What games are you playing now?

Kingdoms of Amalur. I'm enjoying this game quite a bit even though it's a 'CRPG lite' kind of game. I'm playing this alongside the original Drakensang that I'm just now getting around to playing after finishing the amazing Drakensang: River of Time and expansion.
Oct 18, 2006
Columbus, OH USA
Been playing a lot of Demon's Souls - I just defeated the Fool's Idol boss in the Tower of Latria and the area beyond that is very interesting. The dark atmosphere of this game continues to blow me away. I've really enjoyed some of the creatures in this world such as the eerie bell-ringing mindflayers and the gargoyles.

I also just last night started in on Mass Effect 1, which I'd never got around to playing before. I bought it cheap on a steam sale a while back and wanted to see what all the fuss for this series was about. So far I'm enjoying it well enough. I was expecting a shooter / RPG hybrid and that is pretty much what it delivers. Great sci-fi visuals and interesting aliens. I also have ME 2 on steam so I can move onto that when I'm done. I want to play through the old ones before I even think about playing Mass Effect 3.
Aug 19, 2011
I also have ME 2 on steam so I can move onto that when I'm done. I want to play through the old ones before I even think about playing Mass Effect 3.

I'm also playing through the ME trilogy soon. I originally planned on starting ME1 in time to finish the first two games before ME3 was released, but because of the way Bioware strings out their DLC releases, I've decided to wait until ME3 has already been out awhile first.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I'm also playing through the ME trilogy soon. I originally planned on starting ME1 in time to finish the first two games before ME3 was released, but because of the way Bioware strings out their DLC releases, I've decided to wait until ME3 has already been out awhile first.

Yeah at the rate that I tend to actually finish games (very slowly), by then ME3 will probably have an ultimate edition... And ME4 will be announced. :)
Aug 19, 2011
I finally started getting out of my, unusually prolonged, adventure gaming phase and I decided to finally give the Thief games a fair try. I remembered playing something back then, which turned out to be the demo of the first game that consisted of the fourth mission, and I know I have one of the games around somewhere, the second one I think. Yet I really don't remember why I didn't get into it… though it probably was the first person perspective and the fact that indulging my perfectionism by exploring every nook and cranny in each level seemed like way too much trouble.

So I got Thief Gold and I'm enjoying it well enough. I have to admit though that I'm really no fan of the zombies. I played through one level where there was a fuckload of them and I found it was more efficient just running around instead of trying to sneak - they are not living 'civilized' humans, so who cares if they will notice me or not, it's not like they can call the guards or that anyone will miss them if I kill them. I hope there won't be used too often in the rest of the game because that might make me give it up.
Sep 18, 2009
Well, in T1 there are many Zombies and other monsters :/. Too many for my taste, even though they appear in three or four levels only. But since they got on pretty much everybody's nerves, LG designed T2 (my favorite part of the series) without them.

Unless you count that one
Hammerite ghost
and those few
you may discover if you look hard enough. There may be more, but if so, I didn't bump into them.
Anyway, T2 was one of the most rewarding gaming experiences for me.
Aug 31, 2006
Yeah at the rate that I tend to actually finish games (very slowly), by then ME3 will probably have an ultimate edition… And ME4 will be announced. :)

Yep, because of EA being EA, I am waiting until Steam release, >50% off ... Or just never buying. With my massive backlog I have become much better about sticking to my convictions on this stuff. Like with Sony and the Vita ...
Oct 18, 2006
My PC decided to kark it, so I'm playing Civ 5 with hubby on his PC. Quite fun so far! (I love China :eek: Papermaker is awesome).
Jagged Alliance Back in Action kill my time. I just can't stop playing, which is uncommon for modern titles. So much to do, so much to do.
Oct 26, 2006
My Metal Gear Solid run continues. Played the ancient Metal Gear 1 and 2 (emulated MSX versions bundled with MG3 Subsistence, which is part of the PS3 HD collection) and Metal Gear Solid 1 (including all the VR missions included in the PC version). Am currently playing MGS2 on PS3 in HD, although I won't finish all the VR missions (too many missions, too much repetition and many are too difficult - although the Ninja Raiden levels are great, lots of stabby fun with a sword).

