Gothic 3 - Review @ Game Zone


August 31, 2006
The Land of AZ, USA
Game Zone has posted a review of Gothic 3. With a fairly reasonable 7.7 score, the reviewer said:
Defeating creatures and completing quests will gain you experience points, which in turn can be converted over to skill points. They are the same typical skills that games of this type all have so there is nothing unexpected here, what was nice though, is when you find new weapons or items, it is clearly shown whether or not you possess the adequate skill to wield it. You can hold on to it until you improve enough, or you can sell it to one of the many traders that are all over the game for gold. In fact, I would like to thank the developers for coming up with a simple yet effective trading system. Nothing worse then an overblown trading system.

The game is rated T for teens, and I think it should be noted that there is quite a bit of blood and violence, fighting against humans will result in you winning without making a final killing blow, you can choose to execute that final blow, but chances are you won't make any friends by doing so. Of course, there are some instances where it is completely necessary. When it comes to fighting monsters, this feature simply does not exist. Apparently in the middle ages you can kill wolves to the point of extinction and no one will give a crap, but kill the wrong human even if you are defending yourself, then all sorts of problems could come your way. The game possess some complications that others do not.
More information.
Aug 31, 2006
The Land of AZ, USA
There is so many things you can do; I would say it's like Morrowind, but this series has always operated this way, so I'd say that Morrowind is like Gothic.

Finally, a reviewer who sees the proper heirarchy of things!!! :D
Oct 20, 2006
Midwest, USA
Nicely done review, best I can tell its based on the US release.
Oct 18, 2006
We all know that violence is a natural component in the american society. ;)
But geeez, imagine there would be a brothel in g3, then there would be noooo way
they give a T.
Oct 29, 2006
"But geeez, imagine there would be a brothel in g3, then there would be noooo way
they give a T."

Well no kidding according to the evangelical christans here sex is evil, you should be ashamed to want it, desire it, need it or god forbid have it on a regular basis with someone you care about enjoying yourself. ;)

Of course you could use Object reality based scientific knowledge but that is SO yesterday! :D
Oct 18, 2006
We all know that violence is a natural component in the american society. ;)
But geeez, imagine there would be a brothel in g3, then there would be noooo way
they give a T.

Well, that would be true based on the standards as currently ascribed, and the standards boards *should* use the written rules for evaluating things ... whether or not the rules make any sense is another issue ...
Oct 18, 2006
Without creating a long discussion here, I just have to say that I personally find rules of sexuality and nudity strange compared to violance. Do I want my children affected by violence and shoot someone, or do I want them to have sex with someone?

At any rate, this is probably not the right place or time to discuss laws and regulations. Good review by the way.
Oct 18, 2006
Most responsible parents dont want their young kids watching sex and violence in games, or in movies, or any other medium of entertainment. I dont see what the problem is with notifying them of such content when they are out getting gifts for their children.

It isnt an "evangelical" or otherwise religious thing, it's a responsible parenting thing.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Without creating a long discussion here, I just have to say that I personally find rules of sexuality and nudity strange compared to violance. Do I want my children affected by violence and shoot someone, or do I want them to have sex with someone?

Violence has immediate and visible consequences. Kids see violence and know that as a result, someone gets hurt.

Superficially sex seems like its okay and without consequences. But there are all kinds of hidden meanings and dilemas that sexual relations open up. Lots of things that very young kids are just not ready for.

Do you really think these games explain that "doing it" can possibly get a girl pregnant? Are you ready to talk to your kid about that -- even if he is 10 years old or younger?

See what I mean. Its not so cut and dry.
Oct 18, 2006
North Carolina, USA
Not to put words in May's mouth, but I'm guessing he's pondering the seeming imbalance in US attitudes on violence and sex/nudity. As a father of young ones myself, I can say that it seems our society is much more accepting of violent images in the entertainment our children consume than they are with sexual images. And I also think that's backwards. If I wrote the rules, I'd be much more concerned that my children can be inundated with almost non-stop, high-intensity violence and mayhem by just watching Saturday morning cartoons than with there being open prostitution in a video game.
Oct 18, 2006
Is it possible that after thousands of years of evolutional history that todays kids are somehow cappable of being simultaneously old enough to have sex yet not cappable of understanding it?

If that is even possible then it can only speak to the current quaitly of parenting and the society.

Hell if I had kids they sure the hell wouldn't be watching TV here in the US with all the bullshit propaganda.

Would I want my kids to get hurt from a relationship, of course not but the only cure and prevention is good honest knowledge.

