Sacred 2 - Tips?

As for tips - I'll let you know in a couple days!

If you need any tips feel free to ask me! I have played it now some 60 hours thus far and am level 38. I learned a lot of stuff about the game thus far, and there is A LOT to learn!

The funny thing about Sacred 2, it seems no one is sure how anything in the game works :D. Search for an answer to your question and you may find 3 different answers all saying different things. The Sacred Wiki seems to be offline now so there's no real "go-to source" for information. Half the fun/challenge is figuring out how the complicated game mechanics work :D

All I can say is, Good luck!!!
i liked my time w/ Sacred 2, unfortunately i had to quit it early due to it running too horribly on my old pc. I think my new rig would chew it up tho, I've been hankering to play it. Thanks for reminding me ='.'=

As for tips - I'll let you know in a couple days!

Sacred 2 was running horrible on most PC when it came out it took good amount of patches to make it run at normal frame rate.Back than prettiest games where Far cry 2 and Crysis and I was running them on highest setting without problems and I could run S2 on mid/high settings with barely 30-40 fps with drops bellow 20.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
It seems be running great now, that said I'm running it on a nuclear powerhouse of a computer. I do agree with the previous comment about there being very little information online about the game, and much of what is there is conflicting. That sacred wiki is down, trying to figure out combos and stuff is a pain in the ass.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Just waiting on a great sale for the EU gold edition. I've got the US original, but I'm not happy unless I have everything.
Dec 17, 2009
Sacred 2 is not as good as first game was and yes you can access almost every area .
Things to have in mind :
Faster killer : a blowpipe
Best Tank : sword & shield sheraphim
Thing to be avoided : a mounted mage
Easiest character : shadow warrior
Is smithing worth it? : no , you better stuck amulets in armor & rings in weapons
Trading is always worth it
Is consetration any good ? : absolutely unless you roll a sword & shield sheraphim
which character has mount as a must ? : pistol seraphim
why not dryad's lizard? : because you need your timer reseting fast
which is the most glitched character : shadow warrior with an energy stick
what character is a no no for a starter?: the dog
You can get a companion if you play the inquisitor , doppelganger can become a buff
You do need to loot the catacombs
Defence is how often you are hit and armor deducts damage from hits
Be very careful in the pit and when fighting the flying monster up north , they can and will debuff you , save before diving in .
There are far more undead than mutants but the mutants are more dangerous
Dual yeld and weapon proficiences do not stack
Stuffs skill is useless
Shields are useless for shadow warriors , they can reflect ridiculous amounts of damage anyway
Be sure not to miss the concert !
Not sure it still applies but shadow warrior can (could) become perma invisible
There is a big chain of quests in Elf area where you can get an awesome sword
The only use of bronze level is if you are a noob and you are playing the dog
Jun 22, 2009
Athens (the original one)
Ahhh, that's very disappointing to hear. I played the demo and loved it. I figured the full game would be even better.

What features are missing?

Some basic things I expect in a current game like this, such as it has no mini-map, no zoom of any type, no in-game voices, no tooltips, really bland loot... I currently have in my inventory three different types of leggings to choose from: Red Leggings, Blue Leggings and Purple Leggings, how exciting. Same thing for helms.

No real save system, it has Soulstones, when you run out of these which is easy to do in this type of game, you have to start the level completely over.

Anyway other than the graphics which I really liked I was disappointed in RAW.
Mar 28, 2010
Vancouver , Canada
It seems be running great now, that said I'm running it on a nuclear powerhouse of a computer. I do agree with the previous comment about there being very little information online about the game, and much of what is there is conflicting. That sacred wiki is down, trying to figure out combos and stuff is a pain in the ass.

I would say this. Try not to get too obsessed about building the perfect build. Just experiment and have fun. That's what we're doing and it's been fun so far.

As long as you flat out aren't wasting points on something you have no intentions to use, I would say you're doing fine.

If you find something you aren't sure about, google it. Or ask here. I'll do my best to help.

Some basic things I expect in a current game like this, such as it has no mini-map, no zoom of any type, no in-game voices, no tooltips, really bland loot… I currently have in my inventory three different types of leggings to choose from: Red Leggings, Blue Leggings and Purple Leggings, how exciting. Same thing for helms.

No real save system, it has Soulstones, when you run out of these which is easy to do in this type of game, you have to start the level completely over.

Anyway other than the graphics which I really liked I was disappointed in RAW.

Thanks for breaking it down.

Bland loot and no real save system are big letdowns. I didn't notice bland loot in the demo but what you described doesn't sound good. Is there any unique loot at all? Does it change what your character looks like?

What do you mean by no save system? I know there is no real couch co-op. I mean there is, but you can't save player 2's progress right? How would that work exactly? Would I have to create a new character every time we load up the game?

I noticed no mini-map in the demo but I wasn't too worried about it. There was no mini-map in the original Diablo. True, you would expect most modern games to have one, but one without one isn't a big deal to me.

Thanks again for the breakdown.
If I recall there is a lot of dodging and "stick skills" for some parts. I only played alone so I don't know if you'd be able to mitigate that some with two people running a muck.

The cyberspace puzzley parts are pretty annoying and tedious. Agreed. I mostly just ignored the loot for a while and stopped to put on better clothes/weapons between segments of combat. I'm a "pick up all the pants" type of guy though.

Just played the Too Human demo. Game is pretty killer! Many thanks for the recommendation Trelow.

Too Human is one nice looking game. The art direction is stunning at times. I really enjoyed how the game looks.

