Last game you finished, tell us about it

The main character hardly have a role at all, it's he just along for the ride.
As Vaan wasn't supposed to be the main character at all (or in the game in the first place), that's hardly surprising :). I heard he was a last minute addition because game testing showed that having Basch in the lead turned off a significant portion of the teenage girls who - at least in Japan - are the numerically most important group of FF franchise customers.
Aug 31, 2006
Oct 26, 2006
As Vaan wasn't supposed to be the main character at all (or in the game in the first place), that's hardly surprising :).

He *DOES* lead the way on FFXII Revenant Wings for the DS ... sweet game I'm in the middle of now.
Oct 18, 2006
Yeah, I know. If I had a DS, I'd play it... :(

Last game I finished: Final Doom: Plutonia Experiement *shudder*. Waaaaay too difficult to be enjoyable, even though some levels are nicely designed. I even had a nightmare two nights ago. A nightmare involving four Cyberdemons in a local hotel bar. Go figure.
Aug 31, 2006
Describes FF fans perfectly, I know because I used to be one, before the series turned to crap.

Either the Final Fantasy series are exceptionally good, or it might just be that the rest of the market have turned to crap, because the FF series, even on PS2, have given me the most rewarding experiences I had in years. Despite all the titles released 2006 I cannot rate any of them as particularly great. They all had issues, some of them major bugs/issues making fans disappointed. Except maybe Oblivion, but that had the problem that it was not a good RPG. When it comes to 2007 the only quality RPG I can remember that is not either an expansion or remake is The Witcher. When compared to the rest, FFXII is indeed the greatest RPG of 2006.
Oct 26, 2006
@JDR13: Aren't all fanboys the same? Anyway, my sonny enjoyed this movie, mainly because Lulu was in it.
Aug 31, 2006
@JDR13: Aren't all fanboys the same? Anyway, my sonny enjoyed this movie, mainly because Lulu was in it.

Not sure what that means, all I know is that I lost interest in the series starting with VIII. I still played IX and a small part of X before I realized that I was sick of sitting there watching $hitty movies rather than actually playing a game.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I meant that a franchise anti-fanboy made a clip about a franchise fanboy, and that anti/fanboyism seems to be a universal phenomenon.

Last game I finished (yesterday) was In Extremis. Bought it in 93 or so, never finished it due to losing my way - and reinstalled it last year. All forgot about it, now I finally, finally finished it. It's an amazingly bad game with a few good moments.
Aug 31, 2006
Last game I finished (yesterday) was In Extremis. Bought it in 93 or so, never finished it due to losing my way - and reinstalled it last year. All forgot about it, now I finally, finally finished it. It's an amazingly bad game with a few good moments.

This game?

14 years to finish it huh? I'd say you got your moneys worth. :biggrin:
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Just finished Witcher.Great game with some flaws but for sure the best rpg for 2007(personal opinion,of course).
Now i'm close finishing Bioshock.The only thing that ruins my joy with this game is that you can't die.What they were thinking?
Oct 4, 2007
Just finished Witcher.Great game with some flaws but for sure the best rpg for 2007(personal opinion,of course).
Now i'm close finishing Bioshock.The only thing that ruins my joy with this game is that you can't die.What they were thinking?

Did you install the latest patch? It allows you to turn off the Vita-chambers if you want.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Nope,and thar's very sad.As i say i am close to finish it but i will install it.As a matter of fact i never used the Vita-chamber.Any time i died,i never continued.Always reloaded the game.
Oct 4, 2007
This game?
14 years to finish it huh? I'd say you got your moneys worth. :biggrin:
Yup, this game. On floppies. It's not worth its money :p, even though it's still a long way from the infamous and impossible-to-play "ANGST - Rahz's Revenge"...
In Extremis features one of the few game boxes I couldn't cut up because floppies all look the same on a shelf. I couldn't reinstall it nowadays because I finally got rid of my floppy drive... but who cares, there's still Catacomb Apocalypse waiting for me. I didn't finish that one back in '93 due to a fatal harddisk failure (the same that ate my Syndicate game... I had just reached level 48 of 50).
Aug 31, 2006
F.E.A.R: Perseus Mandate 5/10
I have played both F.E.A.R and the expansion Extraction Point. The first game was decent. I enjoyed the horror but it was a bit repetitive killing soldiers that felt they where just thrown in as cannon fodder. The story was nice though. The expansion were a bit weak but at least it continued the story. FEAR Perseus Mandate have no saving qualities except for maybe a pair of cool scenes and a FPS Engine that at least appear to be bug-free and solid. Let's see... except that the story is almost nonexistant and not connected to the previous games, the graphics looks like the game is 4 years old and produced by a bunch of mod-makers, not a professional team. The graphics is actually WORSE THAN THE ORIGINAL GAME. I do not know how they managed that. The "scares" were not as nice as the original game either. They were rather few. Also it was actually possible to miss the scares because you were looking in the wrong direction when their animation played up and all you notice is that you get static radio contact. In the previous games you never missed the scares because they were played up in front of the player. The levels were uninspired with the same old areas that were present in the previous two and nothing really new. Offices, Storage Buildings, Underground, Sewer... At least the game was entertaining and short enough for me to finish it. I cannot even recommend F.E.A.R Perseus Mandate for fans unless you get it really cheap and REALLY want another F.E.A.R game.
Oct 26, 2006
Just finished Resident Evil 4

