NWN2 Patch 1.02 problems?

Neverwinter Nights 2


October 18, 2006
I updated this game this morning.

Result, reboting instead of comletly lockup when you want to play.
The game won't exit to desktop when you stop playing requires a reboot.

Considering where i am in the game right know, incredbily frustrating and utterly boring missions working for the city watch i will shelf this game and either replay it later on when these bugs (starting/exiting the game) is resolved properly, then maybe i will think its fun again to kill 100 thugs in a house, with no point of or really reason beeing there in the first place.

Staring at the revoked review thinking maybe he was the only one got it right...

(Okey i know i will calm down and try it again tomorrown, perhaps my mood is better then! :) )
Oct 18, 2006
Bummer, I guess worst case you could download the 1.01 on the Net, reinstall and manually patch and play it, if 1.02 is bonked for you .

I agree some of the Quest seem rushed or not fully fleshed out.
Oct 18, 2006
Report any patch problems to the techies at the official forums, so they can check it out and fix it.
Aug 31, 2006
I haven't had any issues since updating, but I only have played a couple of hours since.
Oct 18, 2006
My biggest issue so far is the AI "dying". Suddenly characters don't react other when I order them specifically, they don't even defend themselves or follow the leader - they just stand around. This started to happen near the end of Act 2, and ever since I've only had a handful who still work properly.

And don't even think about telling me to check their Behavior tab - of course I've already tried that already. :)
Oct 18, 2006
They are proabably just rebeling, in sort of an AI revolt.
Have you tried talking to them face to face, mano to pixiel?
Mabye over a mug of Ducan's finest?
Its a thankless job, they probably just have issues, if you don't take the time for them, don't expect them to be there for you. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Btw forgot to mention mine are broken too, even before chapt 2.
Example doing the Sea Ghost, you travel from Merchant to Docks, while watching the map I could see from the level loading point in the Docks as I moved to the mission objective near the water I could see only one AI following me at a time, so while I made it to the water there was still an AI at the starting point and same going anywhere now. :(

Not only is the AI broke but also the Inventory system they have removed 24 slots by my best account, said to give us chest to store our stuff in at the Flying Flaggon Spacestation which does Not exist, not allowed duplicate items to stack in inventory even though they obviously should/do in Merchants inventory and finally removed 99% of bags. :(
We are able to get up to 3 bags in chap 1 and a 4th (I hear) in chapt 2 maybe a 5th.
It gets better, noone has been able to figure out how to add bags with codes yet. :(

Of course this doesn't even touch one the broken/bugged quest and dialogues.
The Main Story is falling apart, when you go to report to you leader if you pick the obvious dialogue, (basicly I completed my assinment) they congratulate you and imeadatly give you the next assinment with no reguard for what just happened or essisental information you just recieved.
Don't bother with caring enough to try to speak to them again because the information is critical to the saftey of NW, cause they don't care won't talk to you other than to repeat the new assinment they just gave you.
You know since it's not enough to have it written in detail in your journal, it's necessary to repeat dialogue, since you can't even have a conversatition with them.

This of course is completely opposite of your companions which once you have used a line of dialogue which isn't necessary to ever ask it again, remains a choice FOREVER forcing you to scroll down and actually hit the dialogue again and again every so often in case there is some pertinant info there which may popup instead of actaully just poor quest scripting. :rolleyes:
Oct 18, 2006
I see a great number of "patches" needed for this game to run as we would want and as it should.
Broken AI responses from all ncp's, especially in battle it seems.
The inventory matters already discussed.
There are certain areas that seem to trigger a game freeze. I got past them so far by just pausing the game and unpausing.
Why can't I select the number of potions I want to buy rather then having to take one at a time. If the shop has unlimited supplies, let me just get them by number, or at least in 10's.
Anyway, the list goes on I am sure. And I know the devs are all saying "All in good time my pretties. All in good time."
Sorry, the Oz has been on in my house for two nights straight. :lol:
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
I hope they fix all this before I get my copy later this week!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
Lol thats not possible Corwin, there is too much my friend, as a matter of fact if you can muster the willpower to avoid this buggy/frustrating mess, unlike the rest of us, for a month or two you will have a much happier experience.

