Torment: Tides of Numenera - Update #13, New Strecth Goals, New Add-Ons and a Video


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
With just 3 more days to go new stretch goals and add-ons are announced for Torment: Tides of Numenera. Check out the link if you are interested.
In addition they mention that the game will take a bit longer to develop.
We purposely designed Torment to be modular so that, if we had additional funding, we could easily expand upon the game in ways that would make sense. Your support has exceeded our expectations. It is clear to us that to create as high quality a final product as we desire, and as you deserve, we’re going to want more time than we had in our original schedule.
Many of you have asked if the unexpected support we have received will require us to push back the release date. While we do not yet know what our final development budget will be, we do know that we’ll need a few months past the December 2014 launch date we first proposed at $900,000. (We’ll provide more details about our schedule after we have time to complete our planning following the Kickstarter.) We thank you greatly for providing us enough resources to increase Torment’s scope and quality bar. It’s our plan to use funds to keep the team on the project longer, allowing us to design, iterate, and polish more, to make a game that truly lives up to the Torment name.
And there is a video showing a 3D character in a 2D background, which you might already know from the screenshot.
Yesterday, we showed you a screenshot of an area in the Bloom. Here is a brief lighting and technology test that shows a 3D character on a 2D pre-rendered background. Obviously, this is a very quick test – we’ve only had the screenshot for a few days, after all. =) This was basically Koy's weekend (thanks, Koy!). But if this is what we can do in a couple days with pipelines we’re still developing and without programmer involvement, than you can imagine (we know you all have great imaginations!) what will be possible after we really delve into the project and after months of polishing final areas. We added Mark Morgan’s music separately, but otherwise this little scene is running in Unity.

More information.
Aug 30, 2006
I am digging the Hell out of these stretch goals.
Sep 16, 2011
So do I. But I seriously doubt if they'll hit 1.2 mil in the next 3 days to get all tiers :(

I think they'll score another 200,000 - 250,000 by the end. Hopefully I'm completely wrong!

P.S. Although that smexy lil' video should help the kickstarter pick up some steam :)
Oct 19, 2006
I think 3.5 is a certainty. 4 million is a possibility. More is unlikely. I'd love to see 4.5 and the player stronghold, but I'm doubting it right now.
Sep 16, 2011
Oh man, that video is stirring something in me...

Chintinous walls creak and drip with moisture. A ghastly glow emits from within a hooded recess. You stand before a pool. It's unctuous shimmer plays briefly across your features as you look around uncertainly - doubt clouds your mind as you kneel and utter the incantation. The pool gurgles ominously and a nearby vent lets loose a sibilant whisper. Something is wrong. You sense the creature before you even hear its loping run across the chamber or see its monstrous shape loom out of the shadows. You ready yourself. Win or lose, your companion will find his unholy thirst sated when this battle is over.

What can I say... I'm bored :p
Oct 19, 2006
Perhaps a different point of view :)

You stand silently in the shadows waiting impatiently. You look down at your cursed body and suppress a shudder of revulsion. Your skin has grown into a pale thick hide with purplish veins coruscating vividly across it. Your monstrously bloated and elongated forearms hang at your sides, coiled slightly so your palms rest flat on the ground. Jagged claws sprout from your hideous hands and feet while matted fur clings, in patches, to your torso.

You try to stay stalwart as your mind threatens to cave in to the clutches of insanity. Suddenly, he appears ducking out from the tepidly lit tunnel. He strides briskly to the divining pool and kneels in supplication. Your gaze rests upon him and your haunted mind is stilled briefly. You lurch forward clumsily and use the momentum of your unfamiliar bulk to close the distance to him in only a few strides. He finally looks up and his trembling lips try to form words of power but it is too late. The element of surprise has robbed him of his loyal cadre of summoned beasts and the battle has already begun.
Oct 19, 2006
Just 3 days left? I'm going to have to read the details and decide at which level I'm going to back.

The screenshot area looks so much better with the proper 3d character it's hard to put to words.

Thought the Stronghold stretch goal was yet another one coming straight from other kickstarters (see George Ziets) but it seems they will try to make it unique.

Think 4m is certainly attainable although I expected a stretch goal for further MCA involvement, maybe they're leaving that for a final 5m push..

BTW, does anyone follow closely enough to know how many people from the original PS:T team are involved?
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
Just 3 days left? I'm going to have to read the details and decide at which level I'm going to back.

The screenshot area looks so much better with the proper 3d character it's hard to put to words.

Thought the Stronghold stretch goal was yet another one coming straight from other kickstarters (see George Ziets) but it seems they will try to make it unique.

Think 4m is certainly attainable although I expected a stretch goal for further MCA involvement, maybe they're leaving that for a final 5m push..

BTW, does anyone follow closely enough to know how many people from the original PS:T team are involved?

I don't know the exact number but you have MCA as a creative Consultant (lead designer), Colin who was a designer for it, writers for it from it and other places Fargo was in interplay at the time, and monte cook was part of the team that wrote the planescape setting.

So... most of the key people.
Jun 27, 2011
Adam Heine also worked on PS:T as scripter.It would be nice if The Nameless one himself(Guido Henkel beside being model for TNO's face he was also producer)was involved but I guess he is busy working on his won projects.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
The lighting on that figure looks not quite right, but I'm just being nit-picky… :cool:
Mar 22, 2012
Meh, at $3.4 million at the moment, with 60 hours to go… I really hope they make 4, but it needs to pick up urgently…

That oasis city looks too neat not to have. 't Would make me a sad puppy.
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
These goals look awesome . . . I'm really disappointed that I've already kickstartered for a copy of wasteland 2, I probably won't even play it and couldn't really give a shit about it.

Upped my pledge anyway, I too would dearly love the oasis city as well.
Feb 2, 2007
Meh, at $3.4 million at the moment, with 60 hours to go… I really hope they make 4, but it needs to pick up urgently…

I dunno about urgently. At the current pace of pledging we're pacing for over $3.8M. And this pace usually doubles in the final 1-2 days. $4M is looking really likely.
Oct 19, 2006
Keep in mind they're also getting a certain amount of non-KS backing from PayPal and what not. The 3,5 goal was reached already at 3,4-something so it probably doesn't need more than another 450k on KS to reach the 4m mark.
Oct 18, 2006
I'd almost rather have the Stronghold in this game than in PE. It's bound to be a whole lot of quirky...
Mar 22, 2012
I dunno about urgently. At the current pace of pledging we're pacing for over $3.8M. And this pace usually doubles in the final 1-2 days. $4M is looking really likely.

Myeah, guess I was a little panicky there. Almost at $3.6M now...

Keep in mind they're also getting a certain amount of non-KS backing from PayPal and what not. The 3,5 goal was reached already at 3,4-something so it probably doesn't need more than another 450k on KS to reach the 4m mark.

I think it was mentioned that PayPal contribution was about $67k 4 days ago.

I'd almost rather have the Stronghold in this game than in PE. It's bound to be a whole lot of quirky…

Yes, agreed, but I don't see $4.5M happening.
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
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