I think it was an awesome game, it kept me driven to beat it the whole way thru with it's varied environments and enemies. Sure the combat got a bit repetitive (as all combat seems 20+ hrs in), still there was various ways to approach it. You could do nothing but throw lead and grenades, or mix it up and use a combination of that and melee. Of course it all depends on how good a shot you are too. I wasnt aware the knife was as powerful as it is, I found myself toward the end of the game using it quite a bit to conserve ammo. The varied environments and enemies kept me interested, I was creeped out by some of the things I encountered at times. The puzzles were easy, but in the end I'm totally fine with that. I want to sit and muck around with some puzzle impeding my progress for about ten mins tops, then I want to move on. These all took me minutes (if that!), so I was a happy camper.

The button-mash simon-says sequences werent so annoying after I got used to them. Due to their prevalence in another title I recently played (TR:Anniversary), I'm growing more accustomed to them.

This one kept me wanting to finish it, and I'm glad I did. One notable boss fight that I really enjoyed was Salazar, that was a nice old-school style boss fight. Overall, the game wasnt terribly difficult, there were some frustrating parts but it was due more to control than actual difficulty. I only teched up to upgraded Red9 pistol, Riot Shotgun, and Semi-Auto Rifle, and handled pretty much everything just fine. Speaking of the Semi-Auto Rifle, what a weapon that thing is! When I finally got around to getting serious on Salazar, I tore him up before he even got a chance to lash out at me once with a combination of shotgun to the eye and rifle to his exposed body fast as I could pull the trigger. Two times of that and he was out. In fact I pulled it out for pretty much all bosses, I even kicked Saddler's ass with mainly my rifle and some grenades. Picking things off at a distance, handling bosses, or even clearing a conveniently grouped (or just difficult) enemies, the Semi Auto Rifle was my favorite all-round ass kicker of choice.

I objected to using a gamepad at first, but I soon got used to it. It is a kinda crappy job on the console-to-pc port, but hey that's the breaks if you want to play it on pc. We all have our crosses to bear, you know. Ive read that some people think the graphics suck, I thought they were great.

Overall, I easily got my $20.oo worth
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
JUST finished Eschalon Book I!

I give it an 8 / 10.

I loved it until I realized that it was too easy...
My char. was a tank!
Killed Taurax's at will!!! Almost!
Had 55 armor class. and had a + 12 to hit and stuff.
Had a 10 dam. claymore with a plus 2 to hit...
Loved imbuing equipment and making potions.

Gramuk was a whimp...
Killed him with the incinerating potion I got from the guy at Eversleep Cemetary
and by swinging my sword at him...

Ok, nuff braggin...

Anyway. Lookin' forward to part deux!!
Oct 31, 2006
Icewind Dale.
Bioshock 9/10
While Bioshock is not revolutionary gamewise, it have an artistry and a style which makes it stand out from the rest. Well worth the wait and well worth the time playing it. The ending felt a bit short though.
Oct 26, 2006
Finally tackled the final battle. Funny thing is that I won in my Nova. I had probably the smallest financial "empire" of all my runs, never even tried to save money for an M6, and did less than 10 BBS missions the entire game, and yet this was my winner. Oh well, I had a pretty good time with it, and over the handful of runs I've done since I bought the game I've certainly gotten my money's worth. Gave about 30 seconds thought to going into empire mode after the final cutscene, but I've got too many games waiting to be played.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Call of Duty 4 10/10
When I started to hear how much everyone loved this game I decided I had to take a look. I really had no idea what to expect from it and I was very surprised. This is no ordinary FPS and I have to say, an actiongame really do not get better than this. I do not know how to sum up how the game manages to squeeze so much into the same story but CoD4 contains a wide range of extremely different scenarios, from desert warfare, to escaping a sinking ship, to night bombing, to a sniper mission near Chernobyl. You never really know what to expect and it's just insane action all the way through. It's been an experience and CoD4 is well worth the title "actiongame of the year".
Oct 26, 2006
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