Bioshock - Movie @ GameSpot

I honestly think that this video has an enormous atmosphere - greater than most games I've seen and certainly emulating those that have been available lately. The graphics are also outstanding and breath-taking. It's just so much a 100% candidate for my GOTY award.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm also looking forward to Bioshock. If it's half as good as System Shock 2 was then it'll be a great game.

Between Bioshock, S.T.A.L.K.E.R., Supreme Commander, and C&C 3, I'm going to have a great Summer:)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Some very nice looking stuff, one of the things I'm definitely looking forward to this year!
Oct 18, 2006
The only things that impress me about Bioshock so far are the art direction and audio. The gameplay doesn't look very special.
Oct 18, 2006
Doesn't look very special? For a shooter? Are you high?

Now if you think of it as an RPG (which it really isn't) then sure...I guess (maybe) you could say that. But since it's a shooter at don't think we've seen and read about the same game here.

And honestly it sounds like it has more consequences based on actual choices you make in the game than most recent so-called RPGs do. The character development will be about on par with System Shock 2. So that's a bit lacking in the RPG department...but still more complex than Oblivion was.

Maybe "gameplay" means something different to you than it does to me.
Oct 19, 2006
Now if you think of it as an RPG (which it really isn't)"

It's supposed to be an RPG/shooter/adventure hybrid. At least that's what it should be if it's the spiritual successor to System Shock 2. It's being marketed more as an FPS to the "OMG HALO IS TEH BEST GAME EVAR" crowd that never played a Ken Levine game before, but I get the distinct impression that it's supposed to be an RPG, and a lot of the FPS talk is marketing.

And no, as a shooter, it doesn't look impressive to me either. I measure up FPS's to the standards set by games like Half-Life 2, F.E.A.R., Far Cry, and Painkiller, and as a shooter this game is not close. Not that I would complain about that, since System Shock 2 wasn't a great shooter either, but it did have a robust role playing system, even if it was a bit contrived.

And getting AI characters to attack each other is nothing new. You could do it in Postal 2. The fact that this is a controlled demo makes it even less impressive to me.

And honestly it sounds like it has more consequences based on actual choices you make in the game than most recent so-called RPGs do. The character development will be about on par with System Shock 2. So that's a bit lacking in the RPG department...but still more complex than Oblivion was.

What consequences are you seeing to this behavior? Everyone except for Big Daddies are hostile until you threaten him or the girl. There's nothing at all special about that. As far as character development goes, it looks very DeusExInvisibleWar-ish. And you have the ability to change your mind about character development by overwriting your plasmids. So much for consequences.

Like I said previously, I love the art direction and the atmosphere, but I am pretty lukewarm on the gameplay. It reminds me of Inivisible War in a few key ways. Forgive me for being pessimistic. I'm tired of getting excited about games and then later finding out that they aren't very good.
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Oct 18, 2006
That I can understand. You're still feeling the burn of Invisible War.

You're right that it still does have a chance of being a steaming pile of poo ala Deus Ex Invisible War. Of course all the blind moronic reviewers will give it 80-90% scores if it's just like Invisible War...but to me that game was absolute trash. Not even worth paying $15-$20 bargain bin price to play. Maybe worth $5 just to see how horrible it was.

The fact that Bioshock is being made simultaneously for the 360 & PC could be a bad sign. But I think (hope) they're going to prove that it can be done so that neither game is hurt by that fact.

I'm probably setting myself up for massive dissappointment but I think this game will push gaming forward the way System Shock 2 did (or should have). Since I'm looking forward to this game above all other PC games this year...I sure hope it doesn't live up (down) to your expectations. Of course I pre-ordered STALKER I might just be an optimist (or a sucker). :)
Oct 19, 2006
I'm with the doc on this one ;) . Nothing really new or impressive has been shown so far. That trailer is just showing off some *boom* and some *flash* and then some more *boom*. Well, and that attacking a big daddy is a stupid idea. OK. Great. Thanks for the advice.

Otherwise I'm not sure what there is to be excited about. With the exception of the 1950s deco and art style, there is absolutely nothing original to be seen here in my opinion.

So I hope that they will show a little more of the gameplay and the story progression in upcoming trailers. But my expectations are fairly low since Ken Levine said that they are building the levels and the gameplay first and then constructing a story around it all later. Kinda like id's method when they make a new Doom or Quake or Blizzard when they made Diablo. That's why I don't expect this game to have a memorable story at all.
Also, there's a good chance that playing around with the gimmicks, gadgets, remote controls and weapons will get old after a couple of levels.

We'll see though. I still have some little hope left to be positively surprised by one of the next trailers or better yet the demo that will hopefully come out before the game's release.
Oct 18, 2006
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