What games are you playing now?

Playing Okami on PS3, and the Legend of Zelda on NES. Love Okami, seriously love that game. Legend of Zelda, however..

I never played LoZ, and seeing as I'm now Mr Retro-Gamer, collecting/restoring/generally geeking out like crazy on classic NES/SNES/PS/Genesis games and consoles, I got an old Zelda cartridge, cleaned it up, and thought I ought to give it a run. It's actually kicking my ass, having a tough time with it LOL.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Playing Okami on PS3, and the Legend of Zelda on NES. Love Okami, seriously love that game. Legend of Zelda, however…

I truly loved LoZ when it was released, but I was also very young at the time. I'm honestly not sure if I would have liked it as much if I had been older. It's also one of those games that you needed to play back then to fully appreciate it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
It's also one of those games that you needed to play back then to fully appreciate it.

I wouldn't say that. The gameplay holds up amazingly well and the graphics still have their charm. What's more likely to scare young gamers is the lack of cutscenes, how open it is, and the overall difficulty. You're right in that it probably wouldn't have the same wow factor now, though.
Jul 3, 2011
Playing Victoria 2 now. I got it like a year ago or more but never gave it a chance. Started playing a couple of weeks ago and liking it a lot, I haven't "won" a game yet. I said "won" because there is no "you win" screen in this game, you basically set your own goal, and so far I've failed:
- First attempt: Played as Brazil, set my goal to become a Great Power. Failed, got to like 18 (First 8 countries are Great Powers)
- Second attempt: Played as Colombia, set my goal to form the "Great Colombia". Failed, made it to like 12th country and couldn't unite the region.
- Third attempt: Installed a mod that everybody recommended. Played as China (or Qin as they were called in 1860), set my goal to become a Great Power. Everything was going well but then a huge revolution of people wanting to go back to the old ways kicked me out.
- Fourth attempt (current): Playing as Prussia my goal is to form Germany and become #1 Great Power. This one is going well so far. I'm #3 and already formed the North German Confederation, I think this one is promising!
Sep 23, 2008
I'm finished with ME series but decided to give it another rerun.
I want to replay as a third class and with some other choices.

What does that mean?

First run I was a tech class. The second run was completely as human adept and while it's fun in ME3, it pretty much sucks in ME1, is utter rubbish in ME2 and almost worthless in ME3 multiplayer (asari adept is a different case but you don't have her per default). So I need to get some training now as Vanguard. :D

An example for choices? First playthrough I did was without using old savegames. The trilogy ended with Tali commiting suicide. Now I've replayed and Tali died in my ME2 so in ME3 I didn't have her at all. Since I'm now older (smarter? don't think so…), this time I want to have Tali alive in the end.

Oh and… I've decided to buy the goddamned mission DLC I didn't buy before (arrival) just because you do get some dialogs in ME3 related to it - I was clueless wtf is a certain batarian talking about. So I've checked wiki and found out it's about that DLC and not just that but also playing through it gives you +50 war asset bonus.
Also bought digital Dark Horse ME comics, but one is still ongoing so I've skipped that one. ME cartoon is on it's way, maybe it's good, maybe it's not, but we'll see.

Didn't buy ME phonegame. I might be completely crazy, but to go buy a phonegame? Not in this lifetime.
Still undecided to buy or not to buy N7 leather jacket replica ($100, made in india). It's 5 times cheaper than the one coming into official US Bioware store (preorder available for US market, not available in EU store), it's not made from real skin (official Bioware jacket is made from real skin, hopefully not the skin they got after skinning people with their DLC-o-rama) and IMO is better looking. We'll see.