Had a few gripes with it though. The implementation of Cyberspace is a little weird. It was kind of tedious to have to go to Cyberspace, turn a wheel which opened one of 3 doors, go back to reality, go in the opened door, explore, go back to Cyberspace, turn the wheel again, etc. I could see that getting confusing and tedious at times.

And also, it was kind of hard to see what I was picking up loot wise because everything was going so fast. Even when I opened a chest and got 5 or more items, the text saying what I picked up scrolled by very quickly. My dad's a slow reader so fast text in his games just doesn't mix well. It was a little confusing trying to figure out what the heck I just picked up.

Lastly, trying to balance myself on the head of a giant robot was frustrating. I know it's not supposed to be easy, but I finally just gave up and killed it the old fashioned way. Which took me about 2 deaths because it was quite challenging.

That's another thing, the user skill required is pretty heavy. I know I know, it's supposed to take skill to play, but my dad prefers action RPGs where stats determine the outcome more than stick skills.

Question, are stick skills featured heavily throughout the game as they (somewhat) were in the demo? Do stats make a big difference or not so much? Can someone with really sub-par stick skills survive?

Just little things like that I found weren't the best, but overall it's more positive than negative and definitely getting a purchase from me!

Thanks again friend :D.
Dec 17, 2009
What do you mean by no save system? I know there is no real couch co-op. I mean there is, but you can't save player 2's progress right? How would that work exactly? Would I have to create a new character every time we load up the game?

What I mean is it has save-points, every time you die it starts you back at the beginning of the level until you run out of Soulstones then you have to start the level over and you lose everything you had received at that point of the level, all the experience, loot, etc, kind of like a mini Ironman mode, and it's a pretty tough game at normal so that happens quite a bit. I've only played single player so don't know how co-op works.
Mar 28, 2010
Vancouver , Canada
What I mean is it has save-points, every time you die it starts you back at the beginning of the level until you run out of Soulstones then you have to start the level over and you lose everything you had received at that point of the level, all the experience, loot, etc, kind of like a mini Ironman mode, and it's a pretty tough game at normal so that happens quite a bit. I've only played single player so don't know how co-op works.

So wait. You get Soulstones, do these Soulstones allow you to continue exactly where you died? Or at the last save-point?

Is there a difficulty level? Do you get better loot the harder the difficulty is?

And what about loot? Is there stuff other than Purple Leggings, Blue Leggings, etc. Are there the Wild Leggings of the Brutal Barbarian, or Horned Helmet of the Battlemage, etc? Does everything have it's own unique art that changes what the character looks like?

Sorry for all these questions. I'll do some google searching now and see if I can find some more information about this game.
If I recall there is a lot of dodging and "stick skills" for some parts. I only played alone so I don't know if you'd be able to mitigate that some with two people running a muck.

The cyberspace puzzley parts are pretty annoying and tedious. Agreed. I mostly just ignored the loot for a while and stopped to put on better clothes/weapons between segments of combat. I'm a "pick up all the pants" type of guy though.

Yeah, same here. I was doing well in the demo to just check my inventory during every break in combat. But for the most part, you have no clue what you picked up until you check your inventory and go through every piece of loot you currently have. It was a little cumbersome. But I can get used to it.

Hopefully I can make up my dad's lack of stick skills with my own stick skills. He hasn't played through the demo yet to even see if it's a game he's interested in, but I hope he is because the demo was really promising. I can't imagine why people hated this game and why it got such low reviews. It really seems like a cool game.
I'm playing bronze, and everything is dying in like one hit of my bow and do nearly no damage. Is bronze this easy all the way through? I just dont like normally playing higher than normal, because its not really more difficult. Youre just hitting things twice as long.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Bronze is very easy. My dad and I played it for 10 levels then switched to Silver. Silver is easy too but there are times where we almost die to tougher enemies and bosses. Still, not the most challenging, but I would recommend playing on Silver. The loot is better on Silver too.
Hey! Some good news for Sacred players. Steam and others sites have finally got Sacred2 gold avaiable for players. It's 10.00 US now on steam and it includes the expansion with dragon character.

Los of info here still.

The multiplayer servers dies a long time ago but Tunngle works and I just read of a guy on steam adding servers on Hamachi. Both for Lan use multiplayer.
Oct 18, 2006
Damn, I wish the Xbox 360 got the expansion for Sacred 2. A dragon character? That's awesome.

My dad and I just got our unique mounts. Took us about 80 hours of playing. My unique mount is a sabretooth cat and his is a "hellhound". Pretty cool stuff. Makes traversing the huge map a little quicker and more efficient, which is nice. Also gives some stat bonuses to our HP and evasion %s, etc.

Fun game!
Just grabbed it with Ice & Blood off Steam the other day; I noticed a new option next to hardcore. Any idea what that does? Only had it open for a few minutes before I had to leave for festivities.
Dec 17, 2009
Just grabbed it with Ice & Blood off Steam the other day; I noticed a new option next to hardcore. Any idea what that does? Only had it open for a few minutes before I had to leave for festivities.
It's expert mode.Decreases cooldowns but any combat art triggers cooldowns in all 3 combat art groups.Good for chars that focus on single combat art group but very bad for others.
May 21, 2012
Sto plains
Does the "hardcore" option only appear on the PC version? What does it do?

The only option I got on the console was to select either Bronze or Silver. Nothing more.

Wish there was a hardcore mode because the game in co-op is very easy. I'm hoping that the higher difficulties are a bit more challenging for us.
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