Wait what am I saying!
Forget that they will take forever to fix this mess, you might as well slog through this like the rest of us. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
He will be slogging anyway. I personally waited to go kill of buggbears. Once I got back to the dock district the AI went back to normal. Hope that doesn't hit again. Talk about a slow moving party. lol
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
I'm very tired of my peeps downing potions and things like that, even tho I have them pretty much in puppet mode now. I'm very conservative when it comes to the use of potions, nobody gets one unless they are on the brink of freakin death, period. Someone looks at them wrong and theyre knockin back another potion, ticks me off!

I know it's small potatoes amidst the other frustrations of the game, but to me it seems emblematic of the shall we say "rebellious" nature of my crew.

They need to fix that crap, like el pronto
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I guess I never had that problem as I never give them any potions. ;)
I am teh Potion Master you must beg! :p
Oct 18, 2006
1) puppet mode works great for me, I have not experienced any more AI issues, I'd *much* rather control a party of 4 anyway than control 1 member of a 4-person group (that makes me feel like I'm only playing 1/4 of the game)
2) great game, no crashes for me; not just a good game, a great game
3) I haven't updated to v1.02

I know this isn't what the naysayers want to read but as with all commercial rpg's released nowadays people experience problems and post repeatedly while the majority mostly silently enjoy the game which is what I'll get back to doing now.
Oct 23, 2006
I guess I never had that problem as I never give them any potions. ;)
I am teh Potion Master you must beg! :p

I laughed out loud on that one (not to be confused with 'lol'-ing, which would indicate I was an idiot) ... I do about the same.

I can hear them whine - but *why* don't you give us potions and scrolls to hold? Because you buffed the party and cast Ice Storm from a scroll right as I took down the last member of a 20-orc force!
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Oct 18, 2006
I kind of like being the last women standing at the end of the battles. MUHAHAH!
I hold the cards or make that potions, and as long as I kill the enemies that are an immediate threat, we will rest up, not waste potions at the first drop in health. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
For you to be the last person standing, is MOST unusual!! lol :biggrin:
Aug 31, 2006
I'm very tired of my peeps downing potions and things like that, even tho I have them pretty much in puppet mode now.

It's not enough to have your people in puppet mode; there are other options in the behavior tab to tell your party members what to do when it comes to potions, spells, combat modes, stealth, etc. Put those all to off and no one in your party will lift a finger unless you tell them to.
Oct 18, 2006
"as with all commercial rpg's released nowadays people experience problems and post repeatedly while the majority mostly silently enjoy the game"

I am not sure what to say, how can you know this?
I spend lots of time on Official forums for many RPGs and I didn't notice this?
Recent examples G3, NWN 2, Bloodlines, KotOR 2 just to name a few.
In each of these cases the Devs have spoken out and said there are problems, appoligied for them and offered to try to fix amap.
I haven't a clue what you mean or are refering too. :)

Oh and another one I couldn't even get to run was Lands of Infinity Demo which after reading Corwin's review I really looked forward to it but it would only run at 1 fps with my ATI, after checking their boards there was no reference to the problem, though I knew it really wasn't my problem due to trying different drivers new and old, with no otehr game giving me problems of that nature.

Because you buffed the party and cast Ice Storm from a scroll right as I took down the last member of a 20-orc force!

Exactly. :lol:

I learned my lesson with Redemption, omg they could down the blood. :p
Several things have reminded me of Redemption, NWN 2 has the exact same Tavern Music (well best of my memory) and there is a peticular Rat sound effect that was also used in the caves of Prague as when we're in the caves here.
Oct 18, 2006
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