I must say this.
ME series. Without any DLC is completely different experience than with DLC. Because (sadly) only Pinnacle and Citadel DLC are not globalstory/globalgame related and Bioware should stop with the practice of selling stuff that completely changes the core game!
Apr 12, 2009
I've started playing the Diablo 3 expansion. I only managed to play about an hour last night before heading to bed, but it seems pretty good. That being said, I will probably abandon it once ESO is out (Sunday afternoon), but it should keep me occupied until then.
Oct 18, 2006
I just can't stay on one game!! Stopped playing KotOR1 and MotB, I've moved onto HotU.... and actually enjoying it this time! :) Bit disappointed about the exploration though. I'm not a huge fan of exploration and even for me, there's hardly any exploration. Everything is so conveniently nearby and populated in tiny area - I've murdered entire city of Illithids within 10mins or so. Really disappointing, especially because it resembles underdark in BG2 a lot (same enemies - illithids, beholders and vampires, well, except vampires were not in underdark in BG2).

Also playing D3 RoS expansion :)

On KotOR, I've been watching youtube KotOR2 vids.... omg I fell in love with Atton and Kreia. Love the dialogues/writing... why couldn't Obsidian make gameplay and engine better? I'm so tired of missing out/giving up on games with good story/dialogue because of shit gameplay - namely PS:T, MotB and KotOR2 (Yep, given up on MotB again at this point because I hate the engine and death eater mechanic, not to mention my PC fans spinning so fast that it makes a sound of planes taking off). Sigh.

Well I'm having really crap day, but somehow making someone else's day worse made it better! (j/k)

Yes I will revist KotOR1 once I'm done with HotU... I've started way too many games and haven't finished any since IWD1!
Yea… Anyway… I moved slightly away from ME replay and am filling batteries on Fable1 (mentioned it in pricewatch so said hell I haven't played it for a decade)…

Whatta joke of a game. And I can't believe I actually liked it back then. Possibly the worst case of jRPG imbued with western graphics. Well, lemme get married in it… A few times since you can do that… And I'll return to ME. Not a chance I'm gonna finish this crap again.
Apr 12, 2009
Whatta joke of a game. And I can't believe I actually liked it back then. Possibly the worst case of jRPG imbued with western graphics. Well, lemme get married in it… A few times since you can do that… And I'll return to ME. Not a chance I'm gonna finish this crap again.

Yeah, I found Fable to be mediocre in pretty much every aspect. One of the most overhyped games of all time imo. I finished it, but I have no desire to ever play it again.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Speaking of Fallout 3 and FWE, I've been creating a patch for FWE & FOOK for the past month. The project's progressively losing its charm - so much crap to alter and I can think of dozens of things I'd rather do with the hours and hours I have put and still need to put into this tedious timesink.

What's the verdict on the D3 expansion? Is it worth $40 to someone who hasn't bothered with D3 in 2 years?
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Someone giving up on PST and then playing KotOR is like someone saying they can't watch the Maltese Falcon because it's in black and white and then praising the subtle nuances of plot in a Michael Bay Transformers movie. :p

I can't settle on a game at the moment. I picked up Fable 3 ages ago for a few squids and decided to give it a try while I'm in a such a mood. These games feel like they're for little kids, but then they target an older audience and fill the game with dull, repetitive, hp sponge combat. I just don't get the appeal, so I can't imagine playing much more of it.
Jul 3, 2011
Finished dead space 3. Good story, pretty linear, fun combat and a pinch of horror. Just how I like it.

Just started dishonored, now I know why it is called as such (strangely enough never gave it any thought before). Does anyone know if I should turn on/off the auto aim, auto target stuff (playing on the ps3) ? Normally I play everything using the default settings, just like the devs meant it, but here auto aim is 'on' by default and auto aim strength is 100% which seems just to be too easy.

I actually went to buy bioshock: infinite, but came home with above two games.
Jun 5, 2009
Honestly JDR I did like the game first time I've played it and today I'm not sure why. There is nothing in it that really shines not to mention the complete fail when it comes to UI. What were they thinking?
There is however a Gothiclike teleport feature so at least I can avoid grinding in endlessly respawned mobs areas I'm forced to revisit.

ilm, Fable 3 is one of the worst games I've played in my life, it doesn't respawn just mobs but also respawns digsites (now I know with what crap game Amalur with it's mobs/chests respawning was inspired with). I'll never ever replay it. And instead of permanently banishing Fable 3 creators from games industry, someone actually funded Fable 4.

