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Faith and the Muse - Annwyn, Beneath the Waves

A little different then theyre first one, this is from what I'm hearing the last cd before they really change their style and get all aggro. This one's even different, a lot less of the medieval sound, a bit more folky paganistic type stuff. A lot more metal too, kinda weird.

Still like Elyria the best
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Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Went to see "The Australian Pink Floyd Show" yesterday. Great music (surprise, surprise), great performance, great visuals. In short; The closest you'll get to a Pink Floyd concert these days. Here's Run like hell (not the best quality).

Not bad. I have to admit that seeing and hearing PF perform The Wall in the LA Sports Arena was the most serious WTF of a show I've ever experienced.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
Got a Spotify invite and promptly went on a Nick Cave bender. Now playing "No More Shall We Part."

Between that and Hellblazer, I'm in a bit of a strange mood. Haven't conjured any demons or committed any murders yet, though...
Oct 19, 2006
Got a Spotify invite and promptly went on a Nick Cave bender. Now playing "No More Shall We Part."

Between that and Hellblazer, I'm in a bit of a strange mood. Haven't conjured any demons or committed any murders yet, though…

In that cave, eh... case, you might want to avoid "Murder Ballads"?
I just stumbled across the most astonishing... incredible... hypnotizing... the most... uh. Well, yes, I know I'm late when it comes to remarkable I-net stuff, but I just can't stop listening to Russian singer Eduard Hil... MUST FIND THE OFF SWITCH... OH MY OH MY OH MY... TROLLOLO...
Aug 31, 2006
I just stumbled across the most astonishing… incredible… hypnotizing… the most… uh. Well, yes, I know I'm late when it comes to remarkable I-net stuff, but I just can't stop listening to Russian singer Eduard Hil… MUST FIND THE OFF SWITCH… OH MY OH MY OH MY… TROLLOLO…

This isn't just something one can simply listen to… it's… I feel so different all of a sudden… I feel so… happy… spring springy… Trololololo…

Luckily I found a Trololo Sing Along

But that wasn't enough. I wanted to meet Trololomates… with whom I could trololo, yes, Trololo-in', and oooh Trololo… YAAAAYYAAAYAAYAAA and Ricehappy's trololo. There are even more on the Trololo fan page! So many people to trololo with.

O my, I feel a new way of living will spread across the planet. Let's play our Trololo king in shopping malls, traffic jams, hospitals…

O, can't you hear the Trololo Subliminal Message?

I have changed, I'm a new person. Thank you so much Jaz, my life will never be the same!
Cut Copy's first album, In Ghost Colours. Electrical pop of some kind. I recognize Daft Punk (Discovery era) and there are loads of other parts that hints of other influences. The album is quite straggling, not the least because they don't economize with effects (especially flangers and the likes). At times it straggles into quite nice territories though and at those times it's quite nice, danceable electro pop. At other times the arrangements are all over the place though, and at yet others their music does *gasp* nothing at all!

Jul 11, 2007
I just stumbled across the most astonishing… incredible… hypnotizing… the most… uh. Well, yes, I know I'm late when it comes to remarkable I-net stuff, but I just can't stop listening to Russian singer Eduard Hil… MUST FIND THE OFF SWITCH… OH MY OH MY OH MY… TROLLOLO…
Jaz, why do you do this to us?!? First it's Daler, and now this?!? Shame on you. :slap:
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Because aliens from outer space FORCE ME TO !!!
Aug 31, 2006
Wow, pibbur, this was great! :D I just love happy songs.
Which makes me think of…
The Paprika Parade!
Aug 31, 2006
I came up largely emptyhanded for streams of this tune. It's a real shame, because (as usual) Amazon manages to avoid all the best parts of the song with their clip. The chorus just soars, so why include it in the clip, eh? Oh well, I guess it's better than nothing.
"Can't Disappear" by Pluramon
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I'm starting to like this Spotiwatchamacallit. Decided on a bit of a change of pace, and am now listening to Glenn Gould playing Johann Sebastian Bach. Lovely. Wish he'd stop humming, though.
Oct 19, 2006
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