Children learn responsibility from truths, they learn irresponsibly and antisocial behavior from lies.
Oct 18, 2006
Exactly, chamr.

I do understand your point elkston, but when children get constant access to movies, games, series, cartoons and so on that shows violence as a perfectly okay thing to do, they will most likely be affected over time. Brainwashing a human is not as hard as it may seem, especially children - our laws of morality are not unbreakable, and with the amount of violence we show our children it seems rather strange that we are suddenly afraid of them being affected by sexual content.

How to solve this? People are affected by various medias, and removing violence from the medias is probably not an option, so maybe the best way to go would be some sort of counterweight. By that I mean the violent people/aspects of the movies/games always being on the losing side for instance, so you show violence as a losers way to go instead of the winners'.

I don't know really, I'm just throwing out suggestions.
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Oct 18, 2006
well when probably over half the 'dramas' on television are crime related toning down violence seems kind of hard. it does help to further the black and white, good versus bad themes though in the media. non-violent options to conficts need to be addressed more like you said maylander. sit-coms on the other end rarely deal with any actual problem solving or conflict resolutions other than superficial or ridiculous situations. that said there are some good shows on tv, i myself have 2 1 hour shows i watch each week.

while lots of people have bipolar views on sexuality and violence, it can be said for most people that sexuality is more personal, embarassing, intimate, and less risky. for example a boy could be seen as a bully if he beats up on those smaller than him, but he is praised if he sticks up for him self when someone picks on him. so lots of kids are only given two options, take it or stand up and use violence. there is rarely a way for teachers, students, or parents to help the situation. the rewards for being violent in these situations unfortunately are usually much higher than being a 'punching bag' or being a 'coward'.

girls however aren't usually violent, there 'agressive' behavior could be looked at as sexual. (in nature males fight each other for the affection of a female who has to find/attract a mate). but if a girl is sexually 'aggressive' or 'forward' than she is often reffered to as a slut. this is the imbalance and hypocrisy in society. both genders have natural tendencies towards these two and to be an advocate of one while being conservative with the other is unfair and not natural and why the average person is sexually repressed and a violence junkie.

the ancient greeks were at least both!
Oct 26, 2006
Yup, it’s a type of intentional propaganda called "Consumption through Fear" or better known as Consumerism. :)

A sort conartist shakedown technique, Sacrum with the right hand and they will buy/believe anything the left hand has/says.
You just have to look for the person whom benefits from a situation and ask if a situation benefits society or individual(s).

It obvious an proven that if we are exposed to problem solving and cooperative solutions all societies benefit, but if we are taught to compete against each other then we learn to turn against each other, which is how a society is divided.
So whom benifits from socities working against each other, instead of together a known solution to any problem?

How does the it go.

“The people can always be brought to do the bidding of the leaders.
That’s easy…..
All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked….and denounce the peacemakers makers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.
It works the same in any country.”
Hermann Goering, Nuremburg.

Or more recently as J Ashcroft, Attorney General at the Senate Judiciary Committee 12/6/2001 as he crapped all over the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

“To those who scare peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message to you is this: Your tactics only aid the terrorists----for they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve.
They give ammunition to America’s enemies.”

Notice any similarities? ;)

Hate, selfiousness and greed are powerfiul recruting tools and are the easiest ones to train to react violently.
Oct 18, 2006
I think you might be assuming a bit much by putting forth the theory (i guess) that television is some sort of barometer which the hearts and minds of the country can be gauged. Not only that, but you think it should be used as some sort of mass social conditioning tool, where man woman and child all sit down and get their nice dose of non-violent, non-action oriented, happy, gender-neutral programming for the night, where everyone rides off into the sunset in the end.

Now that's entertainment! No thanks, Big Brother.

Youre reading too much into the T rating on freakin' games, for crissake.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Aw jeez ... there is a politics forum to go around insulting other countries - can we leave it there?!?!
Oct 18, 2006
Yes, please post all political comments in that forum, so I can have some fun with them!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
I don't think anyone here has actually insulted another country in here - only the US has been mentioned, and only Americans have posted about the US.

I always tend to get carried away when a discussion gets started, but I wouldn't mind this being moved to the other forum. :)
Oct 18, 2006
I don't think anyone here has actually insulted another country in here - only the US has been mentioned, and only Americans have posted about the US.

I was making an (incorrect) assumption - but someone making a statement insulting a country or religion or whatever, regardless of whether or not they are part of it, isn't something that really belongs in the games sections ...
Oct 18, 2006
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