In any case, because of the petty filler content, in both Fables on PC you may grind your stats skyhigh very early which makes the rest of the game nonchallenging, shallow and boring. Why? Because when you're a godlike character, all you can do is to enjoy the story, but in the case of those two games the story sucks!

For Dishonored dunno how is it played on a console, but I always suggest starting a new game on default normal settings (the only thing to always switch on is subtitles as you never know if voiceovers are implemented good or bad).
Starting a fresh game on hard/insane/nightmare difficulty usually takes your concentration only on game mechanics and gameplay which results in not caring for the story. And in Dishonored you want to know the story as your choices determine what happens in next chapters.

Dead Space 3 and the game you didn't buy are both DLC:The Game. In this case, I'd say you bought the lesser evil. :)

Drithius, I'm not playing nor will ever play D3 but IMO, there are so many MMOs out there that the proper answer is don't buy an expansion of a game but go for another one. If I was into MMOs, I'd rather try my luck with ESO or SWTOR no matter how it turns out, than to go for expansions of a game commonly known as Error37.

Right, I'm gonna play Fable1 some more, watch some TV and then return (hopefully) to ME1. Anyone knows how much cash I need to get 100K bonus in ME2? I had max (10 millions) the last time because I played Pinnacle Station DLC but this time I'm planning to skip it as it turns the game into too easy.
Last edited:
Apr 12, 2009
Finished dead space 3. Good story, pretty linear, fun combat and a pinch of horror. Just how I like it .

Dead Space 3 was one of the biggest disappointments in recent memory for me. By itself, it was ok, but it was a huge letdown compared to Dead Space 1&2. The expansion was terrible.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Got completely irritated by repetitive content and uninstalled Fable1. I'm gonna look at the mirror and say "you're an idiot".
That game is completely retarded and should be forgotten. I still can't understand what was that I liked the first time I've played it. Everything feels wrong inside. Everything.
Sorry for mentioning it the other day in pricewatch thread, Fable1 doesn't deserve any new victims. Even today's phonegames are better than it.

Back to ME series.
Apr 12, 2009
Yes, the only thing I switch on is subtitles regardless of voice quality. But in this case "Auto aim" set to 100 seemed pretty extreme, but we'll see.

Why do you say DS3 and bioshock are DLC ? Because they are pretty short ? I like them shorter these days. I also liked fable 1 back in the day, but mostly because of the fun enough combat. Maybe if I replay it I will get the same feeling.

JDR13, yes at least DS1 is better (due to being a real horror game, less so in the subsequent releases). I guess it didnt hurt that I was completely in the mood for DS3 (this is actually a major factor when I rate games). Didn't play the expansion. Funnily enough, DS also reminds me a lot of ME because of the art and setting (each time I open a door I have to think twice which game I'm playing...).
Jun 5, 2009
Diablo 3 - Reapa of Souls.

This is my first time playing D3 in all it's incarnations. I've taken a monk from level 1 up to level 61 in one campaign playthrough. Playing the new act V now. The little optional set pieces and dungeons areas are nicely crafted. The city of Westmarch is done well.

Of course, the real attraction of this sort of game is the loot and level up cycle. I've successively bumped up the difficulty step by step as my monk leveled, and am now on Torment I. But some of the battles take entirely to much time with huge enemy health to whittle down, and the bosses seem a bit impossible. I saw a huge step up in loot quality in the stores once I reached level 60, or so on Torment. Waiting on a decent weapon drop to see if I can get my DPS high enough to take on Torment bosses and make Torment elite groups go faster.

Otherwise, I may need to drop down to Master level to make it through it faster...
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
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