeed this game gives you the regular little RPG boost while at work. There are some quest you can play for free, but you can buy additional ones for $3… a bargain, also because once 1 in your party has bought the quests, all party members get to play them!
Nov 19, 2008
This game is fun. It's what that facebook D&D game should have been. I'm in for a few bucks.
Sep 28, 2009
Oh and for those that have an iPad, the layout is made to fit the iPad resolution.
Nov 19, 2008
Oh and for those that have an iPad, the layout is made to fit the iPad resolution.

Good for questing while on the john. ;) I'm liking it so far, but since the quests seem so much fun, I do hope I'm not missing anything by jumping in with a random party that may be gods know where on the quest line.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
I think the amount of content in Conclave is a little small right now. It seems there are only the three free quests, but nowhere can I find any more that I can purchase. Are those meant to be the Kickstarter quests, then? I guess it will take a while before they'll be released, then...

As it is, the free quests are too easy and completed within a day if played solo.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
I checked the site and i also can't find the page where you could buy quests.
They only reference their kickstarter now.
Nov 19, 2008
I checked the site and i also can't find the page where you could buy quests.
They only reference their kickstarter now.

That's too bad. The way things are now, I'll have lost interest in the next couple of days and will have moved on long before the Kickstarter project bears any fruit. Especially with the group play, I would have wanted some challenge and strategic depth. Monsters drop like ragdolls, sigh.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
Hi folks,

I'm one of the guys running the Conclave Kickstarter. Just wanted to dip in and clarify a couple of things:

  • There are indeed many more quests already built - 13, to be exact. We have a limited set of them available during the Kickstarter.
  • The quests that are open are definitely on the simple and easy side, as they were designed for new players who are just getting their feet wet. The later quests are considerably more challenging, and tend to present more complex tactical situations (i.e., mixes of ranged and melee foes, more use of terrain, caster-types with area-effect magic, debuffs, etc.). We are considering whether we might open up a couple of the more difficult quests for play during the Kickstarter; if that happens, we'll be sure to post an update.
  • Quest purchasing is off for now as it would leave us in a weird situation where some people are putting money in through the store, while others are putting funds into the Kickstarter. Right now, all funding needs to go to the latter :)
  • Pricing will change once the Kickstarter is complete and the new features are built - that is, if the Kickstarter is successful. The $3 pricing was an early special while our quests and features were in a beta state, and while there were fewer of them.
  • We're going to announce today that all Kickstarter funders at the $10+ level will get access to all the beta quests after the Kickstarter finishes (again, assuming it's successful). That means that instead of being able to play 3 quests, you'll have 13 at your disposal. It might take us a week or so after the Kickstarter to process all the funders and get their accounts set up, but no longer than that - you certainly won't have to wait until we finish all the Kickstarter-related development.

Hope that's helpful!
May 12, 2012
Thanks for the information :D

Me and some folks played through the quests this morning and it was fun, if indeed simple. I am looking forward to trying the others!
Sep 28, 2009
Good to hear that there have been more complex quests/encounters made. I would almost think the three quests as they are without a hint of a better challenge is a bad advertisement for the game. It has amazing turn-based, asynchronous, multi-player potential, but I haven't seen it in its full glory, yet. No real teamwork was needed in these encounters.

I want to see this Kickstart project succeed. I'm pretty sure I'm going to back it, just need to find out what tier I'd choose.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
As owner of the larger quest pack I can assure you that fights can be hectic and large scale once you hit lvl 4 and onwards! I hope they make their kickstarter goal, there are not enough of these RPG games on the net as far as I know.
Aug 25, 2010
The Netherlands
As owner of the larger quest pack I can assure you that fights can be hectic and large scale once you hit lvl 4 and onwards! I hope they make their kickstarter goal, there are not enough of these RPG games on the net as far as I know.

Nope, this is the only one I know. The seem to "get" it. I want to see that level 4+ content, but I guess I will have to wait.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
As owner of the larger quest pack I can assure you that fights can be hectic and large scale once you hit lvl 4 and onwards! I hope they make their kickstarter goal, there are not enough of these RPG games on the net as far as I know.

Same here. As one of the early adopters with all 13 current quests, I can vouch for them getting more interesting and requiring some teamwork, especially if you brave those that are hard for your level. My buddies and I failed one particularly nasty one 3 times in a row, I think, before we finally figured out a winning strategy and pulled it off.
Oct 18, 2006
Good to hear that there have been more complex quests/encounters made. I would almost think the three quests as they are without a hint of a better challenge is a bad advertisement for the game. It has amazing turn-based, asynchronous, multi-player potential, but I haven't seen it in its full glory, yet. No real teamwork was needed in these encounters.

We've actually been discussing just this, and thinking about ways we might be able to show off the real need for teamwork without overwhelming early players. Thanks for posting the concern about this, by the way; it helps us know that finding a solution should be a priority.
May 12, 2012
A play-by-email RPG on my phone. This is an awesome idea. This might be the only online game I play. I'm in. Backed.

P.S. I really am adverse to online games. Devs, please consider maintaining some kid of solo play options, even if minimal.
Sep 16, 2010
P.S. I really am adverse to online games. Devs, please consider maintaining some kid of solo play options, even if minimal.

For sure. Solo play is important, whether you are a new player who wants to play a little before joining a party, or somebody who just enjoys a solo experience more. Thanks for backing us!
May 12, 2012
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