The Totally NEW Team Corwin Thread

My WF pally took advantage of the changes in U15 and respecced his enhancements. Now he has healers friend tier 3 so I guess Jm's favored soul won't complain so much when healing him. :p Healer's friend is supposed to work now.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
Dte's been doing most of the run planning, taking care to hit stuff we normally don't hit. Most likely, it's because we run that nearly every life for the House D favor.
That, and also kind of "reserved" it for catch-up XP for those that need it. Jm, cm, and I actually ran the Depths series to catch up to the rest of the group before last week. I'm trying to "reserve" stuff that we've run to death and that can be short-manned or solo'd so that we can balance out XP among the group as much as possible. It's a little tricky. Peter's XP pots actually give more bonus than the step between 2nd and 3rd lifers, so he's still going to outrun the majority of the group even if he doesn't do a single PUG. There's no reason he can't suck down his pots, but the rest of us will have to compensate with some "side runs". It looks to me like jm and I will lag the most (3rd lifer no pots, 2nd lifer no tomes). Again, not the end of the world, just something that will require some extra work to stay together.

Looking forward, I'm thinking we can pick up that "missing" House D favor off the Sentinels pack, which we haven't run in a coon's age.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Personally I don't care if we take our time and level slowly. I know we all have nice items stashed back we would like to be level for to use but why are we trying so hard to rush through the levels. We have all been there, we know what is coming…I would rather do some quests we skipped over, take some time and just play the game now.

PS Corwin maybe you could run Reywind up a little if he can't log in due to work. Repeat a few elite quests for him on hard maybe? Just a thought.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
I alternate between my cleric and paladin. So I won't risk heading away in XP. From level 12 or then it will be I who must pug to keep my 2 toon at level with you.

So what you describe is just temporary.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
We'll see how long my plottin-n-plannin career lasts when I slate us for Threnal and Restless Isles. ;)

Really, the only time we're kinda screwed is that 11-15 range where there just isn't much selection. It's gonna be Desert, Lordsmarch, and Gianthold, just like it is every time on every toon. I'm thinking we might be able to mix in some of the higher level house quests (particularly House J) that we don't usually mess with, but 11-15 is going to be a bit of a slog.

Here's my plan at the moment, FWIW:
This week - Carnival - party should approach lvl8

Finish 3Barrel, lvl6 and lvl7 quests - party gets into lvl8
(If we want to run Delera for anyone, it gets a little tricky but it fits in here somewhat)
Sentinels - party approaches lvl9
Necro2 (too much XP from Shadow Crypt to skip this) - party gets well into lvl9
Threnal (I know, I know, but we've never actually completed this pack) - party into lvl10
Red Fens (set items) - party further into lvl10

And so forth…

Fill-ins for toons needing extra XP to keep up:
Delera, Searing Heights, and Sorrowdusk

Things we need to discuss as a group:
VoN, various House quests
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I alternate between my cleric and paladin. So I won't risk heading away in XP. From level 12 or then it will be I who must pug to keep my 2 toon at level with you.

So what you describe is just temporary.
Yep, if you're planning on keeping a pair of 3rd lifers eligible to run with the group, you've got some work ahead of you.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Could someone of you please report me how much space DDO occupies on the harddisk ? I'm really thinking of installing it on my "main PC" in hope that I might get one of the adventure packs which are on sale right now …

Can anyone perhaps tell me which ones are onsale and for how many points ? If I remember correctly, I had gained 150 points for favour … I think Sentinels was the cheapest one in mid-range ? Because I already own all of the low-level packs …
I do wonder, however, if I'll be able to get a pack for m 150 points anyway ?
But - sales will be at another time within this year as well, I assume …

Edit : Fun : Spelling mistakes ... ;)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
What is the plan for this week? I know we are waiting to see if Peter will join in, but it never hurts to plan ahead so we can know what kind of plan we're going to ignore.

If Peter is there but only for awhile, I'd say we should not do any chains, just run Depths or some House K quests for favor. I have a preference for House K, as another bank tab would empty out the last items I'm holding for later out of my inventory.

If not, I'd suggest finishing House C quests and then hitting either IQ2 or Shavarath. Reason being is none of us save CM has the new pack, and I don't have anyone able to run with the 18's that won't mess up the xp out of level 17 normal or hard quests. Elites would be fine, though.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
From the Launcher News :

Known Issue: Overgrowth
August 20, 2012
Es gibt derzeit keinen übersetzungen.
The Dryad sometimes becomes unresponsive, particularly on Epic Casual difficulty. Also, the Mysterious Bard is the only one who can open the hidden door, do not allow the Mysterious Bard to die.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Well my post was odd. When I made that last post, everything between it and the prior one wasn't showing up.

Miri needs Necro 1, and won't turn down Deleras since the Voice also gives +1 skills. Both will be huge xp though, even on normal, so I don't want to run them alone. Susan has both already, so is good to go as far as the alts go. I think she has the voice. Too many characters at level7-8 now.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Our flexibility is also causing confusion. With many of us having 2 toons in that 6-8 range, any plans become much more difficult to pull off. If everyone had 2 toons, we'd be golden, but that's not the case. It's simply too many moving parts to get it properly balanced out. I might be able to work it out, but I don't think anyone would enjoy the restrictions of following some plan to the letter. I might be a tiny bit anal-retentive with my DDO, but I haven't yet lost sight of the fact that we're supposed to be doing this for fun. ;)

As for this Friday, I still think we run Carnival. Peter's in a good spot in that his XP pots keep him ahead of us anyway and he's willing/able to PUG if we suddenly pull a 12 hour marathon and rack up more XP than I'm anticipating. He didn't really seem to enjoy Carnival that much the one time the group ran it, so I'm not sure he'd care if he didn't start or didn't finish that chain (depending on how much time he has) and had to run some substitute quests instead. He's welcome to speak for himself, though.

If Peter wants to run Carnival with the group, you're probably right that we run the 18's thru House C quests and Shavarath outdoors.

Oh, and the Voice is +1 saves, not +1 skills. Still, your point stands.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
My paladin needs necro 1 too and both the cleric and pally need Delara. It's true I don't care much about the carnival so if you run it then it's not a big deal to me.

I can easily pug to keep up with you.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
I don't have any plan to purposely keep Shav (druid) even with the group. I will gladly run her to help someone out but she is just for fun and I will solo her or pug when I have nothing else to do. I agree with the plan.
Now let's see how long we talk about it Friday when we start. ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
There shall be no talking! Don't make me put it in a spreadsheet, people! I'll do it, you know! Then y'all will be sorry. :)

In related news, my new printer is online and my character sheets have been updated. Y'all may resume normal breathing. (I still haven't done a character plan for my arty since jm won't let me. I don't need one anyway, cuz I love chaos. I'm random. I'm spontaneous. Feel the currents of change ripple from my mind!)
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Oh lordy..................he will have spead sheets on what we should do by Friday.......I can see it now...........he won't be able to resist! Next he will be sending us our copies via skype so we can all see the big picture he carries in his mind. :cm:
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
A good friend of mine has suggested sending me one no more needed graphics card of her until I've bought myself a new one. I expect it to arrive within the next 2 weeks (I'm careful with this estimation, as I really don't know when she's sending it to me).
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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