What games are you playing now?

I did check to see if anyone was on and no one was like I said said earlier sweets and I just don't do skype. Never got it to work right.
Nov 9, 2006
Just reading the topic not the content as it is too substantial to keep up with but ATM I am having a slight Mystery Case Files addiction. All but Prime Suspects. Although I have played through that one again too.
It's a guilty pleasure. The Ravenhursts and Dire Grove are excellent. I've tried several others with mixed success. The first 2 Mortimer Becketts are very good, although the 3rd was disappointing to me. Mystery Legends-Sleepy Hollow was fairly good. The Hidden Mysteries series wasn't very good at all.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
The 13th Skull is the latest in the series and I like it a lot but I can't stand all the damn chatter. After the first go round I just clicketyclickclicked it away and played the game. If you haven't tried it I would suggest it. LOTS of hidden easter egg type stuffs to find if you get the collectors edition. As always watch the credits. I hate em but ya get some good easter eggs like one (or both?) of the ravenhurst games.

DTE . . . . I miss Fozzy and Animal and Swedish Chef N Stuffs. :( That guy just creeps me out. A LOT. Sowwy.
Nov 9, 2006
Speaking of those games, Big Fish is having a massive sale this weekend including all of their mysteries and so on for Mac, PC, and iOS.
Oct 18, 2006
Playing Minecraft with 3D anaglyph on. Works just fine in fullscreen mode (in windowed mode, you can see through the map in many places).
Sheesh, now that`s ... weird. Had to get used to the fact that I seem to be much closer to the ground in 3D, but just seeing the drops and bubbles when jumping in the water more than makes up for it.
The last 3D game I played before Minecraft was Depth Dwellers, and that was, when, seventeen years ago?
Aug 31, 2006
I jointed a blood bowl league (as in the game by Cyanide), and just played my first game. A bloody game between my wood elves and a norse team. The game ended 2-2, with 2 injured norse, and not a single injured elf. I seem to be playing my wood elves as if they were orcs or something, and it apparently works ;)
Jun 2, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden
omg, Sanitarium - where have you been all my life?

I noticed this on eBay (original 3 CD set) and bought it on your recommendation. Playing it on my pentium III Win98 machine, 17" CRT for an authentic experience and am really enjoying it. Very surreal and has some beautiful hand drawn 2d environments.
May 29, 2010
Just finished Duke Nukem Forever on the Mac for a review ... definitely not the sort of game that works well on replay so soon ... especially after the yummy Deus Ex!
Oct 18, 2006
I noticed this on eBay (original 3 CD set) and bought it on your recommendation. Playing it on my pentium III Win98 machine, 17" CRT for an authentic experience and am really enjoying it. Very surreal and has some beautiful hand drawn 2d environments.

Nice! So you probably arent getting the tons of crashes that people playing it on a newer system are plagued with. It's always good to have an old rig for those purposes, I have an old XP machine I keep around to play DK2 and stuff on. I must have gotten like 25 or so crashes while playing Sanitarium, i got to the point I was quicksaving every couple mins. Worth it tho, really good game
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Started playing Divine Divinity again.. picking up from where I left off last month. I'm having a hard time getting back into it though after playing Deus Ex: HR. I'm still craving some more DX type gameplay right now, and I'm seriously considering a replay of the original Deus Ex.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
My brother-in law who is a huge Warcraft anything fan bought me the Warcraft III Battle Chest for my birthday a couple of weeks ago.
I had played Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos back when it came out but never got around to the expansion as I don't play a lot of RTS's.

But I am having more fun playing the whole thing now than I did back then actually, lot's of new patches since I played and it even looks good on the widescreen monitor. Plus there is a lot of maps and campaign's to download, even RPG style maps from the fan sites.
So yeah enjoying the game more than I thought I would.
Mar 28, 2010
Vancouver , Canada
Still playing VtM:Bloodlines, as a Malcavian. I'm having a REALLY good time playing it, it's now number 2 (together with U7) on my personal favourite games list, behind PS:T.

My oldest daughter has already finished her Tremere playtrough, and is now going Toreador.
Aug 31, 2011
Full-on in the midst of NOX with the GoG release ... love this game, having a blast!
Oct 18, 2006
Started Albion last nicht. Oh, how much I forgot how strange this was !
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Well, Borderlands turned out to be a huge success. I rebought the game on Steam and one of my friends got it on Apple Store. We are currently running 3 games depending on who can play or not (total of 4 players). I often use Mordecai as a sniper but now recently I also got a Roland buffer/medic. Usually we play 2-3 hours every night after 9pm.
Oct 26, 2006
Playing Eschalon Book I atm (I finished DX:HR recently), and I'm quite enjoying it: it's a good mix of old school & some modern features of RPG. Maybe I'll buy the Book II after I finish the first.
Sep 2, 2011
Europe's Boot
Finally got my hands on DAO Awakening … happened to come across a Game Stop in one of the local malls, remembered I had a gift voucher from 2009 in my bag, dropped by, saw the DAO Ultimate Edition for far less money than the add-on and bought it. Late Birthday present, so to say.
My first thought after installing Awakening was that combat hadn't felt as clunky when I had played vanilla DA but then I remembered that I had played DA2 in between it and its add-on. . Well, there are things you do get used to, fast. But now that I'm a few hours into the game I got used to the clunky DAO combat again.
I made a new Warden for it, by the way. Just felt like it.
Aug 31, 2006
Still playing Awakening ... and I like the Ranger specialization. It's fun to fight with 7 guys in my party: my tank/DPSing self, one mage, two rangers and their entourage - one summoned skeleton, one summoned wolf and one summoned spider. Especially the spider ist fun - the guy (I call him'Spinner') usually kills 3/4 of all enemies before one of us others even manages to get close. He's the real hero.
Aug 31, 2006
Nice! So you probably arent getting the tons of crashes that people playing it on a newer system are plagued with. It's always good to have an old rig for those purposes, I have an old XP machine I keep around to play DK2 and stuff on. I must have gotten like 25 or so crashes while playing Sanitarium, i got to the point I was quicksaving every couple mins. Worth it tho, really good game

No crashes at all for me thankfully, although I did have to restart once after being locked out of all buildings in chapter 2 - there's a patch for that bug, but I assume the GOG version includes it already.

This is the first point and click adventure game I've played in a long time and am really enjoying the change in pace, do you have any other recommendations that are in a similar vein to Sanitarium? I'm thinking The Longest Journey next, I remember that getting good reviews.
May 29, 2010
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