Kickstarter - Brenda Brathwaite and Tom Hall RPG

I find it odd that some people believe that a kickstarter project has only upsides, no downsides. As if you put in your money, and if it succeeds that's great, if it fails no harm done, you're just out a couple bucks. But that isn't true. You don't see the productive uses that money could have gone to by having saved it and spent it elsewhere, perhaps on a kickstarter with little more credibility and a little more polish. There are tradeoffs.

I personally backed quite a few projects on Kickstarter - some of them known, some of them experimental. But with some projects I look at the videos and support the project, here I support the people because their track record speaks more than any kind of video.

I've also seen some of the projects slipped and slipping away. So no, I am not worried about downsides.

I personally split kickstarter into two categories:

1 - donations (unknown or experimental projects by unknown or little known teams with unclear results)
2 - preorders (well-known or experienced teams who KNOW how to make games and there is only very little risk they won't deliver)

In my book, Wasteland 2, Double Fine Adventure, Pinkerton Road, this new RPG, Project Eternity etc. fall into the 2nd category

I know that it is NOT what KS originally meant to be, but it evolved when the big guys took over. Still, whenever I see some interesting project which really resonates with me (and it doesn't mean only game) I always consider donation.
(The same applies for Indiegogo site)

However, these people made some of my most beloved games so not supporting would have been a big mistake in my book. ;)
Jan 10, 2008
I find it odd that some people believe that a kickstarter project has only upsides, no downsides. As if you put in your money, and if it succeeds that's great, if it fails no harm done, you're just out a couple bucks. But that isn't true. You don't see the productive uses that money could have gone to by having saved it and spent it elsewhere, perhaps on a kickstarter with little more credibility and a little more polish. There are tradeoffs.

It seems like you have some sort of personal attachment to this game, for what reasons I don't know. I personally hope they succeed. As to similarities in the story? So what, if it plays well. Every game has similarities.
Apr 17, 2007
It seems like you have some sort of personal attachment to this game, for what reasons I don't know. I personally hope they succeed. As to similarities in the story? So what, if it plays well. Every game has similarities.

It is certainly true that "every game has similarities" with respect to the plots. Genres have tropes and conventions. Authors are inspired by previous works and make references to them. That in itself is not a bad thing.

What does look bad is the appearance of being lazy/unprepared, which is the cumulative effect of an unpolished pitch video, heavy on name dropping but light on relevant details, an ill-timed kickstarter launch without basic information in place and some odd stretch goals, the absence of daily updates or responses to backer comments, and most recently, a plot outline that seems heavily derivative of their last game's.

All suggests that they haven't put much thought and effort into this. Maybe that's acceptable to you but it isn't for me. Let them miss the target, learn from their mistakes, and come back with something better to show us. You'd get a better game.
Jun 2, 2011
You're starting to seem like someone with an agenda, and most of your complaints are pure bullshit.

Absence of daily updates? They've had 5 in 5 days. Ill-timed? For who? You?

The only thing I agree with is that they didn't have a lot of information in the initial presentation. However, they provided plenty of info within the next 24 hours after that.

Heavily derivative? I see some basic similarities, but this is still a breath of fresh air compared to the other recent RPG kickstarters which are all isometric and mostly fantasy.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Well, that's often been your specialty here in the past.

Shouldn't you be playing XCOM right now? I expect a full report by tomorrow. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Well, that's often been your specialty here in the past.

Shouldn't you be playing XCOM right now? I expect a full report by tomorrow. :)

Well, I think - between us - it's been pretty even ;)

X-Com is not out in EU yet :(

I'm going on my traditional summerhouse trip with some friends tonight, so until sunday - it's going to be nothing but beer and multiplayer… Hehe.

But I'll be giving a full report on Dishonored and X-Com soon. Both games have already been greenlit for purchase.
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