Elder Scrolls Online - Editorial @ Pixelgate

I played my Dragon Knight to VR12. The main problem with ESO is that once you play thru all the quests there is no incentive to play again with alts. They should not have done it where the VR lvls are in the other faction areas. That is really lazy game design and Zenimax did that to save time and money.

ESO is a great game to play thru once but it is such a theme park that I had no desire to keep playing after I did all the quests. The quests are really fun btw the first time thru. ESO needed more sandbox game play.

How there was no veteran rank skill lines was just terrible game design. It takes a long time to get a vr rank and there are no new skills to pick up? WTF!! My character had like 30 extra skill points I just sat on because there was nothing that I wanted to spend them on. Why not let your skills morph a 3rd time? That would have been so easy to implement.

If you make a game that is easy to lvl 1-50 then you better have something for the vets to do. The epic items did not even progress your character that much at top lvl. ESO has great potential but if you want to keep your high end players around then it needs a lot of work.

Did not pvp that much so can not comment on that. Last point I would like to make is that the dungeons and Craglorn were just zerg fests. Running from one area to the next as fast as you can is not my idea of fun. Higher end game needs more strategy but I guess that's why I love turn based strategy games.
Aug 28, 2010
Wolf Light Woods
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