Favorite iPad RPGs

This is about people's favorite iPad RPGs. It's not another thread on DArtagnan or a discussion on iPads in general. List your favorite or start another thread.
Feb 3, 2007
At the moment I like Wasted Land. It is more fun than expected actually.
I did not get into Arralon and gave up after a first try. Don't recall why though as it has been a while. Maybe I did not give it enough time...
I'm actually checking threads like this to see what other RPGs might be interesting to play on an iPad :)
Aug 30, 2006
I got a game called Myself for my iTouch :D
Oct 18, 2006
I just finished 100 Rogues after about a couple of dozen tries. It's not that bad for a roguelike, but a bit too simple for my taste and they make you pay for any new classes that are available. Granted the game does come with three: a paladin, a mage and a tourist.

It's a fun coffee break game, I guess. There are better one's out there. Just haven't finished any yet.

I'll be checking out Wasted Land. I've been eying that thing, but really didn't think I would care for it, but since it got the Myrthos seal of approval I'll give it a shot :)
Feb 3, 2007
There are plenty of deep games now coming out on iPad

Take SpaceChem for example:

Why do you people just call it a phone and phone games on it when it can clearly handle many PC and Steam games. Plus the screen is just big enough as is it's battery life. To me there is no reason to get a vita or 3rd with more complex ages like this coming out for hardcores.

And to the guy who compared iPad games like galaxy on fire 2 to steam and such, the Nintendo 3Ds and Vita also suck when you compare their games to expensive titles on a top of the line Pc. Not everyone can afford the latest and greatest gpus by the way and the iPad suits us fine.
Nov 15, 2011
Not again.

If you guys want to debate the iPhone then go right ahead, just do it in a new thread. It's really easy to do. You click "New Thread".

I am always looking for new iPhone RPGs and would like to keep this thread about that.

K thx.
Feb 3, 2007
At the moment I like Wasted Land. It is more fun than expected actually.

Would that be Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land? It looks really interesting, but I've heard people complain about the horrible UI. Well, at least on iPhone. iPad seems to be okay, but since it's universal, it'll have to work great on both devices for me.

Also, does it support Cloud syncing for savegames?
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
Yes that is the game. I've been playing it on the iPad and have indeed issues with the UI. Would not call it horrible. I just have trouble selecting a target character when it is close to another one at times (it requires a double press). I can rotate the view to improve that, but still.

It sometimes crashes at the end of a mission, which I could work around to by playing differently, but that was trial and error.

Last night I noticed there was an update mentioning the crash issues was solved and that they added a click and hold next to the double click option. I've updated the game, but have not tried it yet.

It is a mission based tactical game more than an RPG. The only RPG element is that you have a limited number of stat points that you have to divide over the team.
Aug 30, 2006
HA! I thought you were talking about Wasteland Angel and thought they made it for the iOS too :D

The Cthulhu one is a must buy when I get some free time.
Feb 3, 2007
Yeah I really like The Cthulhu one.

Silver sword is good, really like the quest and all the 100 expansions;)

Someone pointed me towards inotia 2 so going to check that out. Rhimelands is really cool.

I really enjoy board games made for the ipad, like carcassonne and ticket to ride...would love to see talisman done.

Rebuild is a cool zombie survival game. Check out hunters HD kinda cool.

Fabled lands is kind of a cool story based rpg.

There are some cool fighting fantasy choose your own adventure ones that are quite good...

Oh and you can play Sryth on the ipad with internet access.
Apr 17, 2007
Not again.

Exactly ... I thought we had a nice, detailed thread that the randomly superior douchebags would stay away from with their 'technically inferior' bullshit and blatantly superiorist 'time-wasters' and 'my time is valuable' crap ... but at least they out themselves as moronic trolls by doing so.

Got a few minutes of Raid Leader played and it looks to be fun. Also playing another certain deep RPG on the iPad that is just excellent - can't wait for actual release.
Oct 18, 2006
At least you know how to make a measured and tasteful return without re-iterating how you don't understand my position in the slightest ;)

Oh, and I guess I should add a favorite iPod RPG so as to not appear like a petty ignorant person lashing out:

I quite like The Quest - and consider it one of the best throwback games on the platform.


Wow, they're seriously milking the game now ;)

Still, it's a good one - but maybe it's time they started doing something other than expansions.
how you don't understand my position in the slightest ;)

I understand it just fine, you moronic simpleton troll. Really, just get the fuck out of the thread since you are only here to insult people and derail the discussion. Proof, how about your OWN FUCKING WORKS:

"having to do something worthwhile with my time"

Um, yeah - condescending, superior, elitist, and totally wrong.

"technically inferior."

Once again demonstrating both your ignorance and a superior attitude.

"cute little rip-offs, my mind immediately explains to me that there are games a million times better on my PC "

And there are games a million times better on the iPad than many games on the PC. But since you have a slanted bias, you could never know or admit that.

