Alpha Protocol - 11 Ways it is Better than Mass Effect 2 @ Fidgit


October 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Tom Chick from Fidget spent some time putting this list together. Here's his reason why Alpha Protocol is the better roleplaying game:
11) As a role-playing game
Alpha Protocol is often awkward and sometimes ridiculous. But it's internally consistent because it is first and foremost an RPG. Sure, it's silly when spies can hide in plain sight like cloaked predators. But stealth is an important "leg" of the game, along with gadgets, hacking, and gunplay. The idea is that you choose among them for the kind of spy you want to be. From there, everything is based on advancing how and how well you do these things. This evolves based on your skills and gear, which are the hallmarks of any good RPG. Contrast this to how Mass Effect 2 distills everything down to crossing space dungeons by playing a streamlined shooter with skills aplenty and gear that doesn't matter so much.
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Good read, yeah my biggest immersion breaker has to do with 11, is that fact WHO the hell would go on these Covert missions and infiltrate in Daylight, duh?
Oct 18, 2006
Unfortunately, with Alpha I'm paying $2 to ship it back without opening it. I lost any and all faith in it after reading user reviews.

Even if Alpha is a better rpg its not enough [for me] to want to deal with the problems nor is it a game where I'd want to deal with them.
Nov 23, 2006
In the Sky
Alpha Protocol might be a better "RPG", but is it a better *game*?

I haven't played ME2 yet, but I enjoyed ME1 a lot more than what I've played of AP.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Alpha Protocol might be a better "RPG", but is it a better *game*?

I haven't played ME2 yet, but I enjoyed ME1 a lot more than what I've played of AP.

This is a matter of taste, I'm having a lots of fun playing AP, more than I had playing ME1 or 2, in fact.
Oct 13, 2007
I'd say without doubt but, obviously, tastes differ. How much have you played? Have you left Saudi Arabia yet?

No, and I don't intend to. I learned a long time ago not to continue playing a game I don't enjoy just to see the rest of it. I played 3 of the 4 Saudi missions, and that was all I could tolerate.

As far as his comparison is concerned, it's hard for me to take it seriously. He's obviously very biased against ME2 to begin with, and freely admits it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
No, and I don't intend to. I learned a long time ago not to continue playing a game I don't enjoy just to see the rest of it. I played 3 of the 4 Saudi missions, and that was all I could tolerate.

As far as his comparison is concerned, it's hard for me to take it seriously. He's obviously very biased against ME2 to begin with, and freely admits it.

He didn't like ME2 but I'm not sure why that makes his opinion any less valid. Anyway, I have often enjoyed games more as I played further - some of my favourite ever games I either didn't like at first, or even put aside for some time. However, I can certainly understand a different point of view. You've played the worst part of the game, haven't been able to develop your character much and haven't seen any of the reactivity but if you can't "tolerate" it, no point in wasting your time.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Unlike ME2, AP really is a game that one would gain more appreciation for over time. It certainly doesn't have the polish or the fancy animations and graphics and it is cursed with a console oriented UI.

But, the actual RPG and "Game" of the game really is awesome IMO... It has been a while since I have played a game where I actually feel that every thing I do has some sort of consequences. And for once, I am actually "role playing" my character, instead of just "game" it.
Oct 18, 2006
I just want to get this out of my system: But I think that AP really isn't nearly as unpolished as people claim.

It is all a matter of perception, people see that the game is made by Obsidian, and unfairly assume that the game will be buggy. So any "bug" in the game gets magnified.

For example:
1) Complaints about mini game.... The same "floaty" control problem existed in ME2, and made me hate locks in Oblivion. Yet, people doesn't seem to care too much in those games...

2) Texture pop ins... BL, ME2, all UE3 engine based games has this problem. AP certainly is NOT the worst offender, but people seem to claim that it is...

3) Consolized control. Yeah it sucks, but it is much worse in games like BL (and I love BL). And I prefer consolized UI over "streamlined" gameplay elements any day. (Damn the inventory system of ME2...)

