What games are you playing now?

Playing King's Bounty: The Legend, clearing the Freedom Islands.

Ran across my first enemy where my standard Mage tactics of aerial bombardment had to be changed - Evil Beholders. Had to switch to using the Blind spell and maxed Distortion magic to make it work against 4th level units.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I put Final Fantasy VI on hold until my course is finished in 2-3 weeks. I thought about playing Lands of Lore but started to watch a funny playthrough of the game on youtube instead. Been thinking of making my own video for my old favorite, the Eye of the Beholder series. For now though there's little time for games yet very needed because I am stuck in my studies out of stress.
Oct 26, 2006
I finally gave it a push last week and finished several games I had close to finishing: Finished Dragon Age in the PC; Ar Tonelico 2 and Mana Khemia 2 in the PS2; and canceled Star Trek Online in my first month (talk about an easy (as in bad easy) game lol).
So with my Gamefly subscription I ordered Eternal Sonata. Returned it 2 days later; the game ambiance is great, the music is out of this world (well, it's Chopin's so guess it is in this world), but it was too twitchy for my taste.
So now I got my next Gamefly game in the queue, Star Ocean: The Last Hope (PS3 version), and so far, loving every second of it.
Sep 23, 2008
I am in the middle of my annual replay of Spellforce:

Already completed:
- the "free game" - the coop-part of Spellforce 1, but played as a single player
- the base campain "The Order of Dawn" - I love that story of a tragic time warp

Now playing:
- the "Breath of Winter" - the first expansion with dragons, ice elves etc

Planned after that:
- the "Shadow of the Phoenix" - the second expansion - probably twice, becauseit can be played with both characters imported from TOoD and BoW and you see the same story from the point ofview of two different characters
- maybe Spellforce2 and its expansion "Dragon Storm" (where you command dragons and become one in the end - who said, that Div 2 invented that…)
- Edit: and the "free game" of SF2 / Dragon Storm using a Fixpack with added/restored content...

One of my favorite game of all times, when judging gameplay and story together, and my most repyed one (and the only game with RTS elements I like).
Dec 26, 2007
I have made my first Let's play for youtube. An almost flawless playthrough of Eye of the Beholder I for PC, spanning about five and a half hour. I will upload it when I have the time so you can listen to my broken English. I plan to do game 2 and 3 next. I know these games like the back of my hand.
Oct 26, 2006
Currently, I'm diving very deep into Drakensang 2 … If you ever wanted to know how the home of Elves look like … You're going to have a blast !

I don't know many RPGs, and even fewer containing elves and their homes … But this game has - to me, personally - the far best implementation of elven "tree-houses" I have ever seen !
Only, that they are not so much "houses", but rather looking like some kind of "platforms" … Which may be due to the description(s) of the TDE world …

Also, be prepared to learn some very - relatively - weird philosophies of the TDE Elves. In their philosophies, they are so much different than any kind of elves you have seen … Although what you see with your eyes is rather oriented at clichés …
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
After playing nothing but RPGs and King's Bounty: AP the last few months, I've decided I need to feed my adrenaline fix. I just reinstalled Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and also installed CoD:MW2. I plan on playing through them over the next few days before I get back into Dragon Age for the coming expansion. It'll be my 3rd time playing through MW1, and my 1st time for MW2.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Replaying Quake 2 to get in the mood for writing.
Aug 31, 2006
So you have some action scenes to enscribe, or does Quake just clear your mind? :)

I'm back to Elven Legacy, with many breaks to gnash my teeth and mumble curses. I can see I'm going to have to get all the expansions…further eroding my avoidance of digital downloads, since there's no news on the horizon of them ever issuing a hard copy compilation.
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Oct 18, 2006
Finally broke down and did digital download of King's Bounty: Armored Princess. Just getting settled in. Went to Bolo Island, sailed around, and quickly headed to Scarlet Isle instead.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
So you have some action scenes to enscribe, or does Quake just clear your mind? :)
It's more that the Q2 atmosphere is a fine medium to 'conjure' some of the protagonists… characters I created way back when we used to play the game a lot. Never thought I'd actually use them, but it seems their time has come after all.
Aug 31, 2006
Currently, I'm diving very deep into Drakensang 2 … If you ever wanted to know how the home of Elves look like … You're going to have a blast !

I envy you. :) Still no release date for my country, as far as I know, though. Can't wait!

For now, I'm replaying bits of ME2 on Insanity. It's... pretty hard.
Dec 24, 2006
Milky Way
I've been playing an old simulation called Detroit. Sadly, a bug renders it basically unplayable after awhile.

Other than that, I've finally started a rogue on DDO.

Great minds must think alike; I've just created a rogue for DDO as well. :)
Aug 31, 2006
I'm playing a very unusual platform game called 'Clover: A Curious Tale.' A friend has it on his XBox and it just came out for PC, so I picked it up. It's basically a platform/adventure. It has inventory based puzzles, and hand painted watercolor-style graphics. It's a little like Braid, but has an inventory and some pretty tough puzzles. I've been playing it for about two days and it's awfully good.

Oct 18, 2006
Columbus, OH USA
Decided to give Torchlight one more try since it was down to the low low price of five bucks, and I'm having a lot of fun with it. It's nice mindless hack'nslash fun which makes a nice break from the grueling battles of Elven Legacy. I think I'm going to have to actually play on hard, though. Normal is pretty cheesy.
Oct 18, 2006
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