"I find it impossible to enjoy games that don't represent "the best available" at any given moment"

Yet you play the mediocre Mass Effect games, comment on Diablo III, discuss Kingdoms of Amalur, and so on ... bottom line - there are better iPad games than many of the PC games you have played. Period.

"easily exploitable consumer"

You lump anyone who likes anything but what you like into an inferior bin. Which is both totally incorrect and a shitty attitude - but we'd expect no better. It is exactly who you are.

I could go on, but QED.

Multiple people have tried without success to point this out - hell there is a thread every month or so it seems. You don't know ANYTHING about the iPad. Nothing. Hell, in spite of apparently having one you know nothing about the iPod. Yet you spout like you do. Sorry, you are 100% incorrect - and through repeated trolls have demonstrated a complete ignorance, superior attitude, and ability to disrupt

You want more proof about how much of an idiot you are? You come into a thread called 'Favorite IPAD RPGS' and directly state:

"The Tablet platform is one notable potential exception, and it's one platform I haven't personally owned."


Look - this was SUPPOSED to be a refuge from morons, and an ability FOR IPAD USERS to discuss their favorite RPGS. But no, you couldn't leave it alone - you had to come in here WITH NO FUCKING CLUE - and a
and you shit all over the thread with your attitude. I am FAR from the only one who has pointed it out. Either (once again) everyone else is wrong - or you are. Oh wait, you are NEVER wrong.

Except that you are.

Get the fuck out of our thread you simpleminded moron and go pollute elsewhere with your passive-aggressive bullshit.
Oct 18, 2006
Impressive tirade :)

Your first mistake is to assume that because I consider something a waste of my time, and not worthwhile in my own life - it means I can't appreciate that others DO enjoy these games and consider them worthwhile. It's not about being right or wrong, by the way. I don't think in those terms. I believe in having good reasons for what you do or don't do - but I also believe that others can have good reasons that I don't necessarily agree with or share. I don't explode because of that.

In fact, I enjoy exploring what reasons people have for what they do. I consider it a way of learning about human beings.

Like, a lot of my friends watch TV - with shows like "Paradise Hotel". I make it very clear that I consider such things incredibly stupid and not good for anything. It doesn't mean I think my friends are stupid or "inferior". They just like different things for different reasons. But I'm not going to sugarcoat that I think very, very little of the show or the motivations for being on it - or producing it.

That's really the core mistake from which you draw all these fantasy conclusions about me considering people inferior because they enjoy what I do not. Like it's impossible to consider people exploitable without them being inferior. I'm an exploitable consumer myself, by the way. I just don't break down and cry when people point it out. I know this about myself.

I obviously hit a nerve, and maybe you should think about why you're reacting so strongly?

I suppose if you don't enjoy playing sports, and you have a reason that's very good to you - it means those who don't agree are inferior for some reason? Just an example. There must be something you don't enjoy that others do - and I'm sure you have your reasons. You shouldn't be allowed to share your reasons?

Anyway, I can see you have a real issue with me here - and I understand you mean to perpetuate all of this with what seems like a borderline mental breakdown - so I'll leave you to it :)

Oh, and you're right - I didn't quite realise this was exclusively about iPad games. Not sure it has to be, because most of these games exist on multiple platforms. I apologise for that mistake.
I obviously hit a nerve, and maybe you should think about why you're reacting so strongly?

Because we were having a nice little thread that you have decided to shit all over with subjective nonsense destructively rather than contribute anything productive or even remotely on-topic? And further, when requested to stop, you were only emboldened to submit even longer expositions further showing exactly the same attitude while in words denying you had said those things?

I know English isn't your primary language, but as many have said before, you need to realize that you tend to misunderstand the context of how you word things and end up as a rather poor communicator in the language. There is a reason why so many different people have gotten very upset in arguments with you - it isn't them, it might not be you, but it IS how your words come across.

I suppose if you don't enjoy playing sports, and you have a reason that's very good to you - it means those who don't agree are inferior for some reason? Just an example. There must be something you don't enjoy that others do - and I'm sure you have your reasons. You shouldn't be allowed to share your reasons?

I am a runner and participate on running forums. If someone who was a footballer came in and said 'I can't imagine wasting my time just running when there are more productive tactical games to be played' in a thread called 'marathon training strategies' ... that person would be a total moron, troll and douchebag. Wouldn't you agree?

Anyway, I can see you have a real issue with me here - and I understand you mean to perpetuate all of this with what seems like a borderline mental breakdown - so I'll leave you to it :)

You don't respond or seem to reflect on your actions until you work people into a state of frenzy. It took multiple attempts here before you became even slightly introspective. Was I annoyed? Sure - but it was just 'internet yelling', not nearly a breakdown or anything to otherwise interrupt the flow of my morning ;)

Oh, and you're right - I didn't quite realise this was exclusively about iPad games. Not sure it has to be, because most of these games exist on multiple platforms. I apologise for that mistake.

Just so you understand, that is NOT an apology. Whenever you couch 'sorry' with a bunch of qualifiers it stops having the intended meaning. Something like 'Crap, didn't read the iPad title, my bad - SORRY, won't happen again, I'll go start an iPod based thread to have discussions on the merits of that' would be a *real* apology.

And again "most of these games exist on multiple platforms" simply demonstrates your ignorance on the entire subject being discussed here. I am somewhat of an expert in the area of mobile gaming, and let me assure you that playing the 'same' game on Nintendo DS, PSP, iPod Touch and iPad is NOT the same experience ... particularly if the developer put more than 5 minutes optimizing for each platform.
Oct 18, 2006
Because we were having a nice little thread that you have decided to shit all over with subjective nonsense destructively rather than contribute anything productive or even remotely on-topic? And further, when requested to stop, you were only emboldened to submit even longer expositions further showing exactly the same attitude while in words denying you had said those things?

I made a comment about a game being called an homage, when it's really a rip-off (to my mind). You replied and I consider that the beginning of a conversation. You made a personal comment about playing a game while waiting for your son - and I responded with a detailed post about why I can't enjoy games like that for 15 minutes.

I spoke from a fully subjective position, and given how we've had similar conversations before - I was literally very surprised you reacted so strongly.

But, then again, it's not the first time you go totally crazy when people speak against your interests related to these plaforms. It's just that you seemed to appreciate that I didn't mean to appear "superior" last time we spoke about this.

It's as if you keep forgetting that I don't, in fact, "look down" on you because you like these games. That would be a really, really ignorant position for someone who looks at every single human being as fully equal.

I actually included that I don't do anything worthwhile as a replacement, and I did that in an attempt to prevent misunderstanding. Because I know how it might read to people who assume I'm being superior because I dislike what they like.

I know English isn't your primary language, but as many have said before, you need to realize that you tend to misunderstand the context of how you word things and end up as a rather poor communicator in the language. There is a reason why so many different people have gotten very upset in arguments with you - it isn't them, it might not be you, but it IS how your words come across.

My use of English isn't the reason for this. It's simply my style of writing - and I assure you it happens with my danish as well.

However, it's my own personal position that people react so strongly, because THEY infer and assume when they have no valid reason to.

People aren't used to people like me, and that's ok. I've learned to live with this kind of reaction.

There's no way a person like me can ever communicate online without very serious opposition - or without being a liar. I don't lie - and I don't want to become a liar because people don't like my honest opinions.

I am a runner and participate on running forums. If someone who was a footballer came in and said 'I can't imagine wasting my time just running when there are more productive tactical games to be played' in a thread called 'marathon training strategies' … that person would be a total moron, troll and douchebag. Wouldn't you agree?

If a person bothered to explain himself and his reasons for not running, I would consider that a very interesting contribution.

I'm not one to rigidly conform to topics. If the contribution relates to the topic in some meaningful way - I'll likely support it.

I don't think of a thread as a "personal space" where I can enjoy talking exclusively about that which I want to talk about - or what I conclude everyone wants to talk about.

You don't respond or seem to reflect on your actions until you work people into a state of frenzy. It took multiple attempts here before you became even slightly introspective. Was I annoyed? Sure - but it was just 'internet yelling', not nearly a breakdown or anything to otherwise interrupt the flow of my morning ;)

I don't think you understand how introspective I am at all times :)

You seem to think that reacting like that is a fair response, and a good way of understanding. Maybe you just don't care about understanding, and you just want to be "right" about me.

That's not really my concern. But I don't have the energy required to invest myself in what a stranger might think of what he thinks he knows.

Just so you understand, that is NOT an apology. Whenever you couch 'sorry' with a bunch of qualifiers it stops having the intended meaning. Something like 'Crap, didn't read the iPad title, my bad - SORRY, won't happen again, I'll go start an iPod based thread to have discussions on the merits of that' would be a *real* apology.

I'm not sure if you think your perception of what my apology should be like is my guiding light, but it's not :)

I gave an apology to demonstrate that I actually agreed with you. It was more a formal apology, because I consider the rigid adhering to the iPad tactic a weak excuse to point out where I've done wrong to add fuel to your fire. But you are correct about the topic, and in good form an apology is warranted.

You and I both know that if I'd spoken favorably of some iPod game, it wouldn't have been an issue.

But you should, of course, conduct yourself as you see fit.

And again "most of these games exist on multiple platforms" simply demonstrates your ignorance on the entire subject being discussed here. I am somewhat of an expert in the area of mobile gaming, and let me assure you that playing the 'same' game on Nintendo DS, PSP, iPod Touch and iPad is NOT the same experience … particularly if the developer put more than 5 minutes optimizing for each platform.

Yes, you're very fond of pointing out my ignorance. But in this case, I'm quite right. Most of these games are available on iPod and iPad. As for what the experience is like, that's hardly relevant to my point.

But, I already conceded that I don't personally own a tablet - and how that may be an exception. I guess you missed that in all the hysteria ;)
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