Underworld Ascendant - Magic Update

Thanks for the answer Dart, I never played UU to any larger extent, so I wasn't aware of the differences. And I do understand you reasoning.

I tend to think of these Kickstarters as a chance to start again with models abandoned, like Ripper said. If PoE delivers a BG clone I'm happy. If that clone
is succesful enough for them to start making sequels that actually evolve the mechanics and the gameplay, then I'm even happier.

For example, I though Shadowrun returns : DMS was good. I though Dragonfall was better. Hopefully, the next installment (Hong Kong) will further improve the gameplay, prehaps making it more open ended and increasing options for how to approach things. That's my wishful thinking with all the nostalgia Kickstarters. WL2 was good, but Fallout good? Nope. But maybe WL3 will be… ;)

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you :)

The potential is there - and even if there's no evolution, I'm happy to see old favorites raised from the dead.

It's just that I was always into gaming to experience that which I've not experienced before, and I was so excited - as a younger person - with the possibilities. I used to imagine gaming as a constant evolution, and I was absolutely certan we'd go WAY beyond what existed 20 years ago.

Naturally, I was disappointed by the business aspect of it, which I was too inexperienced and naive to appreciate when I was a teenager. I became somewhat embittered with the industry as the years went on, and the suits seemed to crush my dreams more and more.

At one point, I realised that there was no obligation to evolve, and that these suits are in it for the profit - and that's ok. That's their choice.

So, I'd more or less made my peace with it, and I accepted that evolution would be extremely slow - if it happened at all.

But Kickstarter ignited my interest because it finally seemed there was a way for projects with a "reasonable" budget to challenge the audience - and to finally start carving a path towards a future where creative vision could once again be part of gaming.

Needless to say, I didn't think it would be used almost exclusively to remake what's already been done.

But I'm still a much happier gamer than I used to be, especially now that games like Star Citizen are happening.

That game actually went beyond my greatest hope for crowdfunding - and everything I hear from the developers sounds exactly like what I want to hear :)

But I'd love for smaller pioneering projects like Underworld Ascendant to make it, and to show the audience that there are greater things out there than they might be aware of.
I pledged Deathfire and was sorry to see it fail.

I'm not worried that the Ascendent KS will fail, though. Here's how I track it. Each morning I divide the amount of money still needed by the number of days remaining. If this number is trending up it means they're falling short; if it is trending down it means they're on track to hit or exceed their funding requirement. In the Ascendent case the number has been trending down for the last week, and trending down more quickly over the last couple of days. If they get a solid spike at the close, as often happens, my guess is they wind up at around $750k.

I would have been a lot happier if this had turned into a barn-burner like the Torment KS, but I'll take what I can get.
Nov 30, 2009
It appears now that they will in fact make their 600k - they are currently at 556k with 8 days left to go. That leaves 44k to go, or $5,500 per day. Still wish this had soared on through into the stretch goals but I'll be happy just to have another underworld game.
Oct 18, 2006
Yes, they should make it. Add in another +20% for the final days and they could reach 700,000+. Possibly they could reach the Necropolis of the Ancients; I'd like that.
Mar 22, 2012
587,000 down with a week to go. I think the optimism appears justified. :) Glad that everything picked up over the last few days.
Jul 12, 2009
They collected $30k yesterday. If they keep it at that pace, even the first stretch goal is possible.
May 6, 2013
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