Chris Roberts new game

The online focus is a serious dealbreaker. I just don't care.
Sep 28, 2009
Yes. He's made it clear that the single player will be missions, ala WC1-4, while the open universe free roaming stuff is going to be tied to an MMO.

I don't want to deal with player driven economies. I don't want to deal with other human beings at all.

What I'd like is a new WC: Privateer. Not some stupid MMO.
Sep 28, 2009
It's not a MMO.

It is like Freelancer, except that there will be a persistent public server. Offline mode and private servers are supported just like in Freelancer.
Oct 13, 2007
That's the thing, I'm VERY interested in the MMO part, but VERY NOT interested in it being open PvP
Sep 23, 2008
Sounds and looks amazing, but it's yet another bunch of promises on a huge pile of them.
Some news.

They started a Kickstarter, because of the popular demand for it. Official website and Kickstarter both count for the stretch goals.
They also had their first update, where they added a section about the project on the Official website with the FAQ to better describe it.

AMA on reddit with Chris Monday and website updates as well (the forum is moving to vbulletins). The UI dev have a thread on the forums where he gave/give some information as well.
Oct 13, 2007
I liked the Wing Commander games so I was excited at first but I am starting to have second thoughts.

I don't care at all about on-line, co-op or multiplayer gameplay and I am only interested in the SP campaign "Squadron 42". However, to my knowledge, nothing substantial is known yet about this off-line campaign and I have thus no reason to assume they will provide a well executed Wing Commander experience with the same scope.

I have no intention of pledging if the majority of that money is used to finance on-line gameplay.
Jun 22, 2011
Madrid, Spain
…I am only interested in the SP campaign "Squadron 42". However, to my knowledge, nothing substantial is known yet about this off-line campaign and I have thus no reason to assume they will provide a well executed Wing Commander experience with the same scope.

Well we know a little bit. The offline and online-games are the same form what I gather from it and Squadron 42 is the first thing they want to work on going by the stretch goals explanations.

From the the official website (link in my previous post):

The project also includes Squadron 42, a single player campaign that takes place within the Star Citizen universe. Able to be played off-line or with friends, you essentially sign up to fly for the UEE fleet, manning the front lines, protecting settlements from Vanduul warbands. If you prove yourself, you might get asked to join the legendary 42nd Squadron. Set up like the French Foreign Legion, they can always be found in the toughest war zones and always manage to come out on top. Once you complete your tour however, you re-enter the persistent Star Citizen universe with some money in your pocket and Citizenship to find your way.

The great thing about this is that you don’t have to do Squadron 42.
“The single-player military campaign sits inside this open world architecture in a holistic fashion.”

You can basically decide that you’re going to be a merchant or pirate and never join the military. Having that choice for the player is fantastic. What we’re talking about here is a combination of everything that made Wing Commander great along with everything that made Privateer great. The single-player military campaign sits inside this open world architecture in a holistic fashion.

While you will probably spend a majority of time in the cockpit there will be first-person mechanics built into the game. When you are flying on some of the bigger ships (transports, carriers, etc.), you will be able to wander the halls of the ship while a friend pilots, jump on a turret if you get attacked, even repel attempted boarders if needed.
Oct 13, 2007
Well we know a little bit. The offline and online-games are the same form what I gather from it and Squadron 42 is the first thing they want to work on going by the stretch goals explanations.

From the the official website (link in my previous post):

Yes, I had read the description that you posted and there are some phrases that worry me, namely:

…… Able to be played off-line or with friends……


…… Once you complete your tour however, you re-enter the persistent Star Citizen universe with some money in your pocket ……

I liked the story driven aspect of Wing Commander and I have a hard time seeing how a co-op gameplay with friends can be made compatible with such approach. Regarding the second phrase, I can't help but interpret that as the off-line campaign being a short and shallow intermezzo within the larger on-line world. Hopefully I am wrong but I need more info before I am convinced.
Jun 22, 2011
Madrid, Spain
The way I understand it, the Squadron 42 campaign is inside the "sandbox" universe. The whole thing can be played offline, co-op or online on servers. It's exactly how Freelancer worked.

