Divinity Divine Divinity Completion Character Honour-Thread

Divine Divinity and Other games


Living Backwards
Original Sin 2 Donor
July 12, 2009
Greetings Watchers :)

Whilst going through my old bookmarks, I stumbled upon a blog I'd started to write on study break back in 2007 which covered my adventures with the first Divine Divinity game. Reading it again, I came up with the idea of making an 'honour-thread' for all of the various characters across the Watch out there that have conquered the game.

My character from my first and thus far only playthrough:

Veenya-Marie - Amazonian Warrior.
Level 46 Warrior
Vitaity: 948
Magic: 163
Strength: 149
Agility: 71
Intelligence: 9
Constitution: 119
Offense: 59
Damage: 113-186
Defense: 51
Armour: 216
Lightning Resistance: 110
Fire Resistance: 120
Poison Resistance: 25.
Spirit Resistance: 80
Reputation: 27

Although this is approaching spoilerish territory, to make the thread potentially useful to visitors, we could also include the tactics/strategies used to defeat the Circle of 5. I remember the last quarter of the game gave me some difficulty at the time and so I had to constantly experiment.
Taken from my blog entry, my cheese tactic consisted of the following for Josephina and the Amphibian Nightmare (the Demon of Lies…)

1. Allocate remaining stamina potions to F1.
2. Drink Strength potion. Engage Dialogue.
3. After Dialogue finishes, drink Shadows Potion.
4. Charge in and stand just below Josephina.
5. Begin using warrior's special swing without clicking on her.
6. Watch those hitpoints go down! Use F1 where necessary to regain stamina from the swings.

Let's see some more heroes recorded for the ages! :D

PS: If this isn't the right section for the thread - hopefully a mod can redirect or sticky it accordingly.
Jul 12, 2009
Not really a direct reply to your post, but I want to thank you for turning me on to this game. I just got it from GOG the other day and am really enjoying it. It's like a Diablo that's actually interesting. And you can pause! Hallelujah!

Nice game. I just cleared out the cursed abbey and the surrounding countryside, playing a warrior mage. It's a little old and rusty, but it has me HOOKED.
Jan 26, 2010
Downtown Chicago, IL
Hoorah!… I finally got around to finishing DD. :sweatdrop:

Very good game overall, but the final 15-20% of the game lowered my opinion somewhat. It's almost as if Larian ran out of creativity and just decided it would be a good idea to make the end-game one long and monotonous dungeon slog.

Also, some of the bosses towards the end were ridiculous in terms of the difficulty spike they presented.

Looking forward to diving into DKS now…


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Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Hoorah!… I finally got around to finishing DD. :sweatdrop:

Very good game overall, but the final 15-20% of the game lowered my opinion somewhat. It's almost as if Larian ran out of creativity and just decided it would be a good idea to make the end-game one long and monotonous dungeon slog.

Also, some of the bosses towards the end were ridiculous in terms of the difficulty spike they presented.

Looking forward to diving into DKS now…

How long was it?
How long was it?

Impossible for me to say with any strong degree of accuracy, but I'm guessing at least 60+ hours, not including reloads. The save games don't record play time, and it was an "off and on" playthrough for me.

It was definitely a little too long though.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Huzzah! Finally another entry to our honour roll. Good stuff JDR13. Care to elaborate on your main strategies for taking out the Demon of Lies?

I think I actually got stuck on the fight with Josephina for longer than I did that one...but used the same concept (as above) to beat them both.
Jul 12, 2009
Yeah, Josephina was a real pain, and so were Moriendor and Cornelius to a lesser degree.

I eventually beat her by using Flash Attack to teleport next to her before she could cast her spells. I'd get in a lot of hits that way before she could do any damage.

I didn't find the Demon of Lies to be as difficult. I just used hit & run tactics until he was dead. A lot of restoration and shadow potions helped there.

I'd say Josephina was the most frustrating battle in the game for me though... she actually had me close to going aggro on my keyboard at one point. :D
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Impossible for me to say with any strong degree of accuracy, but I'm guessing at least 60+ hours, not including reloads. The save games don't record play time, and it was an "off and on" playthrough for me.

It was definitely a little too long though.


Sounds pretty meaty… I should probably try playing again… I don't even remember why I stopped the last time.
Sounds pretty meaty… I should probably try playing again… I don't even remember why I stopped the last time.

Other than the endgame, I thought it was really good throughout. If it wasn't for that last section being such a grind it might have been in my top ten.

As far as 2D isometric crpgs go, it's definitely one of the best.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Other than the endgame, I thought it was really good throughout. If it wasn't for that last section being such a grind it might have been in my top ten.

As far as 2D isometric crpgs go, it's definitely one of the best.

I know exactly what you mean ... but for me it is in my top 10 *in spite* of the ending being such a grind. It happens to so many games where you hit 'obvious endgame start point', KotOR, VtM:Bloodlines, and on and on ...
Oct 18, 2006
Over the last couple of weeks I've been replaying Divine Divinity as a Mage in order to chronologically prepare for my first shot at the Dragon Knight Saga.

Thus, getting this thread back on topic - here is another character for the Honour Roll! :)

Wading through waves of monsters getting up to the Circle of 5 was probably more tedious than the fights with the bosses themselves, which proved much easier this time around with a variety of spell-power to choose from.

I encountered some difficulty with the first Josephina encounter and had to explore elsewhere for awhile, but she fell after alot of experimenting. (Lightning/Burning wall)

Here was my method for her second incarnation in the Black Lake dungeon and the Demon of Lies:

1. Use Survivor's Curse a few times to lower magical resistance. (I had mine at level 3)
2. Target with Freeze. (Level 5) If unsucessful, try step 1. again....
3. Target with Leech Life (Level 5)
4. Finish off with favourite spell (in my case, it was Elemental Bolt at level 5)

Looking forward to seeing if DKS is as immersive and fun as Divine Divinity is. :)


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Jul 12, 2009
I just finished after being stuck at Joesephina for about 6 months! Here's my character:
Level 46 Warrior
Experience: 33140328
Vitality: 902/902
Magic: 124/767
Strength: 170
Agility: 86
Intelligence: 52
Constitution: 100
Offense: 80
Damage: 163-222
Defense: 74
Armour: 267
Lightning Resistance: 55
Fire Resistance: 60
Poison Resistance: 53
Spirit Resistance: 75
Reputation: 32

The only problem I had was with Joesphina and after reading up a bit found that potions of shadow and the warriors special move eventually took care of her. Everyone else I just polymorphed and then beat into a pulp, including the Demon of Lies.

I never did find my teleportation pyramid... my only unfinished quest :(

Still, this is one of the best CRPGS I've ever played and one of the few that I've actually finished, along with Eschalon I & II.
Aug 14, 2012
SE Michigan, USA
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