Gothic 3 - Review Flood

why rush things? wate for the patch and then play it. the game will be much more enjoyable that way.

Because the true CRPG fans have played everything else
out there and Gothic 3 is the only game in town right now. :)

Once Dark Messiah of M&M comes out next week, I'll have something
else to dig into while Gothic 3 gets fixed. Also NWN2 comes a week after that
so that's even more to keep me busy until the "ultimate" G3 is available. :)
Oct 18, 2006
North Carolina, USA
Once Dark Messiah of M&M comes out next week, I'll have something
else to dig into while Gothic 3 gets fixed. Also NWN2 comes a week after that
so that's even more to keep me busy until the "ultimate" G3 is available. :)

That is why I'm not worried ... I can wait a month for Aspyr to release the US version - hopefully with at least one more patch :)
Oct 18, 2006
I believe Dark Messiah will score with the low spec' puter brigade. Some players seem to be putting on hold any upgrading plans. As well of the strategy of waiting for any G3 patch, why spend big money on extra mem' - graphics card etc' - when most can run Dark Messiah on a medium/low specification machine as below for now and upgrade for G3 at a later date? :)

* Windows 2000/XP
* 2.2GHz processor
* 512MB RAM
* 6GB hard disk space
* DVD-ROM drive
* 128MB graphics card
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Oct 18, 2006
North-West England
I agree to this 100%, Rend.

The harsh reviewers forgot how much fun the game is despite its problems. Even with crappy AI, ca. 300 small bugs, and terrible balancing it´s far better than all these faceless, average games we see every year. If the three mentioned issues are fixed it has the potential to become one of the best RPGs ever.

That's good to hear.
So, is a RPGWatch review forthcoming ?
Oct 18, 2006
Will take a long time. A detailed First Impressions article should be ready early next week.
Aug 30, 2006
Been playing on and off for nigh a week now and while I was highly sceptical about the game given its recent coverage I feel greatly relieved that it does indeed have the feel of a Gothic - and of a 'complete' game as well - even though I have encountered my share of bugs. Balancing is certainly an issue, and so is AI, but the latter at least serves its purpose well enough. Combat seems to rely more on skill than on stats, and nearly every critter can spell my doom if I'm taken unawares or overwhelmed by numbers (that is, by more than one ;) ). Yet, one on one, I can take on almost everything by leftclicking, as has been mentioned. Disappointingly, I have not yet found any tactical depth to combat beyond the basic slash, striking always first and as quickly as possible, and moving beyond the enemy's reach if in trouble.

Crashes are not an issue with my mid-spec system, and neither is performance. Bugs are abundant if you look for them, but I don't find them immersion-breaking.

Quests, world design and dialogues are all very well done, I feel, but world interactivity is somewhat lacking to me.

While I really like that reviewer from (his writing is usually superb, and I I'm regularly amused by his columns), I do not understand the immense disappointment he seems to feel about the game. Still, he does have some points and reviews are intended to be subjective. If people'd just stop trying to add a number to everything. Oh, well...
Oct 18, 2006
I'm still waiting for my copy in the UK :( Ordered on the 12th, it's been delayed twice so far (lack of supply) next check is tommorow but I hold little confidence it'll be met.
Oct 18, 2006
So far, it's a Gothic!! I'm having fun even when getting killed by a mine-crawler I couldn't outrun; probably because I was being chased by 3 giant lizards at the time!! :) I even managed to kill a Boar. I'm still only level 5, so I've a LONG way to go!!
Aug 31, 2006
Having just killed all the ogres and dragons beneath Cape Dun at level 10 by shooting them from afar with arrows, my reservations about the game's AI increase. However, it took me quite a bit of work figuring out how to and then reloading again and again, so I was quite satisfied with myself - until I was surprised and killed by a bloodfly shortly after, losing some ten minutes of gameplay since my last save :p

Thankfully, that DVD removal trick has amended those tedious reload times a bit, at least! :)
Oct 18, 2006
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