As for the co-op, Chris explained how friends would join you and they act more like wingmen (or your ship crewmembers if it is big enough) in place of AI controlled equivalent. This is his quote on the subject:
Chris Roberts:
“There will be two options for your friends to help you out -

1) Warping (or in WC terms auto-piloting) in from close by to your battle instance. If your friend is on the other side of the galaxy he wont be able to get to you. You’ll need to be in-system, or maybe a jump away (and this will delay you – you essentially have to get to the system of your friend and the then warp to join)

2) Drop into your friends ship (if its big enough for this) to man a turret, or on the bigger player ships maybe pilot a small fighter tender. This is drop in drop out style co-op, that leaves your friend’s ship docked where it was when he answered your call to arms.”

You might find the Unofficial Star Citizen FAQs interesting. It's a compilation of questions/quotes from various places. You can also contact them through Kickstarter easily (contact me link). Chris is also sometimes in the comment section answering questions and on the official forums along with a few other devs.

Although, they do have a lot of ambitious ideas (some stolem from Jump to Lightspeed). Hopefully the secrets investors have a lot of money to waste on this ;) Otherwise we will only get a the offline Squadron 42 campaign in 2014 and the rest later (according to the FAQs).

Also, official "lore" entry. It's a story.
Oct 13, 2007
This is Chris Roberts, insta back. Plus I love the way he talked about cockpits...seriously who thought it was cool to go away from that?
Apr 17, 2007
My big question is regarding the private servers. What does one require? Could I just keep playing in my own, private little world? Can one PC handle playing the game and acting as the server?

I went ahead and "invested" in the game. Now I have to upgrade my PC before the game comes out! I hope it comes out soon. ;)
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
The game is now funded. Yippe!

Kickstarter have $625,131 and the website have $1,474,409. So over the initial 2 millions required to get funded.

@Zloth If you are playing alone on the server having both the server and your client on the same PC should be possible. Actually, I think that is what Freelancer "single player" game was doing in the background. It was starting the "server" part for you to play in all alone.
Oct 13, 2007
The game is now funded. Yippe!

Kickstarter have $625,131 and the website have $1,474,409. So over the initial 2 millions required to get funded.

@Zloth If you are playing alone on the server having both the server and your client on the same PC should be possible. Actually, I think that is what Freelancer "single player" game was doing in the background. It was starting the "server" part for you to play in all alone.

haven't checked in a while, is it set in stone that the 'mmo' part is full open pvp? It's the only thing keeping me from pledging.
Sep 23, 2008
haven't checked in a while, is it set in stone that the 'mmo' part is full open pvp? It's the only thing keeping me from pledging.

It's not really a "mmo" part. They are just going to run their own multiplayer servers. Anyhow, here is what Chris says about PvP (quotes coming from Kickstarter comments section). I guess that modded servers could disable the full PvP.

Q: JHewett Hello all I have 1 BIG question. I used to play freelancer and this seems like the game I have been waiting for (for sooo long). The thing is - I used to play mainly solo. I get what you are trying to do with the persistent world etc, but I don't want to die because I suck at PVP. So - here is the question. With the private server option, will I be able to experience the full game (minus multiplayer elements) in terms of open world exploration and trade?.

A CR: On your own server yes. If there aren't real players available the universe server will populate the battle instances or space locations with NPCs. I'm brainstorming here (so don't hold me to it) but it should be possible to run your own instance as essentially a SP game with the client and server on both on your machine. This is the way CryEngine is set up anyway - even the demo I showed, which was SP was running under a server client set up. Doing this would allow you to train before getting into the universe with other live players. But I have to add that there will definitely be areas in teh persistent universe that you will be safe from PvP

On PVP its going to be organic. There wont be any disabling of the possibility of this, but if you try to take out someone in a heavily policed system (say in the main parts of the empire) you wont last very long as the full force of the Empire will come down on you, plus the game will put a bounty on your head and every other player that wants to earn a credit will be on your tail ( unless you can hide your tracks with an electro-skin :) )
Of course if you venture into the outer edges of the galaxy there are no checks or balances on PvP - the strongest will win and beware pirates!

Also, the last Kickstarter update had a link to pledge ships information.
Oct 13, 2007
If you just make your own server and play on that, "full open PvP" doesn't mean a whole lot. I presume there will at least be some AI opposition in that situation.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
If you just make your own server and play on that, "full open PvP" doesn't mean a whole lot. I presume there will at least be some AI opposition in that situation.

yes but I do want the online option, to play with other people, trade, socialize. I just don't want to go to the restroom and come back with my ship blasted to smithereens and 4 hours wasted.
Sep 23, 2008
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