The storyline is still convoluted and bullshitty, but gameplay is still a lot of fun - stealth is implemented better in MGS2 than 1 (more options to hide, eg hanging off railings, hiding in lockers, and the tranquiliser gun allows you to put people out without raising the alarm).
Aug 12, 2007
After I had been playing Cities in Motion for a while, I now wanted to switch to games that did not run on my old computer that died a couple a week ago. And here I am, playing the King Arthur: The Roleplaying Wargame Collection. It's more addictive than I expected. I like those little text adventures. I'm not a big strategy nut and play those games only for a limited time, but I have the feeling, I get my money's worth out of this one. Admittedly, I got it dirt cheap.
Mar 28, 2008
I'm now playing Prince of Qin. The 2002 release that is. From what I've heard (though I've been unable to confirm it), the 2004 release was a multiplayer game, based on the 2002 game.
Jun 2, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden
Currently swapping between KoA and Skyrim. As huge as they are and being the curious meddler I am, I may never finish either of them. I know I will not be done before ME3 comes out..........should carry me through the rest of the year. lol
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
Still plodding my way through Prince of Qin. The translation for this game is absolutely horrendous, my character sounds incredibly rude when he speaks, though people don't seem to react, and some dialogue options don't really give a good indication of what they actually mean. I really wish that the devs would have spent some more money on the translation, because under that mess, there is a good game with an interesting story.
Jun 2, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden
Started playing Doom 3 yesterday. It'll be at least the third time I've played it but the first time in more than 5 years.

I wanted to see how the id Tech 4 engine held up after recently finishing Rage. I have to say I'm surprised how good Doom 3 still looks today. The character models are a little bland compared to more recent games, but the environments still look great with max settings. I'm also a little surprised at how much I'm enjoying it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
With my main computer's graphics card giving up, I'm currently on my crummy laptop (this was a laptop that was given to me a few years ago, which might give you an indication of how "good" it is). So in an attempt to find a game that actually runs on it, I've decided to give some of the old SSI games that I never played a fare chance. First one will be:
Ravenloft: Strahd's possession.
And if this one turns out to be boring, there are always more old games out there that I really should play at some point.
Jun 2, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden
Do you believe I am still playing Skyrim? I am about done with my second character, a mage, to cover the college of winterhold quests. I'd be done a lot earlier if I could resist the desire to do favors for townfolk, guild radiant quests, and resist exploring dungeons to gather daedric artifacts and shouts…

Plus I wanted to try out Mjoll as a follower so I had to do her fetch quest first… It was worth it. She's much more powerful than Lydia.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Started playing Doom 3 yesterday. It'll be at least the third time I've played it but the first time in more than 5 years.

I wanted to see how the id Tech 4 engine held up after recently finishing Rage. I have to say I'm surprised how good Doom 3 still looks today. The character models are a little bland compared to more recent games, but the environments still look great with max settings. I'm also a little surprised at how much I'm enjoying it.

EVeryone was bagging on D3's "monster closets" at the time, but you know, the game scared the shit out of me several times, I thought the horror was good and it was a decent shooter. I was playing it at home, alone, at like 1 am w/ the sound turned up - that game was scary, especially w/ the flashlight-or-gun gimmick, I was dreading every corner!

Then I played in the middle of the day w/ sun glare on the screen and someone else hanging out in the same room, and it's a whole different thing. Not so scary, so it depends. I still think it's a great shooter tho

Right now I'm playing Minecraft again, loving it. Almost dying, on the edge of my seat a lot. It sure seems like they bumped up the enemy respawn/encounter rate of the game. I'll be cruising around underground exploring and something will be waiting for me in the tunnel on the way back. I'll be chillin making ingots or something at one of my little way stations and suddenly I have skeletons shooting at me. Suddenly a creeper pops down on me from above and BAM I'm sitting in a crater w/ one heart left. It's a bit more challenging then i remember it. It's all good tho, I'm having fun. About to head topside and see if I cant get a wolf companion and see what that's all about.

Havent died w/ this character. Yet....
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Make sure you also find and tame an Ocelot, Sammy, because 1) you're a cat person and 2) they keep Creepers away ^^.
Aug 31, 2006
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