Grimoire - Demo Update


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Clive has updated his IndieGoGo campaign with information on the Grimore demo.
There is going to be a two-tier demo. Backers of the project will get the entire first region of the game in the demo, the general public will five areas in the first part of the game. Both demos will feature character creation, allow saves/loads and will otherwise not be feature-crippled in any other way. For both the public demo and the backer demo there will be a return to main menu when you try to access the first region outside of your allotment.
The backer demo is expected to be a kind of abbreviated beta test of sorts and should give pledges an adequate look at almost any aspect of gameplay. This “demo” will be a full experience with a climax, boss and denouement. Unfortunately at this time we cannot guarantee that any savegame will be carried forward, it is likely changes to the savegame format will occur between now and the official release in May 2013. Sorry but it would be even crueler to promise this sort of thing and have people planning to import that saved file where they left off.

For those of you wondering when we are going to begin implementing your pledges, here is the schedule over the next few weeks :
1. We will release the demo(s) shortly.
2. We will relaunch a new IndieGoGo Campaign for Grimoire of 120 days duration minus the pledge responsibilities we have already taken onboard. Before we set this up we have to consult with IndieGoGo to determine what extent we can continue to run a pledge drive from the same campaign after it has concluded it’s original run.
3. There will be a new video pitch released after the demo is out, this one the grandest and most magnificent of all. Amongst other things I will avoid heavy breathing into the microphone.
4. I will begin implementing pledges starting with items and tombs and leave magic spells and NPCs until the month following. You will be mailed pledge guidelines that will tell you how to describe your item or tomb so they can be included in the game. Note that in some cases you may have to take a tomb in an area we recommend but you can then customize this with text and gameplay to your heart’s content. We will describe a couple common easter eggs you will be able to plant in your custom tomb to make it unique and memorable during gameplay.
With gathering $8,478 out of a $250.000 goal and just 10 days left in the campaign, it is a save bet that he is not going to reach that goal. Still, it is IndieGogo, so he at least gets what is pledged.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Well, let's do a comparison. Cleve's game garnered $8,500 in 120 days. For this he spent part of 18 years in development. On the other hand:

Apple’s App Store is currently experiencing a plague of fart applications. Last week, I detailed one day in which at least 14 new fart apps were accepted into the store. And now, just in a quick search, it looks like there are about 50 apps all dedicated to making fart noises on your iPhone or iPod touch. Classy, I know, but why are there so many?

Because apparently there’s big money in fart apps — nearly $10,000 a day for the most popular ones.

So basically, Cleve's game is worth much less than flatulence. My, how the mighty have fallen ;)
Oct 18, 2006
With gathering $8,478 out of a $250.000 goal and just 10 days left in the campaign, it is a save bet that he is not going to reach that goal. Still, it is IndieGogo, so he at least gets what is pledged.

So he gets to walk away with $8,478 for a campaign that I'm pretty sure he knew would never reach the goal he set. Something just doesn't seem right about that.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
So he gets to walk away with $8,478 for a campaign that I'm pretty sure he knew would never reach the goal he set. Something just doesn't seem right about that.

Let's not make this into something it is not...everyone who donated on that site knew he didn't have to reach his goal.
Apr 17, 2007
I'm going to innovate. Finishing up my burp app as I speak.

Sadly, no. I'm still doing it like Cleve. Why? WHY?? :)
Mar 15, 2010
I'll see your burp and raise you a flushing toilet app :D
Oct 18, 2006
I wonder if Brenda Brathwaite & Tom Hall ("SHAKER: An RPG") who raised $249,015 in 15 days on their kickstarter, which he trolled as failures, are laughing at the measly 8,500k total he pulled.

I was wondering how the campaigns would shake out, in comparison to each other
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
If you cut your teeth on the party RPGs of the 80s&90s: Wizardry, Eye Of The Beholder, Lands Of Lore etc. and loved them, then Grimoire looks rather good. Nothing in the gameplay shown in the videos reflects the kind of impressions one might get from some threads here and elsewhere on the internet and there are some interesting design innovations. The dev doesn't have a good track record (to say the least), but who knows maybe the baby will fly this time or maybe not.
May 18, 2012
Somerset/London UK
I wonder if Brenda Brathwaite & Tom Hall ("SHAKER: An RPG") who raised $249,015 in 15 days on their kickstarter, which he trolled as failures, are laughing at the measly 8,500k total he pulled.

I was wondering how the campaigns would shake out, in comparison to each other

I would say laughing hysterically, particularly in light of this gem of a quote from the Codex Kickstarter thread:

I reckon all of you are going to eat crow when I sail through the $750,000 mark about 30 days in.

If I was not the author of this game and could get a copy free, I personally would not hesitate a second to get the $100.00 pledge. I'd give anything to have a hardbacked manual and full solution guide for a game like that.

Sorry but you guys are underestimating me again. Grimoire is legion. It is the world's greatest vaporware in the history of mankind and when it goes to release anybody who did not get the physical goods is going to have a lifetime of regrets. I know what my own game is worth to hardcore players.

You naysayers will be eating crow and substantial amounts of it, first when I cruise through 250G like it wasn't even there and then when I release the game on May 1st. I don't want to think about the mascara tears running down your cheeks when you realize it will be DRM forever after and your one shot to get the physical copy has forever passed you by.

Once again, I say: What a mook!!!
Jul 9, 2010
At least one thing Cleve seems to reliably deliver is internet drama and comedy. Hmm, maybe I should throw him some money in thanks for all the laughs he provides. And his pitch videos are hilarious.

Meanwhile, stocking up on popcorn for another 120 days...
Aug 19, 2011
It looks like the demo has missed two deadlines now...
Oct 5, 2010
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