4) "Crappy animation, graphics." Really? The facial and bodily animations of NPCs in conversations are superbly done in AP. The jerkiness, floatiness can be seen in most modern 3D RPGs. People seem to not mind when it appears in FO3 though...

There are problems with AP, sure. But definitely not as bad as people perceive them to be.
Oct 18, 2006
He didn't like ME2 but I'm not sure why that makes his opinion any less valid. Anyway, I have often enjoyed games more as I played further - some of my favourite ever games I either didn't like at first, or even put aside for some time. However, I can certainly understand a different point of view. You've played the worst part of the game, haven't been able to develop your character much and haven't seen any of the reactivity but if you can't "tolerate" it, no point in wasting your time.

Fair enough, maybe I'll give it another try in the future when I'm not so backlogged with other games. I wasn't aware that Saudi Arabia is the worst area of the game, I hadn't seen anyone say that until now.

I doubt it will make much of a difference though, my own lack of interest in the particular setting and theme make it hard for me to like it. The fact that it has such a consolish feel to it makes it even harder for me to overcome my initial feelings.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I doubt it will make much of a difference though, my own lack of interest in the particular setting and theme make it hard for me to like it. The fact that it has such a "consolish" feel to it makes it even harder for me to overcome.

Fair enough. I couldn't get into anything Star wars related. That is why I still have not played KoToR despite all the praises. (And I can't even play 5 min of any WWII based games... No matter how good they are.) Not being interested in the settings of the game is pretty important deciding factor.

And yeah, there is definitely a lot of "consolish" feel to the game. Though it really isn't any worse than ME2.
Oct 18, 2006
Fair enough. I couldn't get into anything Star wars related. That is why I still have not played KoToR despite all the praises. (And I can't even play 5 min of any WWII based games… No matter how good they are.) Not being interested in the settings of the game is pretty important deciding factor.

Most of the time yes, but not always. I've been a huge Star Wars fan for most of my existence, yet I found KotOR to be merely average.

I think I'm pretty good at seeing things for what they are, and not wearing fanboy glasses just because something has a particular theme. I do plan on giving Alpha Protocol another chance someday though.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I basically agree with most of the points exception #1. I didn't really like Steven Heck but will admit that some of the dialog with him is truly hilarious.

I will say I liked AP more than ME2 by far even though it was shorter in the end. Replay value looks like it is there but not really that high (sort of like Deus Ex) as there is more illusion of choice than real choice.
Apr 23, 2010
I personally wouldn't call Alpha Protocol a better game than Mass Effect 2. I've finished both and they both have their ugly sides.

However, Mass Effect 2 was a bigger disappointment than Alpha Protocol. It's main story, the main strength of Mass Effect 1, was utter crap. And that's putting it lightly.

And JDR13, I know how you're feeling. I tried to like the Saudi Arabia missions, but couldn't. I was about to give up on it too, but it really gets better right after that. So when you get a bit of time in the future, I'd really recommend to play it a bit further.
Last edited:
Dec 30, 2009
I personally wouldn't call Alpha Protocol a better game than Mass Effect 2. I've finished both and they both have their ugly sides.

However, Mass Effect 2 was a bigger disappointment than Alpha Protocol. It's main story, the main strength of Mass Effect 1, was utter crap. And that's putting it lightly.

And JDR13, I know how you're feeling. I tried to like the Saudi Arabia missions, but couldn't. I was about to give up on it too, but it really gets better right after that. So when you get a bit of time in the future, I'd really recommend to play it a bit further.

Thanks for the reassuring words. Was not planning on playing AP soon, but now ive changed my mind. And indeed, ME2 was crap story wise anyways compared to ME1.
Jan 8, 2009
The Netherlands
If Tom Chick wrote less and knew more - I'd be more inclined to take anything he said about games seriously.
I just want to get this out of my system

The wording sounds as if this was a virus.

